Zen - I knew it would kick butt!

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Reply 20 of 24, by sgraffite

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I really hope it does well as I'd like to see AMD be competitive again. I've currently got an E5-2670 which is 8c 16t with no integrated GPU, so there'd be no reason for me to buy this.

Reply 21 of 24, by candle_86

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mockingbird wrote:
That's beside the point. […]
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gdjacobs wrote:

AMD was never primarily a chipset company prior to the ATI purchase. I suspect they created the 750, 760, and 760MP chipsets more to open up the market for CPU sales than to generate revenue.

That's beside the point.

You can't create a CPU with a buggy chipset and then declare yourself a success because your product is theoretically more economical. AMD owes its later success almost only to the fact that people saw them as the underdog. Now they're not the underdog anymore. They have half or more than half of the GPU market, and Intel only does CPUs.

If they want people to buy their CPUs they're going to have to give them a darn good reason to. So far, they've been completely unable to match Intel for the past several years and their CPU platform is extremely stale. If they think that this is 1999 all over again and people are going to flock to them like they did back then so that they can pay the pensions of their retiring engineers then they have something else coming.

That depends, I know alot of die hard AMD guys still rocking the FX8xxx and FX6xxx CPU's just waiting for Zen to drop. I also think AMD will have something compeitive to the i5 6600 but will likely sell it for 20-30 less than Intel does at least, making it a better buy for upgrades. Also the chipsets of 1999 don't exist anymore and they don't rely on doggy VIA/SIS/ALI chipsets anymore and instead make them in house which so far they havn't made a bad chipset since they bought ATI.

Also on a positive note, maybe this means we can have an Nforce 10 series chipset 🤣

Reply 22 of 24, by archsan

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Nope. They've already outsourced the chipset for Zen to ASMedia. 😀

Besides... like hell NVIDIA would do that today. 😁

Also AMD's stock finally begins to take off (well, hoping this is just the beginning). NVDA has been doing extremely good this year... how I wished I had found a way to invest a good deal into it when I was watching the stocks of tech companies last October!

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."—Arthur C. Clarke
"No way. Installing the drivers on these things always gives me a headache."—Guybrush Threepwood (on cutting-edge voodoo technology)

Reply 23 of 24, by nforce4max

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PhilsComputerLab wrote:

I think Zen will be decent, but Intel is not just going to sit idle. Half of their current chips are GPU, so Intel could release a 8 core 16 thread chip very easily. But I think it will make things more competitive which is always a good thing.

Knowing Intel they will just take a 8 Xeon and cut it down design wise for dual channel then push it out on a different socket so people will have no choice but to buy a new board. Frankly this is why LGA 2011 is such a good buy and the cost isn't too extreme. $105 12 core xeon 😎

Before more people yolo the hype train wait until the thermal and power spec for Zen comes out then decide.

On a far away planet reading your posts in the year 10,191.

Reply 24 of 24, by awgamer

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They should stick quad channel on the APUs, 4x DDR4 4000 = 128GB/s