Kids can be creepy sometimes...

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Reply 20 of 70, by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman

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bristlehog wrote:

There are no ghosts and dead people are gone forever. On the other hand, there is such thing as intuition and it works sometimes. However, intuition might not be the case here. What if that girl says 'you have a dead sister' to everyone, and with you she just hit the spot?

Well, that's quite... relieving, I guess, though highly improbable. First, she specifically said 'dead older sister (Mbak, which means older sister in Javanese). Second, she'd been very talkactive all day long and never said anything about dead people until she talked to me. Not only that, but she became really interested to talk about death when she talked to me.

Darn, it never happened before. Ever.

Never thought this thread would be that long, but now, for something different.....
Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman.

Reply 21 of 70, by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman

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F2bnp wrote:

I'm pretty sure DracoNihil is trying to crack a joke. Otherwise, I'd like to hear about that too 😀.

Of course, this is not the kind of thing that you'd go around saying that easily. So, we can rule that out.
I think that because she told you that though, this put you in a weird position, you started feeling creeped out and that's why the rest of what she said sounded creepy too. I mean, she's just a little kid. Does she have a younger brother? Or is it just an imaginary friend (or brother)?

Indeed. Even considering kids generally speak more freely than adults, she never showed any specific interest in death until she talked to me. As for the existence of her younger brother, I'd check with her dad tomorrow, thanks!

Never thought this thread would be that long, but now, for something different.....
Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman.

Reply 22 of 70, by Gemini000

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I know this is going to sound ridiculous, but hear me out...

Me personally, ever since early childhood and usually about four or five times a year, I experience brief moments of extreme perception. My first memory of this happening dates back to around the age of 5 or 6 when I was playing with a plastic dart gun while visiting one of my uncles at his office... when I had the sudden realization I had done that before, even though my uncle had only just given me that dart gun, and it wasn't until later in life when I realized that the reason I felt like I had done that before was because I had previously dreamed about it many months prior!

We were talking about dreams in a different thread, but one of the things that often happens with my dreams is that portions of them COME TRUE. A huge number of my dreams foretell the future in some way, which is a part of the reason why I became interested in interpreting them over a decade ago, and is a part of the reason why I'm terrible at interpreting my own dreams, since what may seem like it should be a personal interpretation, often ends up being linked to a real event that's happened or is going to happen and isn't related to me specifically.

For instance, a little over a year ago, my dreams not only predicted my sister and her husband breaking up, they ALSO predicted them getting back together. The dream foretelling their splitting up happened a week prior to the event, while the dream foretelling their getting back together happened almost two weeks prior to that event. Another good example is a dream I had when I was about 18 years old which had someone in it who was experiencing a life changing event, but this was someone whom I hadn't seen nor spoken to in over a decade, so her appearance didn't make any sense. The next time I talked to Mom just a day or two later I mentioned this dream and sure enough, the person in my dream was about to get married in real life! :o

Now, some people may dismiss this as pure BS or coincidental, but experience has taught me otherwise and I've only given three out of SEVERAL DOZEN examples I could be relating. Besides, there's nothing supernatural about this at all: It's the brain taking a complex set of variables, producing the most logical outcome, and transcribing that outcome during the course of dreaming. It's not fiction, it's Quantum Physics!

With this in mind, Kreshna, I think the kid you've encountered may have a similar gift to my own, where her subconscious is working overtime, drawing conclusions, and presenting those conclusions to her, and in the process, is making her a bit aloof since, as we're ALL aware of to some extent, extreme subconscious thought has a way of overriding conscious thought, making us say and do things in the heat of the moment which we might regret later on. As a CHILD though, you don't yet have the ability to rationalize that what you're saying or doing isn't what you really intended to say or do. There may've been some set of variables she perceived which allowed her to know about your sister, but given that she's just a kid, she doesn't have the wisdom or experience to treat that knowledge respectfully, and because it's at the forefront of her subconscious she can't help but talk about it.

Plus... you could always just ASK her how she knew about your sister. It may simply be that someone told her, or that she overheard someone else mention this fact, and then she just suddenly had an urge to go on about it. *shrugs*

--- Kris Asick (Gemini)
--- Pixelmusement Website: www.pixelships.com
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Reply 23 of 70, by DracoNihil

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I'm not cracking a joke here, really I've nothing to gain by doing so.

It sounds like my own voice screaming as if I were in indescribable pain or something... This started happening around late-2007 and I'm not sure why either... It must be something to do with the dreams I've continued to have since around that time up to now. (the one's where I'm trapped in some familiar place with no means of getting out) I hear the same screams but much much worse in my dreams than in the real world, and they are more unpredictable in said dreams too.

It's actually quite irritating because try going to sleep when you're hearing your own mind scream at you. I've practically become a insomniac because of this.

The more I think about certain things or otherwise try to concentrate on something for more than a few hours the screams happen.

I've since grown use to this anyways, but it's hard trying to live a normal productive life when you can't even sleep at night.

“I am the dragon without a name…”
― Κυνικός Δράκων

Reply 24 of 70, by F2bnp

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Sorry to hear that mate. Have you reached out to someone about this? Kris may be able to help you, he seems quite knowledgeable in dreams 😀.

Reply 25 of 70, by nforce4max

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Gemini000 you are far from the only but very few choose to talk about such experiences let alone be open to the suggestion at all. Been around the block in many but far from all when it comes to such and to discount them saying it is nothing is a mistake. Sure there are a lot of loons out there in all places but not everyone is a crack pot. Some of the experiences are life changing to those who have had them and to others dread, confusion, and rejection. Personally the things that I have seen are the reason why I am not who I was six years ago, after all seeing things that later end up being in the news changes things. Its the things that I have seen that haven't come to pass yet are what worries me and it won't be long before it is in our faces the troubles that I have seen.

On a far away planet reading your posts in the year 10,191.

Reply 26 of 70, by Gemini000

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F2bnp wrote:

Sorry to hear that mate. Have you reached out to someone about this? Kris may be able to help you, he seems quite knowledgeable in dreams :).

I'm not a psychologist though and Draco's issues are beyond the scope of my knowledge to be able to provide useful help. :/

nforce4max wrote:

Gemini000 you are far from the only but very few choose to talk about such experiences let alone be open to the suggestion at all. Been around the block in many but far from all when it comes to such and to discount them saying it is nothing is a mistake. Sure there are a lot of loons out there in all places but not everyone is a crack pot. Some of the experiences are life changing to those who have had them and to others dread, confusion, and rejection. Personally the things that I have seen are the reason why I am not who I was six years ago, after all seeing things that later end up being in the news changes things. Its the things that I have seen that haven't come to pass yet are what worries me and it won't be long before it is in our faces the troubles that I have seen.

Well, here's the thing: I don't pretend to know anything for certain, and that includes my estimation of my own abilities. People cling to certainty because they feel safer when they "know" what's going to happen. Quite often I preface the things I say with "probably" or "almost positive" because I'm never 100% certain what I'm saying is correct, but I try to make an effort to get my facts straight when I can. ;)

The sad fact though is that while there are people out there with gifts of greater clarity, many such people tend to fall into one of three categories:

1. The classic "Fortune Teller" who charges money to give you a prediction of things which may happen in your future while telling you about your present to butter you up. The people who are really good at this often get information about your present very correct, because they're able to read your body language and your appearance and instinctively translate that into a likely scenario of events which created it, but when they read you're future, they're GUESSING, as there's about a zillion and fifty-four-infinity permutations of what could happen.

2. The "Prophet" who claims to have seen a future where some world changing event has transpired. Such people often have powerful dreams related to these events, more powerful and real-feeling than life itself, making them believe those events are really going to happen. Well, by THAT logic, based on my own dreams, this entire planet should eventually be turned into a fiery inferno, gobbled up by a black hole, flooded (twice), and have its rotational spin reversed. Actually, the dream I had about everything turning into an inferno was surprisingly mundane as I basically woke up in the dream, looked outside and was like, "Meh, can't do anything about it, I'm going back to sleep." One of the two dreams with the flooded planet was also Pokémon related. Basically, prophets just have powerful dreams and don't really know anything. :P

3. The "Crazy Person" who in fact, is only crazy because society thinks they are. These tend to be people who have these gifts, but don't understand them, what they do, or what their limits are. As such, they either keep their talents a secret, which doesn't work out so well because it's hard to do so when you see the world very differently from everyone else around you, or they talk about them but people think they're crazy because they don't understand WHY they have the talents they do, thus all they can do is talk about them like they're some magical or divine gift, which isn't the case at all, IE: Crazy Person. >_>;

The thing is, I'm not afraid to talk about my skills because I understand what they are and what their limits are and it's really nothing more than enhanced perception. *shrugs*

I'm not a fortune teller; I can't foresee anyone's future by intent, only by chance, and even then I typically don't even realize I have foreseen it until it actually happens and I'm like, "Oh wait... I knew that was going to happen..." I'm not a prophet either because I don't have the vaguest idea where this planet is headed or what's going to happen to Humanity as a whole... nor do I particularly care to know. I'm also not a crazy person because I don't parade my gift of perception to others, nor do I claim to be able to use it on command, since I can't, nor do I claim it makes me better than everyone else, because it doesn't. It's just something that makes me different. :B

One interesting thing though: From my experiences of seeing the future through my dreams, a curious thing that happens is the instant you realize you've already seen the events transpiring before your eyes, it ALL changes from that point forwards. The realization itself creates a fraction of a microsecond of change which partially or completely alters the sequence of events which are occurring. Basically, being able to foretell the future is possible, but the instant you react to the knowledge you've now changed the future you saw, and thus the only details you ever actually get right are the ones which you cannot affect. In short: Real fortune telling is USELESS and anyone who claims otherwise is lying to you.

--- Kris Asick (Gemini)
--- Pixelmusement Website: www.pixelships.com
--- Ancient DOS Games Webshow: www.pixelships.com/adg

Reply 27 of 70, by snorg

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DracoNihil wrote:
I'm not cracking a joke here, really I've nothing to gain by doing so. […]
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I'm not cracking a joke here, really I've nothing to gain by doing so.

It sounds like my own voice screaming as if I were in indescribable pain or something... This started happening around late-2007 and I'm not sure why either... It must be something to do with the dreams I've continued to have since around that time up to now. (the one's where I'm trapped in some familiar place with no means of getting out) I hear the same screams but much much worse in my dreams than in the real world, and they are more unpredictable in said dreams too.

It's actually quite irritating because try going to sleep when you're hearing your own mind scream at you. I've practically become a insomniac because of this.

The more I think about certain things or otherwise try to concentrate on something for more than a few hours the screams happen.

I've since grown use to this anyways, but it's hard trying to live a normal productive life when you can't even sleep at night.

I never used to put any stock in the paranormal at all, whatsoever. Like a lot of people, I was brought up in a religion but never really placed a lot of stock in any sort of literal heaven or hell. I always figured, when you're dead you're dead and that's all she wrote. To me, at that point belief in an afterlife seemed to be an understandable way for people to deal with losing loved ones and that they too will one day no longer exist. But not necessarily a literal thing. In any case, no way to find out until you pass.

Now a spiritualist/medium or what have you would probably say your particular experience is really bad juju. But I don't claim to have any knowledge of that so I can't say. But it doesn't sound good.

A rationalist/skeptic would probably say it could be the beginnings of schizophrenia or some type of schizoid disorder. If you're in your mid to late 20s and this just started happening recently, then this is a possibility. That type of mental disorder doesn't usually present until later in life.

Back to my own experience, and to why I have a more open mind about these things. A member of the family bought an old house, and were told that an old woman had died in there, nothing more. A young cousin had been doing the "imaginary friend" thing. My cousin didn't think much about it until one day he said "I've been talking to the woman that lives under the sink". She was cleaning and discovered an urn filled with cremains. No one ever told him about the death in the home and he was too young to have known what those were, and from what I gather they were sort of hidden. That would have creeped me the hell out, though. My cousin is not one to make up BS stories so I take this at face value.

Myself, personally, I've seen some crap that I have no way of explaining and really freaked me the hell out. Once, on a vacation, I heard like a strange low-frequency hum, and there was some sort of blue orb floating about 4-5 feet off the ground outside our cabin. Woke every damn dog up.
Now it could have been ball lightning, maybe, I'm not sure. But I've never seen anything like that and the videos I've seen on the internet of ball lightning really didn't look like that. I thought about going outside for a closer look but was quite freaked the fuck out, as you can imagine.

I've also had what can only be described as some sort of night terror, where I'm laying in the bed, paralyzed and there was like this shadow thing creeping towards me.
I broke free of whatever and punched it in the "face" and then immediately woke up. Based on what I've read about sleep paralysis, it sounded kind of like that but I've never EVER had a dream like that before, or since. It was also a lucid dream, hence the punch. Really creepy.

So yeah, you could probably explain those things away but other things I can't. Really strange coincidences and synchronicities. Like I was walking my girlfriend back to the car, she slips on some ice, I catch her and then we get in the car and I turn on the radio and there is an 80s song playing "catch me I'm falling" (not sure if that is the title of the song or just the chorus). And if it was just that one thing, I would shrug it off as coincidence. But there have been *lots* of things like that lately.

So maybe, there is more to this world than just our material physicality, and maybe there isn't. The universe is really big (infinite) and strange, it may even be a cellular automata. And if that is the case, then nothing would surprise me.

Reply 28 of 70, by sliderider

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bristlehog wrote:

There are no ghosts and dead people are gone forever. On the other hand, there is such thing as intuition and it works sometimes. However, intuition might not be the case here. What if that girl says 'you have a dead sister' to everyone, and with you she just hit the spot?

I wouldn't be so sure about that. I personally had an encounter with a shadow person about 2 months ago. Scared the hell out of me.

Reply 29 of 70, by Malik

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There are certainly many things that are happening around us that can't be explained. The Cases of the Reincarnation Type series is one of the fascinating examples.

Then there're the mediums who take the voice of the actual deceased and recounting the past incidences of their lives to the clients, who have not been acquainted with the medium before.

As for me, I have seen a few incidences of unusual floating and movement of light in the sky. There was this time at night when I saw a yellow light, and at first I thought it was a plane. But the light gradually slowed down and came to a standstill. It seemed to be floating without any movement for a while. There was no sound. It was too high to be a helicopter. And after about a couple of minutes, it took a very high acceleration and went another direction. Still not a buzz or hum or any noise. I don't know what it was.

And i've heard of a woman's crying voice several times around my room, usually at dawn. Sometimes I can hear the footsteps, also around the same time. And it's not from the family members. Usually this is what that wakes me up at those times. I've been longing to move out of this house anyway. 😁

And of course, many of us would have experienced the Deja Vu experiences.

I know there are many who will rubbish off the paranormal activities but unless they've experienced them, they will never believe.

And the reincarnation books are mind boggling. They are very well documented and chronicled. Suggest have look at them. The books are divided into certain parts of the continents.

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Reply 30 of 70, by snorg

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Yeah the reincarnation stuff is pretty trippy. I remember reading an account somewhere that when they were attacking Berlin during WW II, Patton had an overwhelming sense that he had been there before, but as a Roman general.

The concept of reincarnation has always freaked me out a bit, it seems like an endless loop that you could never get out of. And also, if each soul is unique, then how exactly does reincarnation account for that? That just seems a bit odd.

I have often thought, though, that that's about the only way you can reconcile a benevolent god with the existance of hell. Hell is sometimes spoken of as being separation from God, and if you are reincarnating but continually making the same mistakes that put you back on the loop to incarnating on this plane, then that would be a hell of sorts. But you're choosing those bad decisions, it isn't forced on you. The only issue I have with that, is that you wouldn't have any way of knowing what you're supposed to do, so it seems a bit dodgy as a process of enlightenment/growth. I guess the other problem I have with it, is karma/reincarnation seems like it would give people license to ignore suffering, since if you're suffering you are obviously working out your karma and therefore deserve it. So yeah, those are the things that bother me about the concept as a whole.

Reply 31 of 70, by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman

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Update: the kid doesn't have a younger brother, so I dont't know whom did she refer to when she mentioned about her little brother who "is not dead and still alive".

Also, her mother is still alive, so I wonder who the dead woman she talked about was.

Also, turned out that she often claims to see ghosts and spirits - at least according to the people working at the consulting firm I partner with. People tend to believe her though, since an employee once heard mysterious footsteps from the cellar in the middle of the night - which confirms her claim.

By the way, the firm's office is an old house located in an old neighborhood. The houses there are mostly old, some even said to have existed since colonial era. So yeah, you got the picture.

Never thought this thread would be that long, but now, for something different.....
Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman.

Reply 32 of 70, by Tetrium

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Gemini000 wrote:
I know this is going to sound ridiculous, but hear me out... […]
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I know this is going to sound ridiculous, but hear me out...

Me personally, ever since early childhood and usually about four or five times a year, I experience brief moments of extreme perception. My first memory of this happening dates back to around the age of 5 or 6 when I was playing with a plastic dart gun while visiting one of my uncles at his office... when I had the sudden realization I had done that before, even though my uncle had only just given me that dart gun, and it wasn't until later in life when I realized that the reason I felt like I had done that before was because I had previously dreamed about it many months prior!

We were talking about dreams in a different thread, but one of the things that often happens with my dreams is that portions of them COME TRUE. A huge number of my dreams foretell the future in some way, which is a part of the reason why I became interested in interpreting them over a decade ago, and is a part of the reason why I'm terrible at interpreting my own dreams, since what may seem like it should be a personal interpretation, often ends up being linked to a real event that's happened or is going to happen and isn't related to me specifically.

For instance, a little over a year ago, my dreams not only predicted my sister and her husband breaking up, they ALSO predicted them getting back together. The dream foretelling their splitting up happened a week prior to the event, while the dream foretelling their getting back together happened almost two weeks prior to that event. Another good example is a dream I had when I was about 18 years old which had someone in it who was experiencing a life changing event, but this was someone whom I hadn't seen nor spoken to in over a decade, so her appearance didn't make any sense. The next time I talked to Mom just a day or two later I mentioned this dream and sure enough, the person in my dream was about to get married in real life! 😮

Now, some people may dismiss this as pure BS or coincidental, but experience has taught me otherwise and I've only given three out of SEVERAL DOZEN examples I could be relating. Besides, there's nothing supernatural about this at all: It's the brain taking a complex set of variables, producing the most logical outcome, and transcribing that outcome during the course of dreaming. It's not fiction, it's Quantum Physics!

With this in mind, Kreshna, I think the kid you've encountered may have a similar gift to my own, where her subconscious is working overtime, drawing conclusions, and presenting those conclusions to her, and in the process, is making her a bit aloof since, as we're ALL aware of to some extent, extreme subconscious thought has a way of overriding conscious thought, making us say and do things in the heat of the moment which we might regret later on. As a CHILD though, you don't yet have the ability to rationalize that what you're saying or doing isn't what you really intended to say or do. There may've been some set of variables she perceived which allowed her to know about your sister, but given that she's just a kid, she doesn't have the wisdom or experience to treat that knowledge respectfully, and because it's at the forefront of her subconscious she can't help but talk about it.

Plus... you could always just ASK her how she knew about your sister. It may simply be that someone told her, or that she overheard someone else mention this fact, and then she just suddenly had an urge to go on about it. *shrugs*

I've had a couple dreams that came true later and it happened exactly like you described!
I dreamed it and a couple weeks later, exactly the same thing happened! Including that deja-vue feeling!

The only thing is, it's been years since I had such a last dream ( was a kid when this happened and it hasn't happened again after this), so I guess for me the party is over 🤣

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Reply 33 of 70, by Gemini000

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Tetrium wrote:

The only thing is, it's been years since I had such a last dream ( was a kid when this happened and it hasn't happened again after this), so I guess for me the party is over lol

Don't be so sure. I've had periods of inactivity with my own perceptive skills and I think the same thing, then I get a blast of it and it's like, "NOPE. I'm BACK, baby!" XD

Funny thing though is that despite my open-mindedness about this sort of stuff, and my own skills, I've never really had what you could refer to as a "supernatural" experience. About the only thing that comes close is hearing a woman call my name when I was four years old, and when I walked out to the living room where all the adults were and asked who called me they were all like, "???"

It's difficult to comment on the supernatural experiences others have had because, quite frankly, there aren't enough facts one way or another to ever prove or disprove they happened, or if they verifiably did happen, there's not enough facts to explain what that event was or wasn't. There's a game I've been debating on covering or not on ADG that supposedly was given to the programmer by aliens... I'm not even kidding. XD

--- Kris Asick (Gemini)
--- Pixelmusement Website: www.pixelships.com
--- Ancient DOS Games Webshow: www.pixelships.com/adg

Reply 34 of 70, by Stojke

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Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman wrote:
Stojke wrote:

Kids can feel more than adults because they aren't under pressure from other things. You can tell a lot about a person just by looking at it and talking with it for a while. Natural mystique in the air 😀

But how did she exactly know I have a deceased sister? It defies any rational explanation. If it happened to you, what would you do?

It simply something you can tell by being with the other person.
I am 100% positive that some times you called some one over the phone when they wanted to call you at that moment, or knew what the other person was thinking of with out saying a thing.
People are connected in more ways than just sight and hearing.

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Reply 35 of 70, by Tetrium

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Gemini000 wrote:
Don't be so sure. I've had periods of inactivity with my own perceptive skills and I think the same thing, then I get a blast of […]
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Tetrium wrote:

The only thing is, it's been years since I had such a last dream ( was a kid when this happened and it hasn't happened again after this), so I guess for me the party is over 🤣

Don't be so sure. I've had periods of inactivity with my own perceptive skills and I think the same thing, then I get a blast of it and it's like, "NOPE. I'm BACK, baby!" 🤣

Funny thing though is that despite my open-mindedness about this sort of stuff, and my own skills, I've never really had what you could refer to as a "supernatural" experience. About the only thing that comes close is hearing a woman call my name when I was four years old, and when I walked out to the living room where all the adults were and asked who called me they were all like, "???"

It's difficult to comment on the supernatural experiences others have had because, quite frankly, there aren't enough facts one way or another to ever prove or disprove they happened, or if they verifiably did happen, there's not enough facts to explain what that event was or wasn't. There's a game I've been debating on covering or not on ADG that supposedly was given to the programmer by aliens... I'm not even kidding. 🤣

Actually, I don't even believe in supernatural things, but I know what happened to me and I'm fine with it 😀
I'm very much an atheïst, I don't feel like I need a god or a religion to guide me, I can guide myself perfectly fine 😀

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Reply 36 of 70, by butterfly

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She's talkative, you said, she says lots of things. She might have just said it randomly and once she observed your reaction she insisted on it.

Reply 37 of 70, by Half-Saint

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I have no such experience with kids being creepy..

I did 'see' a shadow person at night when I was still sharing the room with my younger sister. I must have been around 11 or 12. The 'person' was standing in the doorway and just sort of looking at me around the corner. Only the upper part of the body was visible while the rest was hidden behind the wall. Hope I'm making sense 😀 Now I know it wasn't my sister because she was fast asleep. It was basically just an outline of a person... still not quite sure if it was real or not.

Mom told me about another event. My grandmother died just a few days after I was born and I was told that she came to see me not long after her death. How's that possible?

As for having fears and stuff, I have this paralysing fear of dying. Can't stand the idea of not existing any longer. It never occurs during the day, only when I go to sleep. Sometimes I just want to get up and run yet at the same time I know that it wouldn't do me any good so I just clench fists and sob. You can't outrun death 😁


Reply 38 of 70, by sliderider

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Half-Saint wrote:
I have no such experience with kids being creepy.. […]
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I have no such experience with kids being creepy..

I did 'see' a shadow person at night when I was still sharing the room with my younger sister. I must have been around 11 or 12. The 'person' was standing in the doorway and just sort of looking at me around the corner. Only the upper part of the body was visible while the rest was hidden behind the wall. Hope I'm making sense 😀 Now I know it wasn't my sister because she was fast asleep. It was basically just an outline of a person... still not quite sure if it was real or not.

Mom told me about another event. My grandmother died just a few days after I was born and I was told that she came to see me not long after her death. How's that possible?

As for having fears and stuff, I have this paralysing fear of dying. Can't stand the idea of not existing any longer. It never occurs during the day, only when I go to sleep. Sometimes I just want to get up and run yet at the same time I know that it wouldn't do me any good so I just clench fists and sob. You can't outrun death 😁

Shadow people peering around corners or standing in doorways is a common form of encounter with them. I'd been studying them for a long time before I had my encounter. It's kind of rare to see them because they usually know when they are being observed and they move very quickly to avoid detection but I guess they do slip up sometimes and people see them once in a while.

When I saw mine, it was in the early morning hours and I was walking through an apartment complex and I saw a black mass pass from right to left across a doorway then disappear. It was easy to see because the doorways on all the buildings are painted white. After it disappeared, I felt cold inside and my body went on full alert like I was about to be attacked. I kept feeling that way and noticed it paralleling my steps in my peripheral vision. I would turn to look, but it would be gone but would reappear as soon as I turned away. It wasn't until I reached a place that had a lot of people that it finally stopped following me and my uneasiness subsided.

Reply 39 of 70, by snorg

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Sliderider...I don't really know any of the lore regarding shadow people, what
exactly is it they are supposed to be? I'm assuming it is somehow different than a spirit
or ghost?