ever buy job lots of CPUs etc?

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Reply 20 of 24, by imi

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Rank l33t

I also don't understand how this can be economically viable... maybe they just try and resell them to some other poor soul for even more... I really don't know.

Reply 21 of 24, by cyclone3d

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Rank l33t++

There are all those listing on eBay for the scrap gold nuggets or whatever.. They basically just melt everything down and turn it into a bar. Sorta gold-ish colored but I really doubt the actual gold content is enough to really be worth it to refine.

Yamaha modified setupds and drivers
Yamaha XG repository
YMF7x4 Guide

Reply 22 of 24, by sf78

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I don't buy from eBay, but I do buy estates from time to time that usually have a few computers, chips and other accessories. A lot cheaper and easier as you can usually just pay for what you need and if it's "all or nothing" deal you can still get it rather cheap as the seller just wants to get rid of everything.

Reply 23 of 24, by creepingnet

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Rank Oldbie

The gold refining thing I always knew was a scam...

Let's see, you have a silicon die, then 40-775ish gold plated bits for carrying a signal, all packaged into a ceramic, fiberglass, and/or metal housing that is basically made out of smelted sand. (sarcasm) YEAH! Gonna buy me a mansion, and a Lamborghini! I'm gonna be rich....meh....(/sarcasm)

These are the same people who do Multi-Level Marketing schemes because they don't want to do any actual real work with their life. The people who believe if they save all the soda cans in town they'll get rich doing that. Or that guy with the lawn that looks like Sanford's Junkyard who thinks he's going to make millions off of his rusty "patina'd" spider and hornet infested objects rusting away in his yard. Ah, the bold look of a kohler with a Vespa infested tank!

Give me a bag full of CPU and and some old motherboards - I'll show you how it's done.

~The Creeping Network~
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Reply 24 of 24, by gerry

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Rank Oldbie
creepingnet wrote on 2021-05-06, 16:18:

The gold refining thing I always knew was a scam...

Let's see, you have a silicon die, then 40-775ish gold plated bits for carrying a signal, all packaged into a ceramic, fiberglass, and/or metal housing that is basically made out of smelted sand. (sarcasm) YEAH! Gonna buy me a mansion, and a Lamborghini! I'm gonna be rich....meh....(/sarcasm)

These are the same people who do Multi-Level Marketing schemes because they don't want to do any actual real work with their life. The people who believe if they save all the soda cans in town they'll get rich doing that.

i suppose if it was all the soda cans in New York (probably not, cost of collecting would wipe out income)

Give me a bag full of CPU and and some old motherboards - I'll show you how it's done.

exactly, and i suspect most buyers are either getting 50 CPUs in bulk to find the one or two they actually want, or they test & resell individually (or dont test, just assume most are ok and then reimburse any people that complain!)