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Note FM Tracker

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First post, by Stojke

User metadata
Rank l33t

Note - FM music tracker
Korean program for FM Operator Type L music creation - OPL3 Tracker
Used in Korean demoscene, has the ability to use true OP4 instruments and works with IMS, SOP formats

Created by Lee Ho Bum (sopepos / yihobeom) 1995, 1997

File size
382.4 KiB
File comment
Full Note DOS software and Windows player
File license
Fair use/fair dealing exception
File size
843.42 KiB
File comment
Winamp plugin
File license
Fair use/fair dealing exception
File size
3.43 MiB
File comment
Music archive
File license
Fair use/fair dealing exception

The files are: Note 1.0 Beta 2 full DOS player with instrument editor , Windows SOP player (needs hardware OPL) , Windows Winamp 2 plugin and Music files (Not complete)
Do check out the rest of this thread for more software(!).

Songs are amazing, some of them are the BEST OPL3 songs I heard.


  • - YMF-262M
    • . Supports up to 20 channels
      . Left, right, middle, three levels of stereo support
      . 4OP operator, to use the four modes ( quality improvement )
    - Convenient user experience
    • . Existing Visual Composer, CakeWalk, Cubase or similar
    - Supported Formats
    • . Load songs : IMS, SOP (self format)
      . User/program created songs : SOP
      . Instrument : BNK, 2IM (Note 262IM for making musical instruments for program format)
      . Instruments are saved within SOP format.
    - 386 Protected Mode uses - Tran & Daredevil 's PMODE / W using
    • . EMS, XMS does not run , or even the memory manager ,
      Use of all remaining upper memory
      . Memory, no matter how big the file is loaded by allowing possible.


  • - AdLib sound chip compatible sound card OPL2/3
    • - OPL3 compatible sound chip
      • . 20 Channel stereo output
      - OPL2 compatible sound chip
      • . 11 channel mono output
    - MS-DOS 6.0 or newer version required
    • . 80386 CPU or newer
      . 1MB of system memory or higher (EMS, XMS) recommended
      . VGA card

I discovered this program thanks to Lunar07 (Thanks!!) and have put it to test a while ago. I also have to mention Jepael who also pointed me to the program in my original topic but i forgot all about it 🤣 Thanks as well!
I was amazed at how awesome does it sound and what quality songs are made with it.
I found the songs for this program a long time ago, can't remember where, and was amazed by them even with out hearing how they originally sound thanks to an Winamp 2 plugin that I have also found.
I wasn't able to find any more songs for this program, but maybe in the future somebody will upload more 😁
I have packed all of this stuff into an archieve that I uploaded (top of page).

If any one has any more information on the program, or technical information about it, please post!


  • Filename
    File size
    40.47 KiB
    File comment
    Another SOP player (Thanks ik777!!)
    File license
    Fair use/fair dealing exception
  • Filename
    File size
    178.96 KiB
    File comment
    Another SOP player
    File license
    Fair use/fair dealing exception
Last edited by Stojke on 2018-08-29, 05:54. Edited 14 times in total.

Note | LLSID | "Big boobs are important!"

Reply 1 of 59, by Stojke

User metadata
Rank l33t

Additional information regarding Note FM Tracker


01ABC - 3 songs
44MAGNUM - 0 songs
AHN1979 - 17 songs
BM-BAHAMUTE - 3 songs
BT-BAHAMUTE - 2 songs
CC - 4 songs
CKW - 2 songs
CPUA - 2 songs
CRISIS7 - 4 songs
CS - 4 songs
DASOM456 - 4 songs
DOSMAN - 1 song
ECMECJ - 1 song
ENOST - 2 songs
GP649267 - 1 song
H. J. JANG - 1 song
H2196 - 5 songs
HAH20 - 2 songs
HI - 1 song
ID - 8 songs
JAM777 - 4 songs
JESUISJE - 21 songs
JM - 1 song
JONG1 - 3 songs
JUSTICER - 1 song
KEII - 2 songs
KSHMUSIC - 1 song
L - 1 song
LODIN - 10 songs
MI (RIVE) - 17 songs
MIN92 - 1 song
MIR - 19 songs
MNT - 2 songs
MPU401 - 24 songs
MYNOX - 14 songs
NIKACHA - 10 songs
O3 - 2 songs
OMEGAX - 13 songs
PC (NYLAD) - 5 songs
PSW - 3 songs
REBIBLE - 8 songs
ROVIN - 1 song
SH - 1 song
SIMPLER - 3 songs
SINAWE - 1 song
SNOWDAY - 2 songs
SOLVALOW - 1 song
SOS - 3 songs
SUNBY - 16 songs
TEMP - 2 songs
TEMP_ - 15 songs
VIBRANT - 48 + 11 + 10 (69) songs


Update 02.01.2014.
Found an updated in_fm.dll Winamp (XMPlay compatible) plug-in version 0.8i4 (IMS/SOP/ROL)
The playback using this Plug-In version is MUCH better than version 0.7 I included with Note.
The archive also contains some IMS format music and Sound Bank files for them (.BNK)
Also contains some various stuff on Korean.


Update 29.08.2018.
Fixed broken links and uploaded files directly onto forum. Added software posted by other members into first post as well.
Last edited by Stojke on 2018-08-29, 05:55. Edited 1 time in total.

Note | LLSID | "Big boobs are important!"

Reply 2 of 59, by Lunar07

User metadata
Rank Newbie

Wow! Great work and much thanks.
Note OPL3 sequencer is an amazing piece of work.
I was looking for the in_fm winamp plugin ver 0.8
How did you find it? 😀))))
I downloaded it.
To translate the Korean text files, I opened them in Word. Korean Auto-Detect
Then I copied the text to translate.google.com web site.
The translation is not bad at all.
Thanks again for this update.
Wish we have more info on the coder of Note.

Reply 3 of 59, by Stojke

User metadata
Rank l33t

No problem, i love the program as well 😁
I found it on some Korean website, had to register blindly since Google Translate didnt work on it and most buttons were images.
After doing that i simply downloaded the stuff.
I also finally gained some understanding of another website i am currently browsing, it has a LOT of info on IMS/ROL/SOP, but most of the files require me to be registered, which i cant do since i am not receiving the registration code on my phone.

These are the websites:
http://cluster1.cafe.daum.net/_c21_/bbs_searc … C20111007163826

Note | LLSID | "Big boobs are important!"

Reply 4 of 59, by ik777

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Rank Member

I'm the member of that cafe of Naver and can access those IMS files.

Downloaded some files, enjoy it.

Ys 2 Special - this is OPL2 data so in DOSBOX it is not accurate as real H/W FM.
Lots of files made by MYLOVE1(최연민) in Hitel - Korea old pop and some Japan anime OP/EDs. MYLOVE1 replied he make those when he was in high school. (OPL2)
sop full set (1996~2006) by gamebgm.com

In fact, those files were common in Korea retro, FM, DOSBOX-SVN daum forums. But I didn't thought you were needed those. Enjoy~ 😘


  • Filename
    sop full set.7z
    File size
    1.57 MiB
    File license
    Fair use/fair dealing exception
  • Filename
    File size
    359.16 KiB
    File license
    Fair use/fair dealing exception
  • Filename
    ys2 special.zip
    File size
    797.97 KiB
    File license
    Fair use/fair dealing exception

Reply 5 of 59, by Stojke

User metadata
Rank l33t

Awesome, thank you! 😁
Can you also upload this archive: [ims] 게임음악 모음 총 275곡

And can you tell us more about SOP / IMS differences?
I understand that SOP integrates instruments into the file, unlike IMS and ROL that require external .BNK, .ISS files. But is there anything else?
Also Lunar07 is very interested into the way program functions, do you maybe have Sopeposes email?

Note | LLSID | "Big boobs are important!"

Reply 6 of 59, by ik777

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Rank Member

The cafe data file and posts are old above 7 years. It is almost impossible to talk with author, I think. (Since the cafe's last post was last September. Maybe newer member is impossibel to sign in.)

The SOP file format is similar to Rol, but have OPL3 support. (YMF-262M's 4OP mode, written in cafe post.)

Here is another new year present. 😀


  • Filename
    File size
    1.07 MiB
    File license
    Fair use/fair dealing exception

Reply 7 of 59, by ik777

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Rank Member
Stojke wrote:

do you maybe have Sopeposes email?


but Not have SOP data sheet in cafe, only SOP file player source available. (it was used like WinAMP plugin.)
He used his SOP format for his game development. In some famous korea PC game, can find his name in it.

Reply 8 of 59, by Stojke

User metadata
Rank l33t

Thank you very much for all the info 😊 ! 😁

I will sort everything and update the topic when i get more time 😀

Note | LLSID | "Big boobs are important!"

Reply 9 of 59, by nhjohyennron

User metadata
Rank Newbie

I was producer of note instrument.
and 262im.zip of most instrument made by me.
for example: 262 Roucous gt etc.
I have great old ibm 1.7g hdd.
that hdd have many my secret instrument 4op mode.
I will recover hdd soon. if i get money. i need 200usd.
glad to meet you.
I was rebible. this sops made by me with 4op instruments.
I have many secret 4op mode instrument.
Here is korea.
I try contact note made man Lee Ho Bum.
and I will make 262im vsti cubase mode.
If i get money, I speedy make this.
nhjohyennro <katalk, skype
nhjo hyennro.

Last edited by nhjohyennron on 2014-04-08, 02:48. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 10 of 59, by VileR

User metadata
Rank l33t

Can somebody explain what makes Note's 4-op functionality better than others?
e.g. Adlib Tracker II does 4-op by combining two 2-op instruments, one as carrier, the other as modulator. Is there any difference or advantage to whatever Note does?

[ WEB ] - [ BLOG ] - [ TUBE ] - [ CODE ]

Reply 11 of 59, by ik777

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Rank Member
nhjohyennron wrote:
Hello. I'm NHJO HYENNRO I was producer of note.exe and 262im.zip of most instrument made by me. for example: 262 Roucous gt etc. […]
Show full quote

I was producer of note.exe
and 262im.zip of most instrument made by me.
for example: 262 Roucous gt etc.
I have great old ibm 1.7g hdd.
that hdd have many my secret instrument 4op mode.
I will recover hdd soon. if i get money. i need 200usd.
glad to meet you.
I was rebible. this sops made by me with 4op instruments.
I have many secret 4op mode instrument.
Here is korea.
I try contact note made man Lee Ho Bum.
and I will make 262im vsti cubase mode.
If i get money, I speedy make this.
nhjohyennro <katalk, skype
nhjo hyennro.

😵 😵 😵
What a crazy. A most stupid musician homepage ever.
After googleing about him, conclusion : He is true mental patient, "Do not feed him".
😵 😵 😵

Reply 12 of 59, by Stretch

User metadata
Rank Oldbie
ik777 wrote:

The cafe data file and posts are old above 7 years. It is almost impossible to talk with author, I think. (Since the cafe's last post was last September. Maybe newer member is impossibel to sign in.)

The SOP file format is similar to Rol, but have OPL3 support. (YMF-262M's 4OP mode, written in cafe post.)

Here is another new year present. 😀

Do the IMS files in the gamemusi folder need an SB16? They don't play on my Yamaha YMF-744 (SBPro 2 compatible). The IMS files in the IMS in the NOTE folder play fine though. I tested in dosbox-daum and also in win98 ms-dos.

Win 11 - Intel i7-1360p - 32 GB - Intel Iris Xe - Sound Blaster G8

Reply 13 of 59, by Stojke

User metadata
Rank l33t
ik777 wrote:
:dead: :dead: :dead: What a crazy. A most stupid musician homepage ever. After googleing about him, conclusion : He is true m […]
Show full quote

😵 😵 😵
What a crazy. A most stupid musician homepage ever.
After googleing about him, conclusion : He is true mental patient, "Do not feed him".
😵 😵 😵

I thought so too 😀
I asked Sopepos but he only replied that he read the forum ( i was AFK from steam ). Still not sure if its true or not.

Stretch wrote:

Do the IMS files in the gamemusi folder need an SB16? They don't play on my Yamaha YMF-744 (SBPro 2 compatible). The IMS files in the IMS in the NOTE folder play fine though. I tested in dosbox-daum and also in win98 ms-dos.

As far as i am informed, IMS files need the instrument bank. There are a few in those archives.


Reply from Sopepos:
He (NHJO HYENNRO) was not a member of Note dev team. (team has only one member - me.)
He's lying.

We have a faker here 😀

Note | LLSID | "Big boobs are important!"

Reply 15 of 59, by Stojke

User metadata
Rank l33t
Stretch wrote:

Thanks, I copied the standard.bnk from the Ys2 folder to the gamemusi folder and now the files I've tried work.

Cool, have fun 😀
You can also try XMPlayer/Winamp plugin in the archive. Its pretty precise.

Note | LLSID | "Big boobs are important!"

Reply 16 of 59, by nhjohyennron

User metadata
Rank Newbie

This file have 262 mode instruments.
over 85% instruments made by me.
all instruement made by me except started 262...
for example: ROCKGUIT, VX-TR,etc
made by me at 1996-1997.
I was rebible in korea, shinchunge.
and I try my old ibm 1.7g hdd recover.
and I am not metal patients.
I'm genius. haha.

082 10 3312 2747
nhjohyennro <katalk, skype
nhjo hyennro.

Reply 18 of 59, by MaliceX

User metadata
Rank Newbie
ik777 wrote:

Ys 2 Special - this is OPL2 data so in DOSBOX it is not accurate as real H/W FM.

I've been wondering what the working IMS sources were like. I wrote a small tool to extract the music from the actual Ys2 Special game and it seems to use some custom format (written by sopepos apparently, BUT it's not .SOP). So far they worked when importing to the MANTRA port of Eiyuu Densetsu II, which was interesting.
Actually, these source filenames might be a good enough clue to determine a composer breakdown... hmmm 😀 Thanks for that. (I have a .vgm rip set with tags that need a major cleanup, based from the extracted music data from game version.)


ik777 wrote:

but Not have SOP data sheet in cafe, only SOP file player source available. (it was used like WinAMP plugin.)
He used his SOP format for his game development. In some famous korea PC game, can find his name in it.

Source of .SOP file format? This might be useful actually. I know there's an open-source imsplayer on Google code, although it does not appear to be as accurate as OCPLAY. :\ But anyway, anything related to .SOP/.IMS seems hard enough to obtain as it is.

Re: NHJO HYENNRO, I swear I've seen this handle once before. Haha.

Reply 19 of 59, by arfy

User metadata
Rank Newbie

Hi, all! I've recently discovered the wonderful world of note, and really enjoying it's sound! Reminds me a lot of what would happen if .rol or .cmf grew up and gained OPL3 support. A nice break from the typical tracker scene. I've just got a couple of questions.

1. I understand that I can make instruments using 262IM, but I also note that note can load bnk files, I assume if I want to make my own sounds, I'd use 262IM and import these into note? There's no way to collect all instruments made in 262 and put them in a bank file?

2. The usage of note is stil a little unclear to me, however, here's what I think I've got.

Load note, your presented with a piano role type interface on top, and control view at the bottom. Tab switches between these.

To insert notes, use up/down/pgup/pgdn to select the note, use left and right to position the cursor to where you want the note, then press enter. ctrl-left and right move between beats, left and right move between ticks. Plus/minus, move between notes? The translation is unclear here, using the word "Madigon"?

thanks all!