What Piece of PC Hardware Have You Owned Longest

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Reply 60 of 80, by brostenen

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For my part, it's now the Amd 5x86-p133 cpu, that I have owned the longest.

Don't eat stuff off a 15 year old never cleaned cpu cooler.
Those cakes make you sick....

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Reply 61 of 80, by saturn

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A cpu I used in my first PC,It was a 1ghz PIII witch the die blew up on a suicide run. I got that sucker unto 1.6ghz stable if I recall. I think I got to 1.8ghz but that was when the die exploded. I dont know why I been keeping it.

Last edited by saturn on 2015-11-30, 15:52. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 62 of 80, by PCBONEZ

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A 540Mb (IIRC) Maxtor drive that came out of the first and only 'bought-new' PC I ever owned.
Had since 1995.
Dunno where it is - but I know I never got rid of it and last I checked it still works.

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Reply 63 of 80, by ScoutPilot19

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My first own PC was bought in 1996 - and it's still in good condition. It's Digital Starion 300i - P1/75Mhz. From 1996 to 2000 it was in use, then it was put to garage and when I began to collect "classic PC's" in 2006,

The attachment DSTARION300i_004.JPG is no longer available

I found it and returned it to service...)

Reply 64 of 80, by saturn

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ScoutPilot19 wrote:

My first own PC was bought in 1996 - and it's still in good condition. It's Digital Starion 300i - P1/75Mhz. From 1996 to 2000 it was in use, then it was put to garage and when I began to collect "classic PC's" in 2006,


I found it and returned it to service...)

Loving the case

Reply 65 of 80, by LHN91

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Unfortunately all of my early machines and hardware were given to me or the family's - an IBM PS/2 w/386, a generic 486 (no CDROM, had Win95 installed from floppy!), and a Packard Bell w/Pentium 1 233, Win95, 2MB Video and a Yamaha onboard sound chip of some sort that I remember sounding surprisingly nice.

From those, I still have the Model M keyboard from the IBM and the 4GB hard drive from the Packard Bell.

The first PC I bought myself was a Celeron D based system with XP, and I don't think I still have much from that, maybe some RAM and the hard drive.

The oldest piece of PC anything I purchased myself that I think I still have is my copy of Mechwarrior 3. Man I love that game.

Reply 66 of 80, by brassicGamer

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LHN91 wrote:

The oldest piece of PC anything I purchased myself that I think I still have is my copy of Mechwarrior 3. Man I love that game.

Awesome game. Needs a proper controller.

Check out my blog and YouTube channel for thoughts, articles, system profiles, and tips.

Reply 67 of 80, by chrisNova777

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i loved mechwarrior + i also used a gravis pad controller..
last time i used it was for star wars pod racer back in 1999!

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Reply 68 of 80, by clueless1

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What piece of PC hardware have I owned longest? Easy. Genoa VLB video card (CL-GD5428). Bought it around 1993-1994. It got forgotten about in my old bedroom at parents house, then last summer when I visited I found it. 😀 Now it is powering my DX2-66 DOS PC!

As for non-PC, I still have the NES I bought somewhere around 1991.

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Reply 69 of 80, by Rhuwyn

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I've got lots of very old hardware. Unfortunately, the question regarding which things I have owned the longest is a lot more complicated. I went through a period where I had to minimize my collection of computers and basically ended up with just a single modern desktop AM2 Athlon X2 based. I still have that even though I've upgraded since. I also have a bunch of hardware which was never my main PC which survived purely because it was put away and I was;t thinking about it, since these parts were never really my main machine nor did I buy them specially for any particular reason it's hard for me to remember when I got them. If I had to guess it would be some early Pentium CPUs or some K62-350 CPUs that were all in a small box that survived my many moves. Outside of that I've got some video cards, network cards, and modems that were in a box that I've had a long time but there is nothing special there.

What I do remember is hardware I remember having which I wish I had never gotten rid of or lost. My first 486 SX33. My original Pentium 2 233. My First Athlon system. A Dual Pentium3 1Ghz system. a Pair of Voodoo2s in SLI. A Voodoo 5 5500. A Matrox m3d. Thats just the tip of the iceberg on tuff I owned which somehow "disappeared" over the years. When I got back into retro gaming I thought I at least still had all the video cards in a box somewhere because I never would have just traded it, and I know I didn't tell it. Only thing I can think of is that they were in systems that I trashed and somehow I didn't do a good job of cheaking them over before I did.

Shame on me for ever throwing anything away.

Reply 70 of 80, by FFXIhealer

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I did not buy my first two PCs. The first computer thing I bought with my own money was my Dell Inspiron XPS Gen 2 in 2005. I still have it and it still works. Running Windows XP. Specs below

CPU: Intel Pentium M
Speed: 2.1 GHz
RAM: 2GB DDR2-533
VIDEO: nVidia GeForce 7800GTX 256MB PCI-Express
HDD: 250GB (40GB C:, 200GB D:)
DVD/CD-RW installed
Bluetooth installed
802.11a/b/g installed
Windows XP Home SP3 installed
17" WXUGA (1920x1200 16:10 LCD Display)


Reply 71 of 80, by gdjacobs

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WD IDE controller, ca 1990
It's contemporary with the MGA clone card that I gave to Badmojo

Last edited by gdjacobs on 2016-10-24, 02:41. Edited 1 time in total.

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Reply 72 of 80, by sndwv

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Does it have to be stuff you still use? I do have a couple of old ISA Soundblasters and a Diamond Stealth S3 card, but they are boxed up somewhere. As for stuff I occasionally use, probably either my Diamond Monster 3D II Voodoo2 card (first one bought new when they were just out, second one 2nd hand a couple of years later) or Logitech Wingman Extreme gameport joystick (cleaned and repaired many, many times).

Reply 73 of 80, by Tiger433

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I still own my S3 Virge DX and Pentium 133 having that much years 😀

W7 "retro" PC: ASUS P8H77-V, Intel i3 3240, 8 GB DDR3 1333, HD6850, 2 x 500 GB HDD
Retro 98SE PC: MSI MS-6511, AMD Athlon XP 2000+, 512 MB RAM, ATI Rage 128, 80GB HDD
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Reply 74 of 80, by candle_86

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My Microsoft Sidewinder Precision 2, bought it brand new at Wal-MArt in 2000 and it still works great.

Reply 75 of 80, by kanecvr

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FFXIhealer wrote:

I did not buy my first two PCs.

Same here. My first PC was not even ours to begin with. It was from my dad's work, but he had no need for it (or the know how to operate it) so I was the only one to use it. I was a 133Mhz cyrix with 8 mb of ram - no sound card, no CD-ROM. The second one I helped configure, but due to budget constraints it wasn't exactly what I wished for. Was still happy with it tough.

The first computer I built was a socket a machine - back in 2001-2002. It was a 900 or 950MHz duron on a Matsonic SDR/DDR combo board. I didn't have enough money to buy a whole PC so I traded in my K6 + some $$$ for it. It still used 128 out of the 196mb of SDRAM my K6 had, as well as the 4GB HDD (witch I still have - sadly it developed bad blocks). Practically I only bought a cheap-ass ATX case + PSU, the motherboard + CPU and a radeon 7500 (witch is where most of my money went) + a second hand creative voodoo 2 he had lying around to pair with the CT6670 in my K6 (I had just figured out how to make most glide games run). It was a piece of crap, but at the same time a great machine. Imagine going from a 400MHz K6 to a 950MHz duron and from a Trident Blade 3D + Voodoo 2 to a Radeon 7500 😀 Damn that thing was fast for it's day 😀

I was under the impression (until not long ago) that I kept the K6 for my sister but it turns out I didn't - the K6 she got was a leftover from my cousin. I know now because she has pics of it and remembered what was inside - a 500MHz K6-II and an AGP Riva TNT2 M64. My K6 didn't even have an AGP slot (VIA MVP4)

A few months later I upgraded the CPU to a 1700+ athlon and swapped the SDR for a 256MB stick of DDR266, and got a 40GB HDD. It was when I decided to install winXP. I still had 98 on the 4GB drive, and would alternate booting (from bios mind you, I had no idea how to make a dual-boot setup) from one drive or the other (there were no Voodoo 2 winXP drivers back then - at least none I could find). XP was great for web surfing and 98 was great for games 😀. That machine went trought so many changes util 2005 when I finally replaced it... from 950Mhz duron to 1700+, then 2000+, then 2400+, 2500+ and finally a weird OEM 2700+. I wish I kept the CPU since I've never come across a 2700+ barton since then. I also swapped quite a few boards and cases / PSUs - I had trouble with the shitty matsonic mainboard, as well as with the crappy noname PSUs of the time. By the time my sistem contained an nForce 2 + FX 5200 ultra, It ran a brand-name (antec I think?) 400w PSU because it wasn't stable with anything else. I remember being so pissed when I had to send 250 lei (about 100$ back then) on a PSU - a part witch brought no performance increase whatsoever.

I really wish I kept the 586 machine - but it was technically impossible. I tough my dad traded it in for the K6, but it turns out he had to turn it in back at work. He did manage to take out the CT6670 (witch I still have), a hard drive and my sound card, but that's it. I really wish I could have gotten the CPU back... oh well.

Reply 76 of 80, by psychz

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A plastic SL27J P200/MMX which used to reside in the PC I kept the longest time as a kid. Somehow, while everything else (motherboard, cards, etc including the AT case) got tossed away, this CPU survived in storage, all alone, with no bent pins after all these years. Found it some months ago accidentally, after having a SL27S P233 die on me (sometimes would decide whether to turn on or not, and if it did, random lockups followed), and turned out to work just like it used to, back then! Had it in an ASUS SP97V with 32MB RAM/ViRGE DX/Voodoo1/DXR2 for a month until I got another SL27S on my hands.

Stojke wrote:

Its not like components found in trash after 20 years in rain dont still work flawlessly.

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Reply 77 of 80, by firage

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The AT case, power supply and 3½ floppy drive from a generic 386DX-40, the first PC we had at home c. 1992. Besides those I can't think of a single component I still have that I didn't buy in the last ten years. I imagine the oldest thing I have that I originally paid for myself is probably a PCI slot cover, screw or cable from my 1997 system. The rest was given away or recycled.

My big-red-switch 486

Reply 78 of 80, by Anonymous Freak

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Probably the same Gravis gamepad!

Reply 79 of 80, by QBiN

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I'm not sure which is older, but it's a close tie between both purchased sometime in '94 or '95:

SB AWE-32 CT-3980 (originally added 8MB RAM... upgraded to 32MB years later), or
USRobotics Courier V.34 Dual-Standard Ext.Modem (upgraded via software to v.90 over the years)

Like most, I have older collectible hardware, but the above is the oldest I still have then I purchased new.