How well do those amiga boards run Linux? If this one is fairly cheap, I might want to get it just for the novelty of having a RISC Linux machine.
Their news release shows it running Debian, but I will remain skeptical unless told otherwise.
Also, why on earth doesn't it have more cores/a better CPU? For the price that they are likely to charge for it (considering older Amiga boards), I find it hard to believe that they can't do better than that. For example, Frescale is selling the QorIQ P4081, which is an octacore at 1.5GHz.
Second edit:
Actually, for that matter, they could be selling these with 64 bit quads or any number of PPC chips with significantly better specs in every way.
Third edit:
After trawling through Freescale's product catalog, it looks like they could be getting 8 core PPC parts with SMT, a more advanced microarchitecture, and a clockspeed 1/3 higher for around $300 each in bulk. Given that their previous computers (namely the X1000) retailed for $1700, that's rather insignificant.
Dual Katmai Pentium III (450 and 600MHz), 512ish MB RAM, 40 GB HDD, ATI Rage 128 | K6-2 400MHz / Pentium MMX 166, 80MB RAM, ~2GB Quantum Bigfoot, Awful integrated S3 graphics.