Ebay thread goodbye thread

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Reply 80 of 205, by Stiletto

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Just remember one thing:



"I see a little silhouette-o of a man, Scaramouche, Scaramouche, will you
do the Fandango!" - Queen


Reply 81 of 205, by Errius

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"Vintage" is whatever I'm trying to sell. "Not vintage" is whatever I'm trying to buy.

Is this too much voodoo?

Reply 82 of 205, by brostenen

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Rank l33t++

5 pages of goodnight reading... Now I see the drama and reason behind closing the tread.
I won't miss the ability posting in it, and I have only bought one thing from that tread, yet I will be missing it for the images and links to stuff I usually did not know was invented. Hell... I can allways see stuff in the "Bought this" tread anyway. For me, the damage is not that big.

That said.... Editing own post to include porn??? 😳 😳 😳 That is like low man'. That is totally low. Not as low as insulting mod's. Remember... Mod's are gods here. We have to do their bidding. Shure we can say how we personally see stuff. Yet they are gods and we ultimately have to follow any of their decitions and rulings. Again... We can explain our case over PM, with any of the mods that we have our beef with. Doing it in the open are just one big NO-NO. Yeah.... Been there before one or two times a couple of years ago. And it is not forbidden to learn by own mistakes.

Regarding the edit button, then I have an idea. Not that I expect anyone to take my idea up and implement it. Look at it as an suggestion if you will. (sorry for long explanation, I am just fed up with explaining myself over numerous posts).

How about implementing a kind of kill switch for every indevidual users. That way, one can be "banned" for using the edit function, if one misbehaves like a child. 3 strikes, and you loose that function. Threatening to delete information, the function will be removed asap.

That said... Are what you post and you'r information not your own property? I know I am poking at something that I probably should not poke at with the stick. Yet... I feel that question is something nobody have asked before, and feel that people should at least be able to talk that out, without being in each others throat. Hope I did not spill gasoline and lid a match, by asking that question.

Finally... Good by eBay-tread, you will be missed in a quirky way.

Don't eat stuff off a 15 year old never cleaned cpu cooler.
Those cakes make you sick....

My blog: http://to9xct.blogspot.dk
My YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/brostenen

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Reply 83 of 205, by gerwin

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I won't miss the thread. To enjoy vintage Hardware and software you need to obtain it, that is unfortunately true. But I think the gold is in being creative with it and using it, as opposed to buying/selling things and discussing ever changing prices. I sometimes suspect the latter activity to disturb the former in peoples head, in that it gets harder to be relaxed about something when thinking; there may be a good deal right now and gone tomorrow. Been there plenty.

--> ISA Soundcard Overview // Doom MBF 2.04 // SetMul

Reply 84 of 205, by Errius

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Apparently (I didn't know this) eBay cuts you a % of the sale price if a buyer surfs into an auction from a link you provide. That's where the butthurt is coming from. People were earning money from that thread.

Is this too much voodoo?

Reply 85 of 205, by clueless1

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brostenen wrote:

That said... Are what you post and you'r information not your own property? I know I am poking at something that I probably should not poke at with the stick. Yet... I feel that question is something nobody have asked before.

I believe someone else on here suggested posting to a free and public forum places that post into the public domain. That makes sense to me. I can't see how something I post here is my "property". If I fart in public, is the fart mine until it dissipates? Can I force someone not to take a whiff because it's "mine"? I suppose some of the benchmark charts I have here are tied to my Google account, which complicates things (what if I delete my Google account?). And if someone posts something here with links to their own private server, that makes it easier for that person to replace the files behind those links with whatever they want if they so choose. Just food for thought.

Errius wrote:

Apparently (I didn't know this) eBay cuts you a % of the sale price if a buyer surfs into an auction from a link you provide. That's where the butthurt is coming from. People were earning money from that thread.

If true, wow. I had no idea either.

The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don't know.
OPL3 FM vs. Roland MT-32 vs. General MIDI DOS Game Comparison
Let's benchmark our systems with cache disabled
DOS PCI Graphics Card Benchmarks

Reply 86 of 205, by luckybob

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Errius wrote:

Apparently (I didn't know this) eBay cuts you a % of the sale price if a buyer surfs into an auction from a link you provide. That's where the butthurt is coming from. People were earning money from that thread.

I'm going to need to see this in writing...

It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes.

Reply 87 of 205, by brostenen

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clueless1 wrote:

I believe someone else on here suggested posting to a free and public forum places that post into the public domain. That makes sense to me. I can't see how something I post here is my "property". If I fart in public, is the fart mine until it dissipates? Can I force someone not to take a whiff because it's "mine"? I suppose some of the benchmark charts I have here are tied to my Google account, which complicates things (what if I delete my Google account?). And if someone posts something here with links to their own private server, that makes it easier for that person to replace the files behind those links with whatever they want if they so choose. Just food for thought.

True that. I have to look the rules up, and see how they apply to this. It might allready have been thought through.
If not, then I really think that those who decide the rules here, will make a forum rule, adressing this.

Errius wrote:

Apparently (I didn't know this) eBay cuts you a % of the sale price if a buyer surfs into an auction from a link you provide. That's where the butthurt is coming from. People were earning money from that thread.

Hmmm.... Never ever heard about that before. Can you link to information regarding this?
Then what if 100 persons link to the auction? Then would a seller not loose too much? Seems a bit unfair in my eyes.
All that I can say, is that I have linked to hundreds of Auctions and never seen any money at all.

Don't eat stuff off a 15 year old never cleaned cpu cooler.
Those cakes make you sick....

My blog: http://to9xct.blogspot.dk
My YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/brostenen

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Reply 88 of 205, by cyclone3d

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Errius wrote:

Apparently (I didn't know this) eBay cuts you a % of the sale price if a buyer surfs into an auction from a link you provide. That's where the butthurt is coming from. People were earning money from that thread.

I wish I would have thought of doing that.

Who cares if you put up a commission link. The price doesn't go up on the part and the seller still gets the same exact amount.

For the time I spent on looking through eBay and then deciding to post something in that thread, it sure would have made it feel more worth my time if I was getting something out of posting stuff all the time.

Yamaha modified setupds and drivers
Yamaha XG repository
YMF7x4 Guide

Reply 89 of 205, by cyclone3d

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brostenen wrote:

Hmmm.... Never ever heard about that before. Can you link to information regarding this?
Then what if 100 persons link to the auction? Then would a seller not loose too much? Seems a bit unfair in my eyes.
All that I can say, is that I have linked to hundreds of Auctions and never seen any money at all.

The percentage that is paid to the person that posts the link is taken out of eBay's commission.

Yamaha modified setupds and drivers
Yamaha XG repository
YMF7x4 Guide

Reply 90 of 205, by brostenen

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cyclone3d wrote:

Who cares if you put up a commission link.

That revealed... Then yes. Good the tread is permanently closed.
Trading and making money via PM is something that is hard to stop, yet posting those type of links?

cyclone3d wrote:

The percentage that is paid to the person that posts the link is taken out of eBay's commission.

Ahhh... I see. As I said. Never heard about it.

Don't eat stuff off a 15 year old never cleaned cpu cooler.
Those cakes make you sick....

My blog: http://to9xct.blogspot.dk
My YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/brostenen

001100 010010 011110 100001 101101 110011

Reply 91 of 205, by Errius

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Money always brings out the worst in people. There's another community I've been a member of nearly 20 years which has recently torn itself apart over the issue of monetizing old games. People who were online friends for years are now prosecuting each other for fraud and libel. The atmosphere is poisonous.

Is this too much voodoo?

Reply 92 of 205, by liqmat

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My definition of vintage is... I can't find much of it and what I do find is all overpriced. 🤣

Reply 93 of 205, by dexvx

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vladstamate wrote:
dexvx wrote:

I personally don't like vcfed as much because there was (not sure if it's still there anymore) a snobbish sentiment of what constitutes 'vintage'.

It is not snobbish. You just happen to not agree with it, that does not make it snobbish. I happen to agree with them that Pentium 4 is NOT vintage, neither is Pentium 3. Pentium II is pushing it. Which is why I like VCFED. It just happens that their views of what is considered old are different than same views here.

First time I came to vogons I was totally surprised to see people talking about Core2Duo as "vintage" processor. But that does not mean it is wrong either. For me vintage is 6502 and the like, definitely not Tualeron.

Yea, basically this snobbish crap.

Anything that is not useful in a practical sense (either by outmoded design or technology) is vintage. Windows 10 requires SSE2, so it basically leaves Athlon XP's and under to be vintage. One can argue Pentium 4's are not vintage because they have SSE2, but from a practical usefulness perspective, they are quite useless. And as such, they are vintage.

cyclone3d wrote:

Retro and Vintage are definitely different. I think a lot of people call stuff "vintage" when it really is not old enough to be called that.

Basically, you can call vintage stuff retro, but unless it is of a certain age, you can't call retro stuff vintage.

There is no dictionary definition on established age for vintage. Antique has an established age around 100 years. The people at vcfed are older so they think anything from their childhood is vintage. And obviously nothing else.

Reply 94 of 205, by oeuvre

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V I N T A G E i7 8700K

HP Z420 Workstation Intel Xeon E5-1620, 32GB, RADEON HD7850 2GB, SSD + HD, XP/7

Reply 95 of 205, by Errius

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Rank l33t

I'm currently using an Irwindale based machine as my main rig. Obviously it can't handle modern games but it does everything I need of it. This was supposed to be a temporary setup until I got new computer, but I've come to like it.

Is this too much voodoo?

Reply 96 of 205, by StSam

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Rank Newbie

It's sad to see the thread go. It was the first and often the only page I've visited on Vogons.

Even though, I hardly bought any vintage gear this year, I still found myself visiting the
eBay thread weekly if not daily. Not only you could use it to familiarize yourself with what
is considered a fair price for a particular piece of gear, it also provided general knowledge
about retro equipment.

What else is there to do in Milliways? Barely alive Guess the Game? A rare new question or
advice request thread that is far and few between?

Ebay deals thread was a gathering place. As for drama - there always will be drama.
I understand, we're all guests here and you're the hosts/owners but still, the issue could have
been handled better. Send a warning to people involved, issue a temp ban, need it be. Why
kill the whole thread? But hey, to paraphrase a tyrant: "No thread - no problem."

PS This is just a personal reflection on the matter. I'm not asking for thread resurrection.

Memento e-Sinu filo!

Reply 97 of 205, by luckybob

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TECHNICALLY... Vintage means:

denoting something of high quality, especially something from the past or characteristic of the best period of a person's work.

So an IBM model M keyboard is vintage, but a keytronics rubber dome affair of the same age is NOT.

Quality is often subjective.

It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes.

Reply 98 of 205, by Unknown_K

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Rank Oldbie

I think peoples definition of vintage depends greatly on how old they are and when they started to "collect". Younger people seem to call more modern equipment vintage when it is probably just obsolete.

A better topic should be things currently found in the eWaste stream (aka the currently worthless thread). A thread like that would be great for people who want to grab stuff at the bottom of the price bell curve before it all gets turned into scrap. I think people have a bad habit of wanting items only when they are climbing in value and are hard to find (bragging rights?). All that stuff will be much more collectable in ten years give or take so get it early. The sad thing is recycling of old equipment really picked up speed after the gold rally a while back. It seems most systems go from being used to recycled and not stuffed into the attic like they used to. So most of this stuff will not be around for collecting down the road.

I have been collecting computers since 2001 or so and most of what I have snagged during that time is stuff that would be hitting freecycle or recycling bins because nobody wants them. Most of my 8 bit computers were given to me free from people who wanted them out of their garage. I didn't think I would see a day when people would actually have to pay for a plain old C64 in the US. I got lucky and started collecting 68K gear when nobody wanted them (yes there was a time even Amiga people had given up and were dumping gear cheap). I couldn't afford to buy all my 68K Apple gear today at current prices. The fact shipping was cheap a decade+ ago probably helped.

Collector of old computers, hardware, and software

Reply 99 of 205, by Errius

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Yes shipping really increased in price after the 2008 oil hike. It was very noticeable.

Is this too much voodoo?