Ebay thread goodbye thread

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Reply 100 of 205, by dexvx

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luckybob wrote:
TECHNICALLY... Vintage means: […]
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TECHNICALLY... Vintage means:

denoting something of high quality, especially something from the past or characteristic of the best period of a person's work.

So an IBM model M keyboard is vintage, but a keytronics rubber dome affair of the same age is NOT.

Quality is often subjective.

That is another definition of vintage. Another definition would be of that particular era. E.g. when you buy wine/scotch, you say I want 2005 vintage or something.

I think it's okay for people to have different definitions of what vintage and retro. I don't think it's okay for the mods of a forum to dictate that and let members of said forum be total asshats to those that disagree.

Reply 101 of 205, by Malik

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It's good that the shady thread is now closed. It is a marketplace, whether one disagrees or not. And a shady one at that too. Maybe scrutinizing someone as receiving commission for posting the eBay links here is being a bit too far fetched, but the notion cannot be entirely excluded. Vetz has been a respectable member with good postings, and I'm sure this was not his intention.

This forum was initially started as to help running old games on new systems. Later expanded to include old hardware discussions and helping to run them. It was clean and good, with people helping each other and giving information of hardware technology that is now getting harder to read upon or see.

Furthermore, is it too difficult to follow the "Vogons is no marketplace" forum requirement?

I understand Vogons can be a very tempting place for business opportunists who deal with "Retro/Rare/Vintage" stuff. And peoples' grudge of not having the buying/selling of vintage hardware here shows how important is Vogons to them as a business outlook.

Yes, there are other sites to go for marketplace. Everyone is free to go there.

If someone wants to know how to go on about running the "vintage" hardware they have, I'm sure people here will help.

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Reply 102 of 205, by dexvx

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Malik wrote:

It's good that the shady thread is now closed. It is a marketplace, whether one disagrees or not. And a shady one at that too. Maybe scrutinizing someone as receiving commission for posting the eBay links here is being a bit too far fetched, but the notion cannot be entirely excluded. Vetz has been a respectable member with good postings, and I'm sure this was not his intention.

Furthermore, is it too difficult to follow the "Vogons is no marketplace" forum requirement?


The people that post in the "I bought this hardware" thread is basically a marketplace. The predominant use case is to show off newly acquired goods (with some people openly posting prices). I've posted stuff and have gotten offers of cash or trade. And the vast majority of my stuff isn't considered rare or desirable.

Reply 103 of 205, by gdjacobs

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I agree with Keropi. The best threads and the best posts are those most in tune with people planning how to do cool stuff or talking about how they're doing cool stuff. The eBay thread was sometimes helpful in putting the tools of old school gaming in people's hands, but it started to really suck when people started treating it as their own personal rage playground.

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Reply 104 of 205, by jesolo

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I echo Malik's, Keropi's & gdjacobs' sentiments.

In the end, we have to ask ourselves what Vogons really is about. For me, it's definitely not about sharing all the best deals on eBay and ranting about your unpleasant experiences with a seller.

I actually enjoy sharing knowledge and ideas (whether my own or reading someone else's) and this is one of the main reasons why I joined Vogons.

Reply 105 of 205, by brostenen

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dexvx wrote:
Malik wrote:

It's good that the shady thread is now closed. It is a marketplace, whether one disagrees or not. And a shady one at that too. Maybe scrutinizing someone as receiving commission for posting the eBay links here is being a bit too far fetched, but the notion cannot be entirely excluded. Vetz has been a respectable member with good postings, and I'm sure this was not his intention.

Furthermore, is it too difficult to follow the "Vogons is no marketplace" forum requirement?


The people that post in the "I bought this hardware" thread is basically a marketplace. The predominant use case is to show off newly acquired goods (with some people openly posting prices). I've posted stuff and have gotten offers of cash or trade. And the vast majority of my stuff isn't considered rare or desirable.

Naaa... I don't think you want to go there. All I see is people that are proud of what they managed to get hold on.
If I can't be allowed to show how happy I am for something that I am going to use, then I will be talking way too much about it with my girlfriend. And she will be too pissed at me and my life would end up sucking too much. Better share my joy with someone who has the same hobby as I, than nagging my woman. It's like, she does not talk about her collection of goth shoes with me. I would go insane if I had to talk that much about shoes. And if you notice, then people disclose what they have paid for their stuff. Disclosing are not good for business, if you try to earn money.

Don't eat stuff off a 15 year old never cleaned cpu cooler.
Those cakes make you sick....

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Reply 106 of 205, by brostenen

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liqmat wrote:

My definition of vintage is... I can't find much of it and what I do find is all overpriced. 🤣

😁 Yeah.... It shure depends on who you are, how old you are, if you are a collector or just want to make money. 😉
I don't know... To me, then retro computer hardware is something like "play it again sam" kind of league. 10 years ago, I would have classified late-win98 games and Amiga as retro gaming. Perhaps even C64. Today I tend to classify WinXP era and Playstation2 as retro gaming.

Vintage to me, is kind of retro just older. Amiga, C64, Win98se and all that stuff. That is Vintage to me. AWE64-Gold as a prime example. Now that I am in my early 40's, I just think of vintage as everything that I used to play with, or had no chance of playing with, as everything from my 20's and down to when I was born in 1976.

When someone talk about nostalgic. Then I am automatically thinking about what I have personal attachment to. Gigabyte GA-5AX is nostalgic to me, Asus P5A is not. C64 is nostalgic to me, Amstrad CPC-464 is not. And so forth...

Don't eat stuff off a 15 year old never cleaned cpu cooler.
Those cakes make you sick....

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Reply 107 of 205, by TheAbandonwareGuy

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asshole123 wrote:

I'm still here. not leaving any day soon. I have a few very old accounts some from before vogons had its own domain.

also it looks like vogons is a registered trade mark of Disney, it sure would be sad if one told Disney about how this site is using their IP without permission Im not telling them, I have better things to do, but kithylin has.

What an asshole.

Cyb3rst0rms Retro Hardware Warzone: https://discord.gg/jK8uvR4c
I used to own over 160 graphics card, I've since recovered from graphics card addiction

Reply 108 of 205, by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman

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asshole123 wrote:

I'm still here. not leaving any day soon. I have a few very old accounts some from before vogons had its own domain.

also it looks like vogons is a registered trade mark of Disney, it sure would be sad if one told Disney about how this site is using their IP without permission Im not telling them, I have better things to do, but kithylin has.

Jade Falcon, I don't know what drove you to join kithylin's drama and posted some batshit insane things that earned you a ban, but no, the world wouldn't end simply because some emo-boy cried out to Disney that we're a bunch of mean people who stole their trademarked name. Even if we had to change our community name to OGON, it wouldn't stop us decent people to have fun while helping each other in our retro computer hobbies. So, nothing personal, but I think it's time for you to kindly copulate with yourself. Or probably ask kithylin to join your endeavor, so you two could take turn to suckle each other's organ as one of you types on the keyboard. Have a very nice day! 😀

Never thought this thread would be that long, but now, for something different.....
Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman.

Reply 109 of 205, by TheAbandonwareGuy

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Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman wrote:
asshole123 wrote:

I'm still here. not leaving any day soon. I have a few very old accounts some from before vogons had its own domain.

also it looks like vogons is a registered trade mark of Disney, it sure would be sad if one told Disney about how this site is using their IP without permission Im not telling them, I have better things to do, but kithylin has.

Jade Falcon, I don't know what drove you to join kithylin's drama and posted some batshit insane things that earned you a ban, but no, the world wouldn't end simply because some emo-boy cried out to Disney that we're a bunch of mean people who stole their trademarked name. Even if we had to change our community name to OGON, it wouldn't stop us decent people to have fun while helping each other in our retro computer hobbies. So, nothing personal, but I think it's time for you to kindly copulate with yourself. Or probably ask kithylin to join your endeavor, so you two could take turn to suckle each other's organ as one of you types on the keyboard. Have a very nice day! 😀

Jade Falcon. Here is an artists depiction of what your next course of action should be:


I'm sure you can extrapolate from that.

Cyb3rst0rms Retro Hardware Warzone: https://discord.gg/jK8uvR4c
I used to own over 160 graphics card, I've since recovered from graphics card addiction

Reply 110 of 205, by vladstamate

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Please do not feed the troll. The best course of action is just ignore people like that.

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Reply 111 of 205, by ImagineReason

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And it will get much worse once the edit button comes back. I have so many user accounts here with 100 if not 1000s of posts.

Reply 112 of 205, by TheAbandonwareGuy

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ImagineReason wrote:

And it will get much worse once the edit button comes back. I have so many user accounts here with 100 if not 1000s of posts.


Cyb3rst0rms Retro Hardware Warzone: https://discord.gg/jK8uvR4c
I used to own over 160 graphics card, I've since recovered from graphics card addiction

Reply 113 of 205, by carlostex

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I actually won't miss the thread. Maybe if it was closed 2 years ago, but lately it seems that people that were posting the "good stuff" don't post anymore. Lately it's been more about recent hardware than vintage stuff, so i admit i lost my interest. But if this thread closing means were getting rid of some assholes around here, it's a bonus.

I was only temporarily banned here on VOGONS once, and that was due to that NoWang guy who regurlarly brought his/her fanatical religious bullshit propaganda into what should be in my opinion a reason based tech forum. After that debacle, i didn't notice that person coming anymore so my 2 week ban or so was well worth it.

I'm glad that this forum was the birthplace of some homebrew projects like the Innovation SSI 2001 replica, the Tandy Sound Card adapter and the upcoming ARGUS project. Great stuff from serdashop as well, like the dreamblaster daughterboards or the Covox CVX4. The FPGA MDA/CGA/EGA converter is something very heartwarming too.

Reply 114 of 205, by dr_st

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Heh, Torvalds once said about the decision to use C for git development, that if the only thing it achieved was keeping the C++ programmers out of the project, that in itself was enough to justify it.

After reading some of the comments here, well, I'd say this can be applied to the decision to close the eBay thread as well. 😀

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Reply 115 of 205, by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman

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Is kithylin and Jade Falcon the same guy?

It was kithylin who started all the drama, apparently because he didnt get the group support he apparently wanted more than anything in the world.

kithylin wrote:

I've already changed my email address registered to vogons so I won't see any more responses here, and I don't care anymore. So.. knowing now how the mods actually work here, that's it, no more for me. I'm done with vogons. So long, and thanks for all the fish. I'm out.. I would delete my account if there was any method to do so.

And another emo moment here.

kithylin wrote:

Hopefully some day vogons will just die.


But then why is it Jade Falcon who went nuts and terrorized Vogons with disturbing pics, earning him a ban?

Never thought this thread would be that long, but now, for something different.....
Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman.

Reply 116 of 205, by keropi

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^ because it takes a very special snowflake to do such things and also have a bunch of accounts for shilling or other mental disorder stuff he can come up with. Do not try to find reason to any of this: there is none.

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Reply 117 of 205, by scroeffie

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hey i dont know if i can ask this here but iam looking for a white 5.25" TO 3.5" EXTERNAL DRIVE BAY ADAPTER < to fit in my gotek
any ebay link or aliexpress etc thanks

Reply 118 of 205, by brostenen

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Rank l33t++

I dont know who the user was, account was deleted today, yet i recieved a PM with some nice zombie stuff. There was no text, just an animated gif. The user was ImagineReason. Anyone know if that account is related to this drama?

Don't eat stuff off a 15 year old never cleaned cpu cooler.
Those cakes make you sick....

My blog: http://to9xct.blogspot.dk
My YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/brostenen

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