First post, by Kahenraz

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Rank l33t


It sounds like he's saying "it's actually one tweet of memory. Maybe it's one "suite" of memory?

Later on this small core memory module is described as storing 140 characters for the print buffer.

I've never heard either of these terms (tweet or suite) before when talking about memory. Does anyone know if he misspoke or if there is a term here that I'm just unfamiliar with?


I watched a litter further. He was actually making a joke that the module stored one TWEET as in a Twitter tweet. I've never heard of anyone referring to a block of core memory as a tweet. I thought it was pretty funny. 🤣

See here for the Twitter mention:


Reply 1 of 1, by SW-SSG

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Rank Oldbie

Well, on Twitter, one used* to be constrained to just 140 characters per post. It's kind of the main distinctive feature of that platform, and it makes sense as an example for a modern public that is most likely familiar with and/or uses Twitter.

*Note that the limit was increased to 280 lately, though IIRC some languages are still limited to 140 characters.