The Outer worlds

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First post, by DosFreak

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Who's buying?

If it's Denuvo free then I'm all in.

Also Bethesda made another epic fail with their latest update for Fallout 76, I guess only the whales are left playing that mess: https://mobile.twitter.com/jasonschreier/stat … 026540648943618
https://bethesda.net/community/topic/369967/a … nguage%5B%5D=en

“All the content we ever put out for Fallout 76–all the DLC, all the post-launch stuff–is going to be free”, Bethesda’s VP Pete Hines said back in October of last year. “That’s important. And to say, the Atomic shop is cosmetic stuff. To make sure folks understand–look there’s a line. There are people who have crossed it, but we’re going to stay on the right side of it in terms of the things you can spend money on and how this stuff works and what you’re getting for your $60. That you know, when they put out new content or features or whatever, I’m getting that stuff for free. That feels right.”

Last edited by DosFreak on 2020-09-27, 20:06. Edited 1 time in total.

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Reply 1 of 11, by sledge

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Definitely looking forward to play this one, as massive Fallout: NV fan, this could be the game (/franchise) I was waiting for 😀

Will wait for Steam / GOG release though.

doshaven.eu / high-voltage.cz

Reply 2 of 11, by badmojo

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Very keen but from what I can see it's Windows Store or Epic Games only for PC? Steam tells me that it will be available 1 year after it's released on those platforms!

Life? Don't talk to me about life.

Reply 3 of 11, by badmojo

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I took the least offensive route and have signed up for a MS game pass ($1 for the first month) so that I could try this out at least. It looks pretty solid so far - looks great and there are hints of New Vegas in there. There are enough options around graphics and controls - I'm always happy to see an adjustable FOV (this is the PC version I'm talking about).

Life? Don't talk to me about life.

Reply 4 of 11, by infiniteclouds

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Fallout NV is one of my favorite games -- love that shit. I only buy DRM-free however and I can't play FPS games with a controller so no console will work either. If they would just give me locked 60 FPS and a k&m I would largely abandon modern PC gaming right now. At least until another 1-2 generations when consoles abandon physical media altogether.

Reply 5 of 11, by Almoststew1990

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I've been playing this on Game pass. The game itself is a lovely mix of New Vegas and Bioshock. The dialogue camera and animations have a very NV feel about it.

The characters seem interesting and Parvati is a million times more likeable than Lydia. She is kind of similar to the girl that likes punching things in NV actually.

The Xbox /store app is rubbish and didn't know that I had the game pass. I thought it had run out as it is £1 for one month but it gave me an error when trying to sign in. But then it remembered I had the game pass or something and let me download the game.

Reply 7 of 11, by badmojo

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Yep seems like a solid effort - not going to be my thing though I don't think. The dialog and characters are great so far - total Firefly knock off woo! - but the world feels contrived and simplistic. RPG-lite I guess I'd describe it as.

I'm not giving up yet but the urge to boot it up is already fading.

Life? Don't talk to me about life.

Reply 8 of 11, by Kerr Avon

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Regarding Fallout 76 (which I've not played, because of EVERYTHING I heard about it, which was all bad), so the game comes out, is *terrible* both in idea and execution, and is in the bottom ten all time most bugged games ever released on the PC, and now Bethesda want to charge $100 a year for people to play it with a small group of their friends?

That actually made me wonder if I was asleep and dreaming, as I can't see how anyone could think that would prove popular for such a train crash of a game.

I'm one of millions of people who are hoping that The Elder Scrolls VI, when it eventually comes out, will be amazingly good. But looking at Bethesda for the recent-ish past, I'm really not confident that it will be even remotely as good as earlier games in the series. And I'm pretty sure that when it does come out, parts of the game-world's map will be hidden behind paywalls, you'll be able to pay real money to prevent much of the grinding the game will be drowning in, and you'll be given the 'option' of buying your way into or out of various situations (and positions, such as a wealthy prince, or a really powerful wizard) in the game. For real life money, of course.

Reply 9 of 11, by infiniteclouds

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Better just accept that IPs like TES and Fallout are dead -- unless Bethesda somehow loses them.

Reply 10 of 11, by Duouk2000

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I'm loving it, I'm about 24 hours in so far and doing every quest I can. The lack of bugs is refreshing, the art style is great, I love the writing and the companions and the gunplay is miles better than in Fallout.

I also went the Game Pass route since it's £1 for the first month and that service has been quite suprising actually. There's a lot of good games on there. Making all first party titles Game Pass titles was a good move on Microsofts part. I never would have given it the time of day if it wasn't for The Outer Worlds.

Reply 11 of 11, by DosFreak

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Rank l33t++

Looks like the DLC requires the Epic Launcher. There is now a plugin folder in the game folder.

If you run the game without the launcher loaded then the popup when you get to the game menu never appears whereas with the launcher loaded it does.
Unknown if this means the DLC isn't accessible when the launcher isn't loaded but that's the assumption.

Verified with a EPIC emulator and a downloaded saved game. You will need to use an epic emulator to play this DLC without Epic. Not very Epic of Obsidian errr MS 🙁

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