Windows XP how many people still use for it their MAIN OS?

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First post, by theelf

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Hi! greetings, sorry myu english,im still using XP as my main OS, i dont use windows vista+ or linux or whatever, just XP. How many people still use as main os?

My main problem right now is web browsing. For now we have Chromium 86 (360browser 13.5) & Firefox 68 (Mypal 68) , but this browsers will be outdated soon, and no one, have DRM support (netflix for example). For netflix still regular firefox+silverlight still work... but how long?

Of course if no project for more modern web browsers happens and project like one core api did not grow up fast, will be a big problem for any XP users that need to use the computer for everyday work and web browsing

I thinking ideas, VMs i dont like, too much resource lost, slow, etc

How about a secondary mini computer running linux + xwin server in XP? how will be the speed of xwindows rendering?

VNC is too slow

Any other ideas?

Last edited by DosFreak on 2022-11-30, 13:43. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 1 of 124, by DosFreak

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Hopefully not many. The OS is horrible compared to 2000 and at the time 2003 was much better.
Since the end of updates anyone using XP their main OS (which implies browsing the Internet and connected to the same network as their other machines) is asking for trouble.
If the reason people are still using XP as their main OS is because the despise newer Windows versions that much then they should move on to non-Windows operating sytems.

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Reply 2 of 124, by appiah4

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This thread sounds like an attempt to find people with vulnerable OSs to hack..

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Reply 3 of 124, by Errius

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I'm browsing the OP's Drive C: right now.

Is this too much voodoo?

Reply 4 of 124, by gerry

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i use XP on 32 bit machines sure, but not online ever

why would you? there are some other options among linux for 32 bit and plenty for even modest 64 bit pcs

Errius wrote on 2022-11-21, 12:48:

I'm browsing the OP's Drive C: right now.

there's a folder called 'install later' full of the files for windows vista isn't there?

Reply 5 of 124, by theelf

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For online use XP is pretty good, just getting old in the browsing side

Anyways, i dont trust more in google than a chinese brand... both are same crap for me

DosFreak wrote on 2022-11-21, 12:30:

Hopefully not many. The OS is horrible compared to 2000 and at the time 2003 was much better.
Since the end of updates anyone using XP their main OS (which implies browsing the Internet and connected to the same network as their other machines) is asking for trouble.
If the reason people are still using XP as their main OS is because the despise newer Windows versions that much then they should move on to non-Windows operating sytems.

You comment make no sense at all

XP is just 2000 with updates, and if you like 2003 base, use XP x64

I use XP x64 in desktop and x86 in laptop, both rock solid and i dont miss 2k at all

I do t see why XP is worst tha 2k or 2003 like you said

Reply 6 of 124, by theelf

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gerry wrote on 2022-11-21, 13:01:
i use XP on 32 bit machines sure, but not online ever […]
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i use XP on 32 bit machines sure, but not online ever

why would you? there are some other options among linux for 32 bit and plenty for even modest 64 bit pcs

Errius wrote on 2022-11-21, 12:48:

I'm browsing the OP's Drive C: right now.

there's a folder called 'install later' full of the files for windows vista isn't there?

Linux is ok but i really love NT, For me xp feels like the last classic NT, besides 3.x

im thinking in linux in a Pi 3b or 4 and xwin32...

thats why i ask if someone tested this opinion before try myself

Errius wrote on 2022-11-21, 12:48:

I'm browsing the OP's Drive C: right now.

Not in your live jaja

Reply 7 of 124, by davidrg

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I think these days you'll find Remote X doesn't work too well. Most modern software, and especially web browsers, do all their drawing themselves rather than using X11 primitives. This means you end up just shipping bitmaps around the network much like VNC but probably less intelligent. If you're considering Linux you're really better off just installing it directly on your machine and maybe dual-booting, or giving the Raspberry Pi a keyboard/mouse/display.

(Remote X does work perfectly fine for software actually designed for it - I can happily run CDE and all of its utilities over the internet using Remote X and performance is almost like I'm sitting at the machine. Problem is no one has built software that way in probably 15-20 years)

Reply 8 of 124, by Shponglefan

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I don't use XP as my main OS. Both with security risks and the fact that most modern applications don't support XP, it wouldn't work as my daily driver.

I do have a retro XP system for gaming, but it is not connected to any network. I only use CD installed games on that system.

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Reply 9 of 124, by Norton Commander

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I was using XP as my main OS till about 2 years ago. Main reason I switched was lack of modern browsers. The available Mozilla browsers are woefully outdated and the chrome ports (360Chrome) do a better job but are glitchy and lack DRM support.

I find XP runs remarkably well on a modern Windows 10 PC using VMWare. I get 3D acceleration for games and can switch back to 10 for modern web browsing.

Get yourself a newer computer with either AMD or Nvidia GPU and CPU virtualization support (Intel VT-x or AMD-V).

Reply 10 of 124, by zyga64

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There is a reason, that now we have Firefox 107 and Chrome 107. Compared to last versions compatible with Windows XP they are much faster !
Rendering is much better, no screen tearing in Youtube, better Javascript engines, etc. Besides, TCP/IP stack in Windows XP is less efficient than in newer versions of Windows or modern Linux.

Well, I have one Windows XP XP3 (with TLS1.2 patches) machine connected to internet (Core2 E8400, 4GB RAM, Geforce 7300). Even with Mypal 68 internet browsing is far from comfortable.
Contrary to this, Debian 11 on this machine (with integrated GMA3100 GPU) was perfectly usable for web browsing.

Windows XP is now only good for playing old games 😀


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Reply 11 of 124, by Jo22

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XP is still my main OS for about everything. Except browsing the world wide web.
- Since the last real Windows (pre Software as a Service), Windows 7 went EOL, I'm stuck with Raspbian/a Raspberry Pi 4 pretty much.
Which isn't that great to be honest (the OS is bloated/sluggish, and the file manager often hangs and crashs, taking the desktop icons with it),
but it's still better than using Windows 10/11. I don't want an OS that looks like AOL from the 90s and has ads.
It's a matter of dignity to me. If I absolutely have to use it, then in a cage (VM). But that's exactly where Windows 11 is making trouble (TPM2).

"Time, it seems, doesn't flow. For some it's fast, for some it's slow.
In what to one race is no time at all, another race can rise and fall..." - The Minstrel

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Reply 12 of 124, by Ensign Nemo

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This guy does a lot of videos on using older OSes today:


If all the programs you want to run are working in XP, your main concern would be security. I used to use VMWare to run a Virtual Machine described as a browser appliance. Something like that might be worth looking into.

Reply 13 of 124, by theelf

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davidrg wrote on 2022-11-21, 20:01:

I think these days you'll find Remote X doesn't work too well. Most modern software, and especially web browsers, do all their drawing themselves rather than using X11 primitives. This means you end up just shipping bitmaps around the network much like VNC but probably less intelligent. If you're considering Linux you're really better off just installing it directly on your machine and maybe dual-booting, or giving the Raspberry Pi a keyboard/mouse/display.

(Remote X does work perfectly fine for software actually designed for it - I can happily run CDE and all of its utilities over the internet using Remote X and performance is almost like I'm sitting at the machine. Problem is no one has built software that way in probably 15-20 years)

Hi thanks for reply, yes, i realize the dumb X will not do a good job with complex stuff, but still did not test with a local raspberry or mini pc. My only test was connecting a bsd server i admin and the experiencie watching netflix over X was not good, but i cant say 100% is because X or the network

maybe this weekend i have time and try with a local network pc

Shponglefan wrote on 2022-11-21, 20:21:

I don't use XP as my main OS. Both with security risks and the fact that most modern applications don't support XP, it wouldn't work as my daily driver.

I do have a retro XP system for gaming, but it is not connected to any network. I only use CD installed games on that system.

I work in security, bank mainly. Some computers that we have connected still run NT4, and still are rock solid machines

zyga64 wrote on 2022-11-21, 20:39:
There is a reason, that now we have Firefox 107 and Chrome 107. Compared to last versions compatible with Windows XP they are […]
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There is a reason, that now we have Firefox 107 and Chrome 107. Compared to last versions compatible with Windows XP they are much faster !
Rendering is much better, no screen tearing in Youtube, better Javascript engines, etc. Besides, TCP/IP stack in Windows XP is less efficient than in newer versions of Windows or modern Linux.

Well, I have one Windows XP XP3 (with TLS1.2 patches) machine connected to internet (Core2 E8400, 4GB RAM, Geforce 7300). Even with Mypal 68 internet browsing is far from comfortable.
Contrary to this, Debian 11 on this machine (with integrated GMA3100 GPU) was perfectly usable for web browsing.

Windows XP is now only good for playing old games 😀


mm... strange, my brother have a similar computer than me, C2Q 2.83ghz 8GB ram, windows 7 x64 (i ran a quad 771 xeon 2.5ghz), and i dont see much difference when i do web browsing compared to XP in my computer, at least in some heavy web sites like youtube, github, etc, other websites, like goberment stuff, bank, etc we use a lot are exactly same

In fact, sometimes i need to work in a i3 laptop, win10, and besides the OS is crap, i dont feel nothing big different in web browsing

Norton Commander wrote on 2022-11-21, 20:27:

I was using XP as my main OS till about 2 years ago. Main reason I switched was lack of modern browsers. The available Mozilla browsers are woefully outdated and the chrome ports (360Chrome) do a better job but are glitchy and lack DRM support.

I find XP runs remarkably well on a modern Windows 10 PC using VMWare. I get 3D acceleration for games and can switch back to 10 for modern web browsing.

Get yourself a newer computer with either AMD or Nvidia GPU and CPU virtualization support (Intel VT-x or AMD-V).

I found 360browser works well after some tweaks and HEAVY hacking, and not glitchy or give me problems

What i did was to connect my computer through a cisco hardware firewall i borrow from a client, and did test for one week, cheking all in/out connections, login all day (i dont trust not in chinese, google or any of this companies)

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Reply 14 of 124, by mihai

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I did use XP to go online in the past year; I used roytam's build of Basilisk - http://rtfreesoft.blogspot.com/

If you are behind a NAT / properly configured firewall, there should be no issues for light browsing on reputable sites. However, I would never use XP as main OS. Windows 7 32 bit does anything XP does, with the added bonus of still being officially supported.

Reply 15 of 124, by Errius

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Windows 7 32-bit is slow on older hardware. I put it on several old XP computers when MS dropped support, but they're painful to use. They really want to be running XP.

Is this too much voodoo?

Reply 16 of 124, by theelf

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mihai wrote on 2022-11-21, 23:24:

I did use XP to go online in the past year; I used roytam's build of Basilisk - http://rtfreesoft.blogspot.com/

If you are behind a NAT / properly configured firewall, there should be no issues for light browsing on reputable sites. However, I would never use XP as main OS. Windows 7 32 bit does anything XP does, with the added bonus of still being officially supported.

Basilisk is sooo out of date, i use 360browser or mypal68, and newmoon just for drm

Win7 do this? I dont think so....

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Reply 17 of 124, by mockingbird

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theelf wrote on 2022-11-21, 23:49:

Basilisk is sooo out of date, i use 360browser or mypal68, and newmoon just for drm

Win7 do this? I dont think so....


My daily driver is an XP machine... B365M chipset and an i3-9100.

360Browser has a memory leak and MyPal BSODs with layer acceleration is enabled. I use Basilisk... Yes, it doesn't work with Polyfill most of the time, but I have a Windows 7 hooked up through a KVM. But 90% of the time, I'm on the XP machine.

Windows 7 is counter-intuitive interface-wise compared with XP.

Windows 2000 is just Windows XP but without the theme. I don't understand the 2K snobs.


Reply 18 of 124, by theelf

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mockingbird wrote on 2022-11-22, 00:02:
My daily driver is an XP machine... B365M chipset and an i3-9100. […]
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theelf wrote on 2022-11-21, 23:49:

Basilisk is sooo out of date, i use 360browser or mypal68, and newmoon just for drm

Win7 do this? I dont think so....


My daily driver is an XP machine... B365M chipset and an i3-9100.

360Browser has a memory leak and MyPal BSODs with layer acceleration is enabled. I use Basilisk... Yes, it doesn't work with Polyfill most of the time, but I have a Windows 7 hooked up through a KVM. But 90% of the time, I'm on the XP machine.

Windows 7 is counter-intuitive interface-wise compared with XP.

Windows 2000 is just Windows XP but without the theme. I don't understand the 2K snobs.

I compared 360browser with chromium (same build) and i did not find big differences in ram use, tested in XP 86, XP x64, win7 x64, and Win11

win7 interface is horrible... i tried really to modify to be more NT4 alike, but microsoft rooted the UI too much for my taste. For my is VERY important the UI is exactly what i want, or i cant work. For example, I NEED everything in UI at 16 colors, icons, etc if not i feel unconfortable

About Mypal68 i don have any bsod, but yes some crashes, specially after change resolutions. For example, im using 1920x1080 desktop, but change to 640x480 to watch a youtube video in fullscreen, when i return to desktop and go back to 1080p mypal68 crash. I report to github already

But not any bsod , i think SP2 or low get bsod, you need SP3 or XP x64 SP2

Reply 19 of 124, by Jo22

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mockingbird wrote on 2022-11-22, 00:02:

360Browser has a memory leak and MyPal BSODs with layer acceleration is enabled.

Oh yes, I noticed. I'm using Pale Moon/New Moon 28.10 right now.
It's outdated, but not nearly as crashy as Mypal68..

mockingbird wrote on 2022-11-22, 00:02:

Windows 7 is counter-intuitive interface-wise compared with XP.

Windows 7 is good, but cold (Windows Vista was a throne with velvet all around.)
If Windows XP was an old, worn sofa with funny looking patches and cushions then Windows 7 was fancy leather couch.
Nice to look at, but not nearly as comfy and warm.

But still better than Windows 10/11,
which would have been furniture made of glass/metal.

mockingbird wrote on 2022-11-22, 00:02:

Windows 2000 is just Windows XP but without the theme.

Yes, but not completely, I think.
There are new APIs (GDI+, WIA etc) and some fundamental differences in the kernal domain.


mockingbird wrote on 2022-11-22, 00:02:

I don't understand the 2K snobs.

2000 needs no activation, isn't playful, rums on a 486..

It's the perfect OS for grey beards who have a special kind of, um, "humour". 😉

Edit: Typo fixed.

Last edited by Jo22 on 2022-11-22, 05:11. Edited 1 time in total.

"Time, it seems, doesn't flow. For some it's fast, for some it's slow.
In what to one race is no time at all, another race can rise and fall..." - The Minstrel

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