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Reply 980 of 1111, by lowenz

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Rank Oldbie

Well, a DX10/10.1/11 passthrough in dgVoodoo2 would be helpful as hell for MSAA lovers 😁

Same author of D9VK: https://github.com/Joshua-Ashton/dxup

Reply 981 of 1111, by Wastelander121

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Rank Newbie
Dege wrote:

Fixed. It seems to be a cool game btw. This game is one of ones driving D3D9 API in a way that doesn't map well to D3D11.

That is awesome news, thank you so much. Now we just need Special K to fix the crashing/low fps bug and we'll be able to revitalise its modding scene! Brilliant work! 😀

Reply 982 of 1111, by ZellSF

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Rank l33t

Astebreed Definitive Edition freezes, last thing in log:

[248] [dgVoodoo] INFO: Direct3DDevice9 (09CFF238)::CreateTexture: Direct3DTexture9 (1388D030, IDirect3DTexture9 = 1388D088) is created.
[248] [dgVoodoo] ERROR: Direct3DDevice9 (09CFF238)::CreateTexture: Creating texture has failed.

Last thing in game log:

[ƒGƒ‰- #012](22:38:36) ƒeƒNƒXƒ`ƒƒ¶¬Ž¸”s[models/Object/Missile_S/Missile_S_Normal.dds] […]
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[ƒGƒ‰- #012](22:38:36) ƒeƒNƒXƒ`ƒƒ¶¬Ž¸”s[models/Object/Missile_S/Missile_S_Normal.dds]

bool __thiscall TGL::TextureResource::Create(const class TGL::FileContents *)

Assert!!(0 - ƒeƒNƒXƒ`ƒƒ¶¬Ž¸”s[models/Object/Missile_S/Missile_S_Normal.dds])

Pathologic Classic HD works. Resolution forcing is dubious (black lines in skybox edges).

Reply 983 of 1111, by Dege

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Rank l33t
lowenz wrote:

Yes, I know. I had some chatting with him (and Doitsujin, DXVK author + others) on Discord back in some months ago.

lowenz wrote:

Well, a DX10/10.1/11 passthrough in dgVoodoo2 would be helpful as hell for MSAA lovers 😁

But why? I'm not too familiar with DX11 games, but I guess MSAA is not an option in most of them because it's a phasing out technology and postprocess AA methods were/are preferred instead?

Wastelander121 wrote:

That is awesome news, thank you so much. Now we just need Special K to fix the crashing/low fps bug and we'll be able to revitalise its modding scene! Brilliant work! 😀

I didn't yet experienced low fps. One crash though, during one of the cutscene movies, I don't know what caused it.

Reply 984 of 1111, by lowenz

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Rank Oldbie
Dege wrote:

But why? I'm not too familiar with DX11 games, but I guess MSAA is not an option in most of them because it's a phasing out technology and postprocess AA methods were/are preferred instead?

MSAA is always preferred by the gamers 😁 and it was a limitation back in the first days of deferred shading/rendering due to its massive overhead in that contest.
Postprocessing AA methods fail a lot the quality/fidelity yield in some areas (wire-like objects, etc.)

Reply 985 of 1111, by willow

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lowenz wrote:
Dege wrote:

But why? I'm not too familiar with DX11 games, but I guess MSAA is not an option in most of them because it's a phasing out technology and postprocess AA methods were/are preferred instead?

MSAA is always preferred by the gamers 😁 and it was a limitation back in the first days of deferred shading/rendering due to its massive overhead in that contest.
Postprocessing AA methods fail a lot the quality/fidelity yield in some areas (wire-like objects, etc.)

MSAA doesn't work even with some new directx 11 game.
The AA that works with all dx11 game is SSAA and not MSAA.

Reply 986 of 1111, by RoyBatty

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Rank Oldbie

DX11 supports MSAA now with deferred rendering, and a few other newer techniques that aren't used yet. SMAA and FXAA are just inferior and I too would like MSAA, TAA/TSAA looks great for still images but looks like vaseline smeared across the monitor on moving ones.

Reply 987 of 1111, by lowenz

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Rank Oldbie
RoyBatty wrote:

DX11 supports MSAA now with deferred rendering, and a few other newer techniques that aren't used yet. SMAA and FXAA are just inferior and I too would like MSAA, TAA/TSAA looks great for still images but looks like vaseline smeared across the monitor on moving ones.


Reply 988 of 1111, by Wastelander121

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Rank Newbie
Dege wrote:
Wastelander121 wrote:

That is awesome news, thank you so much. Now we just need Special K to fix the crashing/low fps bug and we'll be able to revitalise its modding scene! Brilliant work! 😀

I didn't yet experienced low fps. One crash though, during one of the cutscene movies, I don't know what caused it.

Ah, sorry. It's an issue with Special K, it's not optimised for Unreal 3 D3D9 games, gives a memory error and crashes when injecting into just d3d11 (with dgvoodoo) and it has low fps if it injects into D3D9 as well as D3D11. It's not a problem with dgvoodoo as far as I can tell, it's just the optimisation needs work on the Special K side of things.

Reply 989 of 1111, by willow

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lowenz wrote:
RoyBatty wrote:

DX11 supports MSAA now with deferred rendering, and a few other newer techniques that aren't used yet. SMAA and FXAA are just inferior and I too would like MSAA, TAA/TSAA looks great for still images but looks like vaseline smeared across the monitor on moving ones.


Support doesn't means that it works. All dx11 games doesn't offer msaa spport and force msaa in nvidia driver doesn't work with some dx11 games.
Force msaa with dgvoodoo 2 in dx11 game could mean possible bugs.

Reply 990 of 1111, by Melinda

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Rank Newbie
WSH303 wrote:
Vindictus, hl2 based dx9 game seems to work: […]
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Vindictus, hl2 based dx9 game seems to work:


Will check later if access to depth buffer is there too.


But there is an issue, mouse cursor is invisible.

How did you get it to work with Vindictus?

Reply 991 of 1111, by lowenz

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Rank Oldbie

About ReShade's DB access.....a lot of times dgVoodoo2 D3D11-wrapping process completely block/destroy it in DX9 games.
No cure for that, right?

Reply 992 of 1111, by lowenz

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Rank Oldbie
Dege wrote:

Unfortunately I had to make a little patching for SC3 to use it with dgVoodoo (crashing when setting display mode). Needed things cannot be implemented on the wrapper side.

No new version needed for this, right?

Ah, about SCCT patching.....can you enable higher resolutions for the soft shadows?

Reply 993 of 1111, by WSH303

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Rank Newbie
Melinda wrote:

How did you get it to work with Vindictus?

It just works for me. Well, there is this bug with invisible mouse cursor, sky in game is 100% white, and smudges in strange way, and also game crashes often during loading maps, but it more or less works. Reshade even can access depth buffer, but the output is zoomed in, so not really useful yet.

Reply 994 of 1111, by Melinda

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Rank Newbie
WSH303 wrote:
Melinda wrote:

How did you get it to work with Vindictus?

It just works for me. Well, there is this bug with invisible mouse cursor, sky in game is 100% white, and smudges in strange way, and also game crashes often during loading maps, but it more or less works. Reshade even can access depth buffer, but the output is zoomed in, so not really useful yet.

I couldn't even get dgVoodoo to load. Is it installed the usual way where you would just paste it in the main directory? Were there any special settings? I wanted to test it out to see if I would get different results. The depth buffer seems interesting since MXAO would work with it. Did you have to set it to DX8 ingame?

Reply 995 of 1111, by WSH303

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Rank Newbie

I just copied D3D9.dll to 'vindictus\appdata\en-US' and added the game to DGVoodoo control panel. No other settings changed, dx9 enabled in game options.

Reply 996 of 1111, by Melinda

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Rank Newbie

Oh I see... I don't think I have the right dgVoodoo then. I only have D3D8. I can't find the one with D3D9. Can you post the link to the version you used?
Edit: Nvm, I got it to work. There's invisible textures as well as invisible cursor. It's really bad atm.

Reply 997 of 1111, by RoyBatty

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Rank Oldbie
willow wrote:

Support doesn't means that it works. All dx11 games doesn't offer msaa spport and force msaa in nvidia driver doesn't work with some dx11 games.
Force msaa with dgvoodoo 2 in dx11 game could mean possible bugs.

It does work, there are many demonstration videos of the various AA techniques.

Reply 998 of 1111, by lowenz

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Rank Oldbie

Interesting and subtle errors (?) of dx9 implementation 😁

Chaos Theory + SM3 *WITHOUT SOFT SHADOWS* (with soft shadows ON there's no problem!)

MS d3d9 + Nvidia drivers (correct rendering):

dgVoodoo2 d3d9 + Nvidia drivers - NO forced MSAA (wrong rendering and a strange "dark silhouette" around the meshes)

dgVoodoo2 d3d9 + Nvidia drivers - 4x forced MSAA (total bloom wreckage! 😁 )

Reply 999 of 1111, by Melinda

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Rank Newbie
WSH303 wrote:
Melinda wrote:

How did you get it to work with Vindictus?

It just works for me. Well, there is this bug with invisible mouse cursor, sky in game is 100% white, and smudges in strange way, and also game crashes often during loading maps, but it more or less works. Reshade even can access depth buffer, but the output is zoomed in, so not really useful yet.

When I swapped to Direct3D MS WARP, it worked perfectly fine, but I have 1 FPS sadly.