First post, by Aebtdom

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I have a voodoo2 SLI setup with a TRIO3D card for 2d gaming.
I start GTAFX the game starts to menu, but when I start the map, It returns with the message: What 3DFX card?

See screenshot.

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I put GLIDE2X.ovl in the gta and the gtados folder just to be sure.
What am I missing?

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Xp3000+ gf3 ti200 + vd2 SLI 12MB + 768MB + SB live @ WinXP & 98 Dualboot.

P2 350mhz + Diamond Viper V550 + 3Dfx Voodoo 2 12MB + AWE64 + 128MB SDR @ msdos / win98.

Reply 1 of 3, by Gmlb256

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Rank l33t

I see that you haven't got replies yet. Did you make sure that you used the correct GLIDE2X.OVL file that comes with the Voodoo2 driver?

VIA C3 Nehemiah 1.2A @ 1.46 GHz | ASUS P2-99 | 256 MB PC133 SDRAM | GeForce2 GTS 32 MB | Voodoo2 12 MB | SBLive! | AWE64 | SBPro2 | GUS

Reply 2 of 3, by Aebtdom

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I can take another look at that, I have copied the file straight from the C:\windows directory in to the game folder.


Xp3000+ gf3 ti200 + vd2 SLI 12MB + 768MB + SB live @ WinXP & 98 Dualboot.

P2 350mhz + Diamond Viper V550 + 3Dfx Voodoo 2 12MB + AWE64 + 128MB SDR @ msdos / win98.

Reply 3 of 3, by Aebtdom

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Well, I have found a partial solution.
I had the cards in SLI, but it is a mismatched setup.

And apparently MS-DOS ain't to happy about that idea. Unless there are mismatched drivers for ms-dos, I will have to go and fly solo.

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Xp3000+ gf3 ti200 + vd2 SLI 12MB + 768MB + SB live @ WinXP & 98 Dualboot.

P2 350mhz + Diamond Viper V550 + 3Dfx Voodoo 2 12MB + AWE64 + 128MB SDR @ msdos / win98.