Hmm, I was really hoping I missed something obvious. Yeah, to be sure I tested the cable on another set of speakers, that works. The Audigy in windows does work, I get sound, and using the VXD drivers. I didn't do any configuration for it for DOS mode.
The SB16 is a non PnP card, I have set the jumpers and diagnose detects the same settings as the jumpers read. 220H/330H, IRQ7, DMA 1,5. The SB16 works fine in DOS when I move the speakers to that card. Also in Windows, if I run diagnose in a DOS prompt and go through and test playback, I am getting sound that is coming through the line in on the Audigy (If I mute the line in under Windows mixer controls it is silent).
I have been trying to set this up in real DOS mode (restart into DOS, not DOS mode), does that matter? Is it possible the command is just not finding my card? Would it help to see my autoexc and config.sys?
Here is what I have:
The attachment IMG_2770.jpg is no longer available
The attachment IMG_2771.jpg is no longer available
I appreciate the help trying to get this working. I really don't have space and this machine is not permanently set in place. It is something I pull out and setup when I want to tinker and play old games. Just don't have the space to leave it out, this seemed like it was the perfect solution to my wanting to use two sound cards without a lot of external peripherals...