First post, by megatron-uk

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I have completed a big audit of all ~250 games installed on my newly built 486 system. It uses a very basic ESS 1868F card:

The attachment img20240223142420 (1).jpg is no longer available

It is being initialised by unisound, using the ubiquitous A220 I7 D1 T4 P330 J201 parameters. I also have an MT32Pi equipped on a WP32McCake on the waveblaster header. In almost everything that supports Adlib, Soundblaster and Soundblaster Pro 2, it is working really well. When using games needing SoftMPU, I use softmpu /mpu:330 /sb:220 /irq:7.

However I have a small number of games where I just cannot get (mainly digital audio) on the ESS card to work properly:

Command Keen in Keen Dreams
No Adlib music or effects. Soundblaster option in the in-game menu is blocked out. In Keen 4, 5 and 6 the Adlib and/or Soundblaster functionality works.

Dune (CD release)
Adlib music works okay. Digital audio via the Soundblaster or Soundblaster Pro option results in the introductory video with Princess Irulan locking up immediately . If you manage to skip the cinematic, then the first line or so of narration during the opening animation may be heard, but then the digital audio simply stops (music and animation keeps playing). MT-32 MIDI playback using SoftMPU with the WP32McCake works perfectly.

As detailed here, I cannot get Soundblaster effects to work in this game. Adlib music and Adlib effects are fine, as is Adlib effects plus SoftMPU + WP32McCake on the waveblaster header.

Digital audio starts to break up part way through the intro animation. Sometimes it will crash the PC, other times it will make it through to the initial space flight combat sequence, but digital audio is usually lost at some point.

Tyrian and Tyrian 2000
Both versions of Tyrian fail at digital audio playback when Soundblaster is chosen for effects. Occasionally I have had the first few menu select sounds playback in Tyrian 2000, but it always goes silent after a few menu buttons are clicked. FM music playback is always fine, as is GM MIDI playback via WP32McCake in fluidsynth mode on the waveblaster header (no SoftMPU).

Wing Commander Privateer (talkie version from the combined Strike Commander / Privateer release)
All digital audio played during the opening cinematic is missing (spacecraft sounds, pirate radio chatter). All speech and digital effects are missing during the game. FM music playback is always fine, as is GM MIDI playback via WP32McCake in fluidsynth mode on the waveblaster header (no SoftMPU).

Has anyone else with an ESS1868F based card had any similar problems? Do any of these games do anything strange to play back digital audio?
I'm not too bothered about some of the titles (Keen Dreams I can live without), but Tyrian, Privateer and Dune are some of those that I definitely wanted to run on this system.

I'm booting DOS 7.1 made from a Win 98SE boot floppy, along with the rest of the dos utils from the Win 98 cd.
Config.sys is bare bones: just himem and emm386:

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device=c:\dos\EMM386.EXE ram




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SET BLASTER=A220 I7 D1 T4 P330
CT20 /P /B

Hardware specs:
AMD 5x86-133
Advantech PCA-6145L SBC ISA motherboard with 128kb level 2 cache
C&T 65550 VLB 1MB VGA

Printer port is disabled, so IRQ7 is not in conflict, neither is anything else on DMA1. I have one single other card installed, an RTL8019 ISA NIC, currently without a driver loaded. It's a pretty bare-bones system. All problematic games have been tried with both level 1 cache enabled and disabled.

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Reply 1 of 18, by dominusprog

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Try the official driver for DOS.

https://www.vogonsdrivers.com/getfile.php?fil … menustate=51,41

A-Trend ATC-1020 V1.1 ❇ Cyrix 6x86 150+ @ 120MHz ❇ 32MiB EDO RAM (8MiBx4) ❇ A-Trend S3 Trio64V2 2MiB
Aztech Pro16 II-3D PnP ❇ 8.4GiB Quantum Fireball ❇ Win95 OSR2 Plus!

Reply 2 of 18, by 1541

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Keen Dreams does not have any music.
Effects should work though.

There exists a Midi patch for the CD release of Privateer that addresses Midi slowdowns if no joystick is attached to the soundcard: https://hcl.solsector.net/
Not sure if that helps in your case.

According to the manual, Privateer demands buffers to be at least "25".

💾 Windows 9x resources (drivers, tools, NUSB,...) 💾

Reply 3 of 18, by Demolition-Man

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166MMX with Formosa 1868F here.
Normal drivers (Interrupt 5), had my problems with unisound at that time.

I have only two games from your list:
Tyrian works, so does Dune best Intro anyway.

Reply 4 of 18, by mockingbird

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megatron-uk wrote on 2024-04-14, 15:51:
I have completed a big audit of all ~250 games installed on my newly built 486 system. It uses a very basic ESS 1868F card: ... […]
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I have completed a big audit of all ~250 games installed on my newly built 486 system. It uses a very basic ESS 1868F card:
However I have a small number of games where I just cannot get (mainly digital audio) on the ESS card to work properly:

You must have the ESS initialization loaded for it to work properly.

Add this to your autoexec.bat:

C:\ES1869\ESSCFG.EXE /V:1 /I:5 /D:1 /E:3 /A:220 /B:330 /J:D
C:\ES1869\ESSVOL.EXE /V:8 /L:14 /W:6 /M:0 /C:0 /S:8 /A:14 /P:0

This is what I use, but adjust accordingly. I like to have the wavetable (A:14) very loud compared to everything else. ESSCFG is more important. That will help the card work in the titles you mentioned.


Reply 5 of 18, by dionb

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Rank l33t++

250 games? Amazing work!

Just to double-check: in the cases where you've seen issues have you swapped out this card for something else (eg. a Creative Soundblaster) to confirm the issues were actually due to the ESS1868 and not something else? I once spent weeks messing around with a (far less compatible) card due to issues in some games - includint Tyrian, as here - before doing that, finding out it had nothing to do with the card and eventually discovered one of my EMM386.EXE settings was to blame.

Last edited by dionb on 2024-04-15, 11:03. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 6 of 18, by megatron-uk

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mockingbird wrote on 2024-04-15, 03:09:
You must have the ESS initialization loaded for it to work properly. […]
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megatron-uk wrote on 2024-04-14, 15:51:
I have completed a big audit of all ~250 games installed on my newly built 486 system. It uses a very basic ESS 1868F card: ... […]
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I have completed a big audit of all ~250 games installed on my newly built 486 system. It uses a very basic ESS 1868F card:
However I have a small number of games where I just cannot get (mainly digital audio) on the ESS card to work properly:

You must have the ESS initialization loaded for it to work properly.

Add this to your autoexec.bat:

C:\ES1869\ESSCFG.EXE /V:1 /I:5 /D:1 /E:3 /A:220 /B:330 /J:D
C:\ES1869\ESSVOL.EXE /V:8 /L:14 /W:6 /M:0 /C:0 /S:8 /A:14 /P:0

This is what I use, but adjust accordingly. I like to have the wavetable (A:14) very loud compared to everything else. ESSCFG is more important. That will help the card work in the titles you mentioned.

I am currently using unisound with the same values:

Set blaster=a220 i7 D1 T4 p330 j201
Unisound /c2

It prints that those values are configured. Of almost 250 titles, only these small handful are having problems.

I do need to try swapping unisound for esscfg, that's my next step.

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Reply 7 of 18, by megatron-uk

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dionb wrote on 2024-04-15, 06:05:

250 games? Amazing work!

Just to double-check: in the cases where you've seen issues have you swapped out this card for something else (eg. a Creative Soundblaster) to confirm the issues were actually due to the ESS1868 and not something else? I once spent weeks messing around with a (far less compabile) card due to issues in some games - includint Tyrian, as here - before doing that, finding out it had nothing to do with the card and eventually discovered one of my EMM386.EXE settings was to blame.

Yep, I've attached the list. Technically it's 225 games so far, but there are a few more to go on (the Duke Nukem series is currently missing, for example).

The attachment Dos Game Audit.zip is no longer available

Unfortunately I don't really have an option to swap the sound card - I perhaps could go 20-25mm longer than the current ESS card, as I built the entire system around the length of the processor and sound cards themselves:

The attachment open_side2.jpg is no longer available

I do have two SB16's; a CT2770 and CT2290 as well as an AWE32 (CT2760), but I think even the CT2770 is too long to fit.

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Reply 8 of 18, by megatron-uk

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Update on Tyrian 2000 - even bypassing the startup environment completely; i.e. nothing loaded except ESSCFG (or UNISOUND) the Tyrian setup utility and the main menu itself have the same symptoms.

- Approximately 1 time out of 10 it starts up with no digital effects at all.

- 9 times out of 10 it starts up with digital effects playing (the select noise where you scroll up and down the menu for example), then after it has played a few times (anywhere from 1 or 2, to 10 or 12) it simply stops; there is no more digital sound.

If this happens in the setup utility I have found I can toggle Soundblaster off (choose "No effects"), then select Soundblaster again (DMA 1, as per ESSCFG and UNISOUND) and the effects come back again for a short period. This can be done indefinitely. Whether you have FM music enabled, No music set or GM MIDI configured makes no difference.

I think I may have another ESS card somewhere... if I can find it. At this point I'm starting to wonder if there is something up with the card itself. My only other option is to find an equivalent card of similar size.

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Reply 9 of 18, by megatron-uk

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Swapped over to another ESS card... but this one appears to be dead; I'm not getting any sound out of it at all, and upon closer examination it has discolouration on the reverse of the board under the amplifier chip (something the original card doesn't have - it's line-out signal only). I am guessing the amp IC (a TEA2025B) is dead.

Edit: Figured out the jumpers to disable the amp, and now I can get line-out from this second card. However there is no change with the above games - Tyrian still gives me a few instances of digital sound, and then stops playing it back. Toggling it off and then on again brings it back. So this is either a machine issue, or a ESS1868F issue. I guess it is time to start going through BIOS settings one by one.

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Reply 10 of 18, by megatron-uk

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It seems pointless to source another ESS1868 card, since two now show the same symptoms in the same games.

Of the other non-Soundblaster cards, what has the highest Adlib/Soundblaster/Soundblaster Pro 2 compatibility? Crystal or Yamaha based designs? I'm not interested in new cards like the Orpheus, since that would be more than the entire cost of this system in parts... but I can see reasonable numbers of YMF718/719 based ISA cards on Ebay for £25 or so.

Does the YMF719 have as high a compatibility as the ESS chips? Six faulty titles out of 225 is a pretty good rating....

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Reply 11 of 18, by mockingbird

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megatron-uk wrote on 2024-04-15, 07:16:
I am currently using unisound with the same values: […]
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I am currently using unisound with the same values:

Set blaster=a220 i7 D1 T4 p330 j201
Unisound /c2

It prints that those values are configured. Of almost 250 titles, only these small handful are having problems.

I do need to try swapping unisound for esscfg, that's my next step.

I just tested Tyrian with the "tyrian21" package available at many sites on my ES1869, and sound effects worked fine.

Something is wrong with your setup, not the soundcard, or maybe both your setup and the soundcard.


Reply 12 of 18, by megatron-uk

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mockingbird wrote on 2024-04-15, 14:30:

I just tested Tyrian with the "tyrian21" package available at many sites on my ES1869, and sound effects worked fine.

Something is wrong with your setup, not the soundcard, or maybe both your setup and the soundcard.

I have just tried that version: no difference; music is still okay via FM and GM modes. Digital audio still craps out immediately or after one or two samples are played back.
I'm quite prepared to admit that is a problem somewhere, but I would have thought I'd have had a higher failure rate than 2% if that were the case. Being an industrial PC motherboard there really isn't a lot to adjust in the BIOS - there's no ISA clock related stuff, for example, so I'm at a loss.

Anyway, I can't fit any of my SB16 cards in to test them, so I've just bought the cheapest YMF719 soundcard I could find on Ebay, and which was no longer than a 16bit slot. I'll see if that makes any difference.

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Reply 13 of 18, by Demolition-Man

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CT4170/4180 would be possible Creative options. (size)
Also highly compatible and still available cheaply.

Reply 14 of 18, by mockingbird

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megatron-uk wrote on 2024-04-15, 16:22:

Anyway, I can't fit any of my SB16 cards in to test them, so I've just bought the cheapest YMF719 soundcard I could find on Ebay, and which was no longer than a 16bit slot. I'll see if that makes any difference.

YMF719 is nice. Two things you should be aware of:

1) Get the version with two seperate crystals
2) Get the version on which there is information published on how to modify for enabling the filtering


Reply 15 of 18, by megatron-uk

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mockingbird wrote on 2024-04-15, 17:40:
YMF719 is nice. Two things you should be aware of: […]
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megatron-uk wrote on 2024-04-15, 16:22:

Anyway, I can't fit any of my SB16 cards in to test them, so I've just bought the cheapest YMF719 soundcard I could find on Ebay, and which was no longer than a 16bit slot. I'll see if that makes any difference.

YMF719 is nice. Two things you should be aware of:

1) Get the version with two seperate crystals
2) Get the version on which there is information published on how to modify for enabling the filtering

Yep, it's definitely the two can version, but the images are not clear enough to make out the positions of where the filtering caps would go from that vogons thread (was reading it earlier today!).

Worst case scenario I could completely disassemble this case and try the ISA backplane on the workbench with one of my larger SB16 cards, but that's a LOT of work! I'll wait the couple of days until this Yamaha card arrives and see what my next steps are.

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Reply 16 of 18, by mockingbird

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megatron-uk wrote on 2024-04-15, 17:44:

Yep, it's definitely the two can version, but the images are not clear enough to make out the positions of where the filtering caps would go from that vogons thread (was reading it earlier today!).

Well if you figure it out, I'd like to know for my card too please!


Reply 17 of 18, by megatron-uk

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Okay, the Yamaha YMF719 card arrived - there's a sticker on the card which labels it as an 'Addonics' brand. Unisound identified it as an OPL3-SAX and initialised it with the same settings as I was using before (A220, I7, D1, T4, P330, J201). No software changes have been made.

The difference?

- Tyrian plays back digital audio perfectly - I can hold the arrow key down in the setup menu and it scrolls and plays back the digital scroll noise indefinitely. No issues at all.
- Dune CD - the introductory cinematic plays without crashing. It's a bit noisy/crackly... but compared to crashing and/or losing all digital effects, that's something which is much easier to live with.

I will need to redo my audit of all the games done so far and retest them with the Yamaha card, but so far with the main problematic titles, it looks like the better option.

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Reply 18 of 18, by megatron-uk

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I'm not completely finished with re-auditing all ~230 games installed on this system with the Yamaha YMF719 instead of the previous ESS1868F, but I can share the following improvements:

- Tyrian, Tyrian 2000, Dune CD, Flashback - all now working correctly; digital audio is present and consistent throughout the game(s)

- Traffic Department 2192 - no longer crashes during intro cinematic

- Later Sierra games: Gabriel Knight, Leisure Suit Larry 6, Quest for Glory 4, Police Quest 4 - all now play MIDI music via the WP32 McCake (SoftMPU not needed); previously there was no MIDI output with/without SoftMPU

- Ringworld Revenge of the Patriarch - now plays MIDI music via the WP32 McCake with SoftMPU loaded; previously there was no MIDI output with/without SoftMPU

One negative; I have found that Jill of the Jungle now locks up soon after the first sound effect is played (either in interactive mode, or in the rolling demo). FM music continues playback but the game is locked.
In general digital sound is more reliable, but in the games where it *did* work with the ESS card, in some of them seems to be more scratchy and clipped on the Yamaha card. Some games are better than others, and some don't have any scratching/clicking at all. The only one I have been unable to bring myself to play is Stargunner where there is a loud, constant 2-3Hz background clicking (likely due to the streamed/tracker style background music), everything else that is subject to the similar scratchy digital audio is 'playable'.

I've still got another ~150 games to check, but so far the Yamaha card has got a higher compatibility level than the ESS card, even though it may have some digital audio noise issues.

The sound quality, regardless of the clicking in some of the titles, is much nicer - the bass, treble and 3D effect settings (all tweakable via unisound) definitely give the card a much fuller sound.

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