First post, by PC386

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Rank Newbie

I have aquired a Roland cm-32P,and from what i saw is not even midi game compatible.

Is it consider Junk or is there a mod way to make it work with Pc mt-32 compatible games?

Maybe burn CM-32L roms ?

What do you think ?

Thanks in advance

Reply 1 of 4, by keropi

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Rank l33t++

Sadly it's not suitable for pc-gaming and you cannot make it into a mt-32 device because it's completely different hardware, it was made to accompany CM-32L and provide sampled sounds to use at channels 11~16 AFAIK.
CM32-L + CM-32P = CM-64 , I think some X68000 (or PC-98?) games can use the CM-64 but other than that nothing else that I know of...

🎵 🎧 PCMIDI MPU , OrpheusII , Action Rewind , Megacard and 🎶GoldLib soundcard website

Reply 2 of 4, by yawetaG

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Rank Oldbie

Even if you can't use it for games, don't throw it away, but sell it. Someone might be interested in it for music production purposes.

Reply 3 of 4, by SuperDeadite

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Rank Member

Paired with a CM-32L you get a cheap CM-64. Fantastic for the X68000 computer line. The games Choujin and Gemini Wing can use the PCM expansion slot cards too

Modules: CM-64, CM-500, SC-55MkII, SC-88 Pro, SY22, TG100, MU2000EX, PLG100-SG, PLG150-DR, PLG150-AN, SG01k, NS5R, GZ-50M, SN-U110-07, SN-U110-10, Pocket Studio 5, DreamBlaster S2, X2, McFly, E-Wave, QWave, CrystalBlaster C2, Yucatan FX, BeepBlaster

Reply 4 of 4, by PC386

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Rank Newbie

Hi guys

Well the intention was to buy a cm-32l but the mistake was I thought the cm-32p had the same compatibility...
I Was thinking if the cm32L roms where put into the P version it would work but I think the P wouldn't have the linear aritmathics ic or so meting. .
Best regards