AWE64 Legacy

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Reply 180 of 784, by Tiido

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On WBII the EMU8000 is put into an alternate mode where the bus becomes 68K orientated and incompatible with ISA. There's no way to share the bus and sample ROM is completely different anyway. On PC the work of 68K is done by a TSR, with varying level of failure 🤣.

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mida sa loed ? nagunii aru ei saa 😜

Reply 181 of 784, by 640K!enough

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elianda wrote:

Ok, so having the Emu8K directly accessible through 0x620 and providing general MPU-401 access to it through e.g. a MC68K would not be possible at the same time?

As mentioned, the biggest problem is Creative's apparent disdain for the hobbyist community, in general. Apparently, they would rather get no money at all for their legacy chips, than a little, by providing low-cost documentation and a reasonable, low-volume unit price. There have been a few accounts of people trying to contact them about such projects and not getting any response.

Creative arrogance aside, I suspect that an implementation like you describe would be possible, if somewhat inelegant. It would involve carefully considering the compromises you would be willing to make, altering the board design, then a fairly significant development and testing effort for the firmware, especially if you want SoundFont support in both modes. Even then, given the level of integration of the chip being used, there is no guarantee that there wouldn't be any unintended side-effects due to the change in design.

Basically, it would be a non-trivial effort, with a certain possibility that you get nothing in return. Given that they have already said that this will be a low-volume, high-cost project, I doubt it would provide a reasonable return on investment or development effort.

Reply 182 of 784, by hard1k

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Small update - if you check the most important global marketplace and search for AWE64 Legacy there, you'll find the listing for the one & only Rev. 0 prototype 😉

Some other great news will come soon enough, so stay tuned.

Fortex, the A3D & XG/OPL3 accelerator (Vortex 2 + YMF744 combo sound card)
AWE64 Legacy
Please have a look at my wishlist (hosted on Amibay)

Reply 183 of 784, by carlostex

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Looking forward for the final project.

Reply 184 of 784, by Hezus

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This is amazing! Surely want to sign up for one of these once it's done.

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Reply 185 of 784, by James-F

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I don't think salvaging the original chip is a good idea either.
AWE64 prices on ebay will sky rocket because of this,, and they are not infinite.

I mean look on eBay.
Why is he selling it in that price? It's a new half baked product, not a vintage hard to obtain period correct card.

The point of new modern clones is to have the same compatibility of the hard to obtain original cards in a fraction of the cost, NOT quadrupling the cost of the original and new modern clone. 😵

Last edited by Stiletto on 2020-03-02, 06:33. Edited 1 time in total.

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Reply 186 of 784, by hard1k

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Each project has its own aim, pricing and target audience. This project never aimed at decreasing the price, but quite the opposite - making a niche expensive maxed out product.

We won't produce many PCBs (~50), so don't worry, that won't impact on the prices or availability of the original CT4520. Neither is it expensive - average price for a CT4520 is $20, it's cheaper than most other vintage cards, and couldn't be cheaper IMO.

Fortex, the A3D & XG/OPL3 accelerator (Vortex 2 + YMF744 combo sound card)
AWE64 Legacy
Please have a look at my wishlist (hosted on Amibay)

Reply 187 of 784, by PARUS

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James-F, no. The main point of new modern clones is to have maximum possible functionality. In relation to current project: we have 28mb RAM, OPL, second separate MPU channel, WB header - all rolled into one. And fixed bugs/disadvantages.

The point is to copy original and make it cheap is if we can't find original product easy. AWE64 cards are not very rare and very expensive, let's go and buy it for $20-30 today right now. Who's stopping you?

Reply 188 of 784, by the Goat

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James-F wrote:

The point of new modern clones is to have the same compatibility of the hard to obtain original cards in a fraction of the cost,

Says who? That might be the point of garbage Chinese clones. But that is not something I'd be interested in.

Reply 189 of 784, by appiah4

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I'm also not thrilled with destroying genuine retro hardware for modern remakes but I can at least understand why it's done..

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Reply 190 of 784, by Arctic

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Couldn't you use CT4520 cards as donors? They are neutered AWE64 cards which your work would only improve s-l1600.jpg

Reply 192 of 784, by appiah4

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Not all CT4520s are neutered cards.

Creative-Sound-Blaster-AWE64-Value-CT4520-A.jpg Creative-Sound-Blaster-AWE64-Value-CT4520-B.jpg

Retronautics: A digital gallery of my retro computers, hardware and projects.

Reply 194 of 784, by kolderman

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You aee not copying the waverom? Not that I imagine anyone would, nut could you use the 4mb waverom from awe64gold?

Reply 195 of 784, by appiah4

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kolderman wrote:

You aee not copying the waverom? Not that I imagine anyone would, nut could you use the 4mb waverom from awe64gold?

Gold also has 512K rom it just has 4mb extra ram.

Retronautics: A digital gallery of my retro computers, hardware and projects.

Reply 196 of 784, by dr_st

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1MB ROM in both versions I believe; 512KB RAM in Value, 4MB RAM in Gold.

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Reply 197 of 784, by appiah4

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dr_st wrote:

1MB ROM in both versions I believe; 512KB RAM in Value, 4MB RAM in Gold.

The 1MB creative soundfont is significantly better than the ROM. The soundfont dump of the rom is 512KB by the way, so I am certain that it is only 512KB.

Retronautics: A digital gallery of my retro computers, hardware and projects.

Reply 198 of 784, by kolderman

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appiah4 wrote:
dr_st wrote:

1MB ROM in both versions I believe; 512KB RAM in Value, 4MB RAM in Gold.

The 1MB creative soundfont is significantly better than the ROM. The soundfont dump of the rom is 512KB by the way, so I am certain that it is only 512KB.

Aren't all those ROM fonts compressed? Maybe that's the difference in size.

Reply 199 of 784, by dr_st

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appiah4 wrote:
dr_st wrote:

1MB ROM in both versions I believe; 512KB RAM in Value, 4MB RAM in Gold.

The soundfont dump of the rom is 512KB by the way, so I am certain that it is only 512KB.

This is interesting, because every place I could find references the CT1972 to be a 1MB ROM. Perhaps it is used for more than just the soundfont?

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