Rendition Verite Thread

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Reply 120 of 713, by Tetrium

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Took some pics! The quality isn't great as I'm always fighting with my camera after the sun goes down. My own fault as I never bother to RTFM 😜

Anyway, heres my very...eh diverse collection of Renditions! 😁


I know one of these had failed to boot and I have one more in my 486 (guess who manufactured that one 😜 ) so that makes 5 working ones and 1 that might work.

Reply 121 of 713, by TheLazy1

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Ah, so that's why ebay never has any 😀

Reply 122 of 713, by Tetrium

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Sorry L0L 😜

These must've been very common in Dutch perbuild computers. All of these were pulls from a wide variety of different systems.

It's just too bad theres no (official) drivers for XP for them. Anyway, I still like them. I think they look more modern then any other graphics card made in 1997.

Reply 123 of 713, by swaaye

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I bought 3 brand new Stealth IIs in OEM static bags from ebay a couple of years ago. I think I put one back on ebay. I still have 2 of them. They used to be easy to find on there. It was one of those cards that there was surplus inventory of and lots on ebay. Kinda like the Ensoniq AudioPCI.

Reply 124 of 713, by sliderider

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Tetrium wrote:

Btw, is it easy to flash the Diamond Stealth II's? I know I got that file somewhere but I never tried it as I got nothing but the .exe file, no manual or howto's.

Flash it to what? The latest drivers uncap them to V2200 speed without flashing. At least I thought they did.

Reply 125 of 713, by swaaye

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Diamond released a BIOS that changes the clock speeds.

Yes there is usually a little .ini file that can be tweaked too. Newer drivers might set it up with the higher clocks.

Reply 126 of 713, by Gona

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swaaye wrote:

[*]What's the difference between the V1000E and the V1000L?
V1000L boards may be slightly faster.

I have made some tests with my two 3D Blaster PCI.
One V1000-E and one V1000L-P.
On my K6-III+ 500MHz machine (with the same TSR BIOS version)
the V1000L-P is 8.5% faster on vQuake 640x480
13.2% on vQuake 768x576
13.6% on vQuake2 640x480
12.4% on OpenGL
12% on Direct3D.
Details on my page:

Reply 127 of 713, by swaaye

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Thanks for the info! I will post a link to your web page in the FAQ.

Reply 128 of 713, by Gona

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You are welcome!
The link in the FAQ is a great idea! 😀

Although Micron has removed all Rendition pages from www.micron.com server,
the driverfiles are still available on download.micron.com:

And here you can read who is who:
http://web.archive.org/web/20080616194734/htt … ort/itg/dl.aspx

Reply 129 of 713, by unmei220

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swaaye or anybody with a Rendition V2100/2200 card: is there some special settings or tricks to get the V2k-3.0b5.zip drivers working ? I have a Diamond Stealth S220 PCI card and those drivers just refuse to work for me on ALL of my boards (Socket 7, Slot-1, Socket 370, Socket A, plenty different brands and chipsets). It always does the same: BSOD when windows tries/should be displaying the desktop upon bootup. Always had to revert to the Diamond drivers, which work OK. Anybody had those same symptoms ? Thanks for any reply.

Reply 130 of 713, by bushwack

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unmei220 wrote:

swaaye or anybody with a Rendition V2100/2200 card: is there some special settings or tricks to get the V2k-3.0b5.zip drivers working ? I have a Diamond Stealth S220 PCI card and those drivers just refuse to work for me on ALL of my boards (Socket 7, Slot-1, Socket 370, Socket A, plenty different brands and chipsets). It always does the same: BSOD when windows tries/should be displaying the desktop upon bootup. Always had to revert to the Diamond drivers, which work OK. Anybody had those same symptoms ? Thanks for any reply.

So your saying the card works fine with earlier driver versions? I don't know exactly that driver version is, are you using the corresponding DirectX with it?

Reply 131 of 713, by swaaye

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Hmmm no I have not seen that problem before. I don't know what would cause it....

bushwack those drivers are the last revision released by Rendition.

Reply 132 of 713, by unmei220

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bushwack wrote:

So your saying the card works fine with earlier driver versions? I don't know exactly that driver version is, are you using the corresponding DirectX with it?

Exactly. The card works OK with earlier Diamond drivers, but when I put latest Rendition drivers, it always BSOD on me. This happens for me under any mobo and any OS (95, 98, ME). It happens just when Windows is about to display the desktop. The error it gives me is the General Protection Fault, System Halted error (I think it's translated like that).
Maybe it has something to do with the language of the OS (spanish) ? Just wanted to know if it was a known issue.

Here is a screenshot:

Reply 133 of 713, by swaaye

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I wonder if your card could be damaged somehow.

Reply 134 of 713, by unmei220

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Guys, sorry. I had my notes about tested hardware all messed up. The card does indeed produce that error, but it only happens under Windows ME. Just tested the card again under 98SE, and it works OK with latest Rendition drivers. Don't know what could be causing the issue under ME though...
Problem solved.

Reply 135 of 713, by HunterZ

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Stay away from ME, I haven't heard anything good about it compared to 98SE - especially in terms of (retro)gaming.

Reply 136 of 713, by unmei220

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I just use it because it comes integrated with the drivers of USB Mass storage devices. Otherwise I would need a floppy and feed the drivers to 95 and 98.

Reply 137 of 713, by swaaye

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Use a NIC that Win98SE has built-in drivers for and have some sort of network accessible storage around. That's what I do. It's faster than using USB 1.1 for storage too.

I have a router that I installed OpenWRT on and it has a 1TB USB HDD attached. SAMBA even works with Win98, unlike Vista/7.

Reply 138 of 713, by unmei220

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Speed is not my concern. Using USB I only need the pendrive. Otherwise I would need an extra NIC and the ethernet cable, and the extra time to install drivers (oddly enough, I don't have any NIC of the ones that works with 98 out of the box) I don't know you people, but it's a little crowded in here and I prefer to not have too much stuff lying around. That was my main reason as to use ME, and I've been using it from long years without any problem, except for this one. Thanks for the suggestions.

Reply 139 of 713, by HunterZ

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Good to know that ME has better out-of-the-box support for USB mass storage devices.

Personally I'd go with a Win98-supported NIC like swaaye since I have all my other computers on a LAN that is also connected to the Internet, but it's definitely most important to stick with what's best for you.