Rendition Verite Thread

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Reply 200 of 713, by Putas

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Done testing it. Impressive compatibility, good image quality and beats Virge GX (edit: not GX2) in speed. Guess what runs with the ICD:

It freezes within seconds in this room, but I managed to finish timedemo on second attempt.

How can I determine clocks of V1000? I am worried it runs too high. Or Rendition may have some conflict with my KT133 system, even V2 is awfully unstable. Indy Car Racing 2 is only game I could play for long time. V1000 is doing wonders there even with best details except for transparent smoke.

Last edited by Putas on 2012-02-21, 09:01. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 201 of 713, by noshutdown

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i guess you could lower your graphics settings, r_picmip 2 as 4mb of video ram is really too tight, and remember to set color depth and texture depth to 16bit if you have forgotten.
i have both versions of creative v1000 and they worked fine.
there seems to be two versions of opengl driver according to first post of this thread:
"Rendition OpenGL ICD - 10/1/98": seemingly released for v2200 but also works on v1000. quake1 and quake3 works, but quake2 screen just keeps flickering heavily and doesn't update, all i can do is to type "quit" blindfolded as it doesn't crash at least.
"Rendition MiniGL Drivers - 5/23/98": doesn't run quake3, only useful for quake2 cause i can't get it to run on first driver.

Last edited by noshutdown on 2012-02-21, 02:08. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 202 of 713, by swaaye

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I have freezing problems with my Screaming 3D (V1000). I just assumed that the card is failing in some way because it doesn't seem to matter what platform I run it on...

Reply 203 of 713, by Gona

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There is a European V1000 card:


Miro is a still exist German company:
but they has finished with graphics cards (as I recall they have sold the graphics card division to Diamond Multimedia in about 1998).
So here is an auction in Germany (Post to: Germany) with a picture about it:

http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vi … em=170786938635

There are very few miro pages stored in archive.org
but I have found a driver page:

http://web.archive.org/web/19980122034232/htt … treiber_re.html

(I'm going to ask the seller for international shipping.)

Reply 204 of 713, by leileilol

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Putas wrote:

Done testing it. Impressive compatibility, good image quality and beats Virge GX (edit: not GX2) in speed. Guess what runs with the ICD:

/me faints

long live PCem

Reply 207 of 713, by Putas

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and ...
...but it is via gldirect. Almost 2 fps.

Reply 208 of 713, by Gona

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Great picture quality, but not too playable fps. 😀

Reply 209 of 713, by idspispopd

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@Putas: Did you try the Glide renderer with BigRRed, too?

Reply 210 of 713, by Concupiscence

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Putas wrote:
VQuake 2 with max AA runs a lot faster then OpenGL […]
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VQuake 2 with max AA runs a lot faster then OpenGL


more screens here: http://www.vintage3d.org/flashgallery/V1000.php

Yep! VQuake2 was based on the software renderer, so there's no colored lighting support. But V1000 users could cruise along very competitively at 512x384, and with a fast CPU V2x00 users could go quite a bit higher. Darn shame about the per-vertex mipmapping and speed hit from z-buffering for the V1000. How I wish Rendition had stayed in the game at least a little bit longer.

Reply 211 of 713, by swaaye

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Yeah I imagine that vQuake2 is a lot like vQuake in how it works, based on the software renderer which uses CPU span sorting because V1000 is really slow with the z-buffered renderer.

I found a Usenet post by Stefan Podell who used to work for Rendition and was a major part of the vQuake development. There is a lot of info here about V1000, V2000 and Quake.
https://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=en#!topic … deo/4xT27622GkI

Reply 212 of 713, by Putas

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Rank Oldbie
Gona wrote:

Great picture quality, but not too playable fps. 😀

Gldirect cannot be used for IQ comparison, it runs problematic features in software. Virge gives same image but 10x worse performance.

idspispopd wrote:

@Putas: Did you try the Glide renderer with BigRRed, too?

No luck unreal.png

RRedline Soda Of-road racing, this game is so meh

Reply 213 of 713, by swaaye

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I think the goal was to run Unreal well through OpenGL mode but they never got that tuned and perfected obviously.

Epic's Mark Rein

Now the good news. Tonight I got to play Unreal using OpenGL! I was playing on my P200MMX with a Hercules Thriller 3D which uses […]
Show full quote

Now the good news. Tonight I got to play Unreal using OpenGL! I was playing on
my P200MMX with a Hercules Thriller 3D which uses the Rendition v2200 chipset.
The performance wasn't up to Voodoo1 levels yet but I'm pretty confident we'll
get close. Unfortunately the minimum resolution on this card appears to be
640x480 which seems kind of dumb to me. One of the best features of the Voodoo
card is its ability to run at 512x384 which looks almost as good as 640x480 but
with a lot less overhead - especially on those 3-pass renders we do quite often.

Rendition has been very helpful in tracking down solutions from their end. The
visual quality is very good on this card and I'm confident that performance will
come up to snuff when we get some more time into it.

Reply 214 of 713, by Concupiscence

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I wonder what kind of luck you'd have with the last released ICD and cwdonahl's enhanced Unreal Tournament renderer.

Reply 215 of 713, by Putas

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Rank Oldbie
Concupiscence wrote:

I wonder what kind of luck you'd have with the last released ICD and cwdonahl's enhanced Unreal Tournament renderer.

The word enhanced makes me guess no luck at all.

The instability is haunting me. Switched motherboard to K7S5A, dmatest says 64.8 Mb/sec. V2000 is now stable and V1000 can be too, but with buggy Windows 98 SE built in driver. Last release and beta behave just like before.
Is there a way how to get speedy3d screenshots? Pcxdump just locks up my PC.

Reply 216 of 713, by swaaye

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Indycar Racing 2, which has a Speedy3D patch available, has its own screenshot dump feature. Check the readme there. I used this to capture a bunch of screens for the sticky thread here.

I've been thinking more about V1000 instability. I remember there being a lot of problems with stability that were caused by some motherboards not working well with Verite's DMA usage. There is a utility to test Verite DMA but I wonder if perhaps these cards are pickier than they should be, due to design issues.

Reply 217 of 713, by vetz

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Finally got myself a Rendition card. Have been searching around for one for quite some time.

http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/200689948713?ssPage … 984.m1423.l2649

Seller didn't have the best description on the item so I guess that is why nobody picked it up or noticed it. I stumbled across it by accident. 45 dollars might be overpriced, but I'm just tired of searching.

Now just need that PowerVR card...

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Reply 218 of 713, by Putas

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Rank Oldbie

Ouch that is really a lot for V2, they are not so rare really. Not that I don't understand impatience, I just spent 18 pounds for plain Rage II. Wish there was a marketplace for old video cards.

Reply 219 of 713, by Harekiet

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And then you finally get the verite and it ends up in the box together with other old videocards. Collecting stuff is brilliant 😀