VGA Capture Thread

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Reply 1180 of 1432, by Kordanor

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Yeah, I would second that. LCDs are a bit "special" there, same are capture devices. So there doesnt need to be any similarity between the two outputs.
The speciality of old CRT Monitors is basically that they adapt better to whatever you throw at them. With LCDs and Capture cards you need to check for their individual limits.

Reply 1181 of 1432, by TehGuy

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Running my DOS machine through an OSSC into a E2S does some odd things depending on the game, mostly on the OSSC end. Epic Pinball Pack 1 on Android, for instance, will shift more blue as the screen goes up and the sector flashing in Duke 3D bleeds over into UI elements when it doesn't in the game unless you enable the 2x scale. Now that I've figured out how to muscle OBS into doing what I need, I don't need the OSSC in the equation anymore but still found it odd. Would also try to call 1024x768 as 808p and I'm pretty sure it added extra pixels off to the right of the image.

Going to be using it over the DVI2PCIe I have despite it having a sharper/clearer image (imo) if only because the E2S has 2 inputs which means I can have my DOS/98/XP machines coming in via VGA to one input and the PPC Macs I have running via DVI-D to another and the difference isn't that bad considering how much less I have to hit the E2S into working how I want via OBS. OSSC is gonna make my dreamcast look better on my TV

Win98+DOS: C3 Ezra-T 1.0AGHz / P3-S 1.26GHz, 128MB RAM, AWE64 + Orpheus + Audigy 2 ZS, Ti 4200, 128GB SD card
Win XP SP3: C2Q 9650, 4GB RAM, X-Fi Titanium, GTX 750
PowerMac G4 QS 800MHz + GeForce4 Ti4200, OS 9
PowerMac G5 DP 1.8Ghz + ATi x800 XT, Leopard

Reply 1182 of 1432, by VirtuaIceMan

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DVI is fine, but the Nvidia NV1 and Matrox M3D only have a VGA port

My PC spec: Win10 64bit, i7-4970K (not overclocked), KFA2 GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER, Creative Soundblaster ZXr, 16GB RAM, Asus Z97-A motherboard, NZXT 410 case, ROG Swift GSYNC monitor

Reply 1183 of 1432, by maxtherabbit

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TehGuy wrote on 2022-05-18, 01:31:

Running my DOS machine through an OSSC into a E2S does some odd things depending on the game, mostly on the OSSC end. Epic Pinball Pack 1 on Android, for instance, will shift more blue as the screen goes up and the sector flashing in Duke 3D bleeds over into UI elements when it doesn't in the game unless you enable the 2x scale. Now that I've figured out how to muscle OBS into doing what I need, I don't need the OSSC in the equation anymore but still found it odd. Would also try to call 1024x768 as 808p and I'm pretty sure it added extra pixels off to the right of the image.

Going to be using it over the DVI2PCIe I have despite it having a sharper/clearer image (imo) if only because the E2S has 2 inputs which means I can have my DOS/98/XP machines coming in via VGA to one input and the PPC Macs I have running via DVI-D to another and the difference isn't that bad considering how much less I have to hit the E2S into working how I want via OBS. OSSC is gonna make my dreamcast look better on my TV

In one of the firmware updates released in the last year or two, marqs added a AGC clamp adjustment setting to correct those colour shifts

Reply 1184 of 1432, by TehGuy

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maxtherabbit wrote on 2022-05-18, 14:35:

In one of the firmware updates released in the last year or two, marqs added a AGC clamp adjustment setting to correct those colour shifts

Well TIL I'm not on the latest; device was shipped to me with 0.81.

Win98+DOS: C3 Ezra-T 1.0AGHz / P3-S 1.26GHz, 128MB RAM, AWE64 + Orpheus + Audigy 2 ZS, Ti 4200, 128GB SD card
Win XP SP3: C2Q 9650, 4GB RAM, X-Fi Titanium, GTX 750
PowerMac G4 QS 800MHz + GeForce4 Ti4200, OS 9
PowerMac G5 DP 1.8Ghz + ATi x800 XT, Leopard

Reply 1185 of 1432, by Kordanor

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Does anyone have experience with the XCAPTURE-1 ?
it can be ordered here https://solarisjapan.com/collections/micomsof … hd-capture-unit
Seems like this is already around for several years. Has two features standing out:
1. Signals are carried through (VGA in and out)
2. Also offers S-Video recording

I dont know how great the video quality is through. The videos talking about it are already quite a bit old and it would be nice to actually have comparisons.

Reply 1186 of 1432, by Kordanor

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I found two more cards which might or might not have any potential.

Anyone got experience with Epiphan DVI2PCIe?
https://www.epiphan.com/wp-content/uploads/20 … ie-brochure.pdf

And then Cards by "Foresight" e.g. FORESIGHT IMAGING I-RGB 165: https://www.fi-llc.com/boards/Products/PDF/ir … b165_200_lo.pdf
Not sure if that one supports DirectShow though. But if it streams live in its own software which can then be captured via OBS I guess that would be fine as well.

Reply 1187 of 1432, by elianda

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Kordanor wrote on 2022-06-16, 22:25:

I found two more cards which might or might not have any potential.

Anyone got experience with Epiphan DVI2PCIe?
https://www.epiphan.com/wp-content/uploads/20 … ie-brochure.pdf

I wrote an align and VGA bandwidth measurement tool for it in 2016: DVI2PCIe Users - looking for Align Tool Testers

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Reply 1188 of 1432, by DNSDies

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Kordanor wrote on 2022-06-16, 22:25:
I found two more cards which might or might not have any potential. […]
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I found two more cards which might or might not have any potential.

Anyone got experience with Epiphan DVI2PCIe?
https://www.epiphan.com/wp-content/uploads/20 … ie-brochure.pdf

And then Cards by "Foresight" e.g. FORESIGHT IMAGING I-RGB 165: https://www.fi-llc.com/boards/Products/PDF/ir … b165_200_lo.pdf
Not sure if that one supports DirectShow though. But if it streams live in its own software which can then be captured via OBS I guess that would be fine as well.

Epiphan's hardware is great.
Their software support for these "older" devices, however, is non-existant. They don't work in Windows 10/11, don't support linux, and don't support Mac anymore either.
So, unless your host PC is running Windows 7, you can't really use them. You'll have to spend several thousand dollars on the newer hardware they sell that doesn't do as much.

Reply 1189 of 1432, by Plasma

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DNSDies wrote on 2022-07-05, 04:25:
Epiphan's hardware is great. Their software support for these "older" devices, however, is non-existant. They don't work in Win […]
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Kordanor wrote on 2022-06-16, 22:25:
I found two more cards which might or might not have any potential. […]
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I found two more cards which might or might not have any potential.

Anyone got experience with Epiphan DVI2PCIe?
https://www.epiphan.com/wp-content/uploads/20 … ie-brochure.pdf

And then Cards by "Foresight" e.g. FORESIGHT IMAGING I-RGB 165: https://www.fi-llc.com/boards/Products/PDF/ir … b165_200_lo.pdf
Not sure if that one supports DirectShow though. But if it streams live in its own software which can then be captured via OBS I guess that would be fine as well.

Epiphan's hardware is great.
Their software support for these "older" devices, however, is non-existant. They don't work in Windows 10/11, don't support linux, and don't support Mac anymore either.
So, unless your host PC is running Windows 7, you can't really use them. You'll have to spend several thousand dollars on the newer hardware they sell that doesn't do as much.

There are Windows 10/8 and Linux drivers for DVI2PCIe...

Reply 1190 of 1432, by DNSDies

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Plasma wrote on 2022-07-05, 04:59:

There are Windows 10/8 and Linux drivers for DVI2PCIe...

Try capturing video and audio at the same time with it in Windows 10. The video freezes. They advertise it as being able to capture both, and it CAN, but only in Windows 7.
Oh, and don't buy their expensive audio/sd video breakout boards. They have no components on them and I posted the pinout of the expansion headers on this board some time ago.

Reply 1191 of 1432, by ShK

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Kordanor wrote on 2022-06-16, 22:25:
I found two more cards which might or might not have any potential. […]
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I found two more cards which might or might not have any potential.

Anyone got experience with Epiphan DVI2PCIe?
https://www.epiphan.com/wp-content/uploads/20 … ie-brochure.pdf

And then Cards by "Foresight" e.g. FORESIGHT IMAGING I-RGB 165: https://www.fi-llc.com/boards/Products/PDF/ir … b165_200_lo.pdf
Not sure if that one supports DirectShow though. But if it streams live in its own software which can then be captured via OBS I guess that would be fine as well.

I have those (2x DVI2PCIe and 1x DVI2PCIe DUO). They have a very annoying automatic readjust feature when capture card is trying to sync for video signal and this cannot be turned off. With a bad luck it makes it every 2 min and capturing freezes every time during this readjust process.

Reply 1192 of 1432, by Kordanor

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Alright guys, thanks for the input. Going to stay away from epiphan then.

Reply 1193 of 1432, by TehGuy

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ShK wrote on 2022-07-05, 14:46:
Kordanor wrote on 2022-06-16, 22:25:
I found two more cards which might or might not have any potential. […]
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I found two more cards which might or might not have any potential.

Anyone got experience with Epiphan DVI2PCIe?
https://www.epiphan.com/wp-content/uploads/20 … ie-brochure.pdf

And then Cards by "Foresight" e.g. FORESIGHT IMAGING I-RGB 165: https://www.fi-llc.com/boards/Products/PDF/ir … b165_200_lo.pdf
Not sure if that one supports DirectShow though. But if it streams live in its own software which can then be captured via OBS I guess that would be fine as well.

I have those (2x DVI2PCIe and 1x DVI2PCIe DUO). They have a very annoying automatic readjust feature when capture card is trying to sync for video signal and this cannot be turned off. With a bad luck it makes it every 2 min and capturing freezes every time during this readjust process.

IIRC, you can change the interval the readjust happens but I've not found an upper limit and wouldn't be surprised if they didn't let you set it to, say, 2-3 hours. Minimum appears to be about 3-5 seconds. Sucks either way as I find it has a much cleaner/sharper capture than my E2S without touching any settings

Win98+DOS: C3 Ezra-T 1.0AGHz / P3-S 1.26GHz, 128MB RAM, AWE64 + Orpheus + Audigy 2 ZS, Ti 4200, 128GB SD card
Win XP SP3: C2Q 9650, 4GB RAM, X-Fi Titanium, GTX 750
PowerMac G4 QS 800MHz + GeForce4 Ti4200, OS 9
PowerMac G5 DP 1.8Ghz + ATi x800 XT, Leopard

Reply 1194 of 1432, by ShK

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Maximum auto-adjustment interval is 3600 seconds, but I have found that it does not respect this setting.

Reply 1195 of 1432, by pc-sound-legacy

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My DVI/VGA capture setup I'm very satisfied with: Kramer Scaler 724XL that scales different resolutions and refresh rate to 1280*720 60hz. Dual VGA output. One goes to a monitor and the other one via generic vga2hdmi adapter and HDMI cable to my Matrox mxo2 max h264 capture box. This also captures analog audio via chinch in stereo and does all the encoding. The Kramer scaler is very fast when the resolution or refresh rate changes, and it can handle BIOS screen, DOS text mode in 70hz and everything else perfectly fine. Also, I can adjust the screen ratio to 4:3 instead of 16:9 for best visual experience.
BUT there is one thing I dislike and I haven't found a solution so far: When changing resolution it does not automatically center the screen. If I have adjust it perfect to 1024*768 as an example and then want to start a dos game capture in 320*200 there is a part of the image on the right side missing and I have to manually push the picture to the left - and vice versa. This sometimes is a little bit annoying.

Reply 1196 of 1432, by imi

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that's just par for the course with VGA capture, every resolution on every system needs it's own little adjustments... the really neat thing with using VCS for example is that you can set trigger modes to automatically select presets so it switches to the correct settings on any given resolution... this works like 3 out of 5 times or so 😁 ...sometimes it needs a bit of help by setting the resolution manually.

Reply 1197 of 1432, by elianda

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imi wrote on 2022-07-11, 21:48:

that's just par for the course with VGA capture, every resolution on every system needs it's own little adjustments... the really neat thing with using VCS for example is that you can set trigger modes to automatically select presets so it switches to the correct settings on any given resolution... this works like 3 out of 5 times or so 😁 ...sometimes it needs a bit of help by setting the resolution manually.

Epiphan DVI2PCIe / VGA2PCIe software has such feature also included through a user defineable video mode table.

Regarding the tune interval check:

The V2P80733 is my card, your ID may differ. You can set the value there to 0xFFFFFFFF, which is not possible in the GUI.

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DVI2PCIe alignment and 2D image quality measurement tool

Reply 1198 of 1432, by vvbee

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imi wrote on 2022-07-11, 21:48:

this works like 3 out of 5 times or so 😁 ...sometimes it needs a bit of help by setting the resolution manually.

What happens when it doesn't work?

Reply 1199 of 1432, by imi

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vvbee wrote on 2022-07-12, 07:28:
imi wrote on 2022-07-11, 21:48:

this works like 3 out of 5 times or so 😁 ...sometimes it needs a bit of help by setting the resolution manually.

What happens when it doesn't work?

the resolution is just off and so it doesn't switch to the correct preset, so I manually have to set it to the correct resolution and then it picks the correct preset.