3dmark99 MegaThread

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Reply 260 of 354, by Macca70

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Rank Newbie

My P4 2.8 + GF4 Ti 4400 Win98 system

3DMark Project:
3DMark Build Version: 200
Date: 8/30/21
Time: 5:20:37 PM
Project Name:My Project

Project Settings (Template):
Rendering Platform: Internal (NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4400)
Resolution: 800*600
Color Depth: 16-bit Color
CPU Optimization: Intel(r) Pentium(r) III
Z-Buffer: 16-bit
Frame Buffer: Triple buffering
Refresh Rate: VSync Off
Looping: Disabled
Texture Format: 16-bit, 4444 RGBA
Run Tests: Once
Title Screen: Shown

Test Results:
3DMark Result : 16,927 3DMarks
Synthetic CPU 3D Speed : 37,472 CPU 3DMarks
Rasterizer Score : 15,644 3DRasterMarks
Game 1 - Race: 201.2 FPS
Game 2 - First Person: 146.1 FPS
Fill Rate : 1,036.5 MTexels/s
Fill Rate With Multi-Texturing : 2,025.7 MTexels/s
2MB Texture Rendering Speed: 1,805.2 FPS
4MB Texture Rendering Speed: 1,328.9 FPS
8MB Texture Rendering Speed: 897.9 FPS
16MB Texture Rendering Speed: 626.8 FPS
32MB Texture Rendering Speed: 390.3 FPS
Bump Mapping Emboss, 3-pass: 799.9 FPS
Bump Mapping Emboss, 2-pass: 979.7 FPS
Bump Mapping Emboss, 1-pass: 1,327.9 FPS
Point Sample Texture Filtering Speed: 100.8 %
Bilinear Texture Filtering Speed: 100.0 %
Trilinear Texture Filtering Speed: 89.5 %
Anisotropic Texture Filtering Speed: Not Supported
6 Pixel/individual: 7,007.0 KPolygons/s
6 Pixel/strips: 22,264.5 KPolygons/s
25 Pixel/individual: 5,684.2 KPolygons/s
25 Pixel/strips: 19,648.9 KPolygons/s
50 Pixel/individual: 4,927.8 KPolygons/s
50 Pixel/strips: 12,976.1 KPolygons/s
250 Pixel/individual: 2,622.6 KPolygons/s
250 Pixel/strips: 3,150.2 KPolygons/s
1000 Pixel/individual: 847.9 KPolygons/s
1000 Pixel/strips: 880.4 KPolygons/s

Windows Version: Windows 4 A , Build 2222
DirectX Version:
Bios Version: BBS V3.20 0402
Bios Date: 04/26/05
Total Physical Memory: 511 MB
Free Physical Memory: 365 MB

Processor Type: Unknown
Processor Speed: 2796 MHz
Processor Caps: MMX SSE
L1 Cache Size: None
L2 Cache Size: None

2D Display Adapter Name: NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4400
2D Display Adapter Driver Date: 7-28-2003
Monitor Name: Default Monitor
Monitor Driver Date: 4-23-1999
Desktop Resolution: 1600*1200
Desktop Color Depth: 16-Bit Color

3D Accelerator:
Name: NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4400
Driver Name: NVDD32.DLL
Driver Version:
Total Video Memory On Card: 129,926 KB
Total Texture Memory: 257,248 KB
Bus: AGP

Supported Features:
16-bit Rendering
32-bit Rendering
Point Sampling
Point Sampling With Mip-Mapping
Bilinear Filtering
Bilinear Filtering With Mip-Mapping
Trilinear Filtering
Specular Gouraud Shading
Vertex Fox
Range-Based Fog
Table Fog
Sub-Pixel Accuracy
Alpha Blending
Addivitive Alpha Blending
Multiplicative Alpha Blending
Vertex Alpha Blending
Vertex And Texture Alpha Blending
S3 Texture Compression

Supported 3D Display Modes:
320*200, 16bit color
320*240, 16bit color
400*300, 16bit color
480*360, 16bit color
512*384, 16bit color
640*400, 16bit color
640*480, 16bit color
720*480, 16bit color
720*576, 16bit color
800*600, 16bit color
848*480, 16bit color
960*720, 16bit color
1024*768, 16bit color
1152*864, 16bit color
1280*720, 16bit color
1280*768, 16bit color
1280*960, 16bit color
1280*1024, 16bit color
1360*768, 16bit color
1600*900, 16bit color
1600*1024, 16bit color
1600*1200, 16bit color
1920*1080, 16bit color
1920*1200, 16bit color
320*200, 32bit color
320*240, 32bit color
400*300, 32bit color
480*360, 32bit color
512*384, 32bit color
640*400, 32bit color
640*480, 32bit color
720*480, 32bit color
720*576, 32bit color
800*600, 32bit color
848*480, 32bit color
960*720, 32bit color
1024*768, 32bit color
1152*864, 32bit color
1280*720, 32bit color
1280*768, 32bit color
1280*960, 32bit color
1280*1024, 32bit color
1360*768, 32bit color
1600*900, 32bit color
1600*1024, 32bit color
1600*1200, 32bit color
1920*1080, 32bit color
1920*1200, 32bit color

Supported Texture Formats:
15-bit, 555 RGB
16-bit, 5551 RGBA
16-bit, 4444 RGBA
16-bit, 565 RGB
24-bit, 888 RGB
32-bit, 8888 RGBA

Build 1
Dell Dimension XPS B866r
1.0ghz PIII
512mb 800mhz Rdram
Asus GF2 Ti 64mb

Build 2
XP System
Lian Li PC65 USB
Athlon 64 x2 4800+
Asus A8N SLI Premium
2gb Corsair XMS 2
Asus 6600GT 256mb

Reply 261 of 354, by NostalgicAslinger

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Aebtdom wrote on 2021-07-22, 12:11:

From my benchmarks: a Pentium 3 Katmai 600 (OC @ 672 MHz / FSB 112) with a GeForce 3 Ti 200 I got 6388 points.

672Mhz is impressive for a Katmai CPU. Which VCore for this frequency? 2,2V? Needs a very, very good cooling.

Reply 262 of 354, by bloodem

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Rank Oldbie
NostalgicAslinger wrote on 2021-09-29, 15:46:

672Mhz is impressive for a Katmai CPU. Which VCore for this frequency? 2,2V? Needs a very, very good cooling.

I actually have a 600 MHz Katmai that is 100% stable at 702 MHz (FSB117), at default voltage (2.05V).

1 x PLCC-68 / 2 x PGA132 / 5 x Skt 3 / 9 x Skt 7 / 12 x SS7 / 1 x Skt 8 / 14 x Slot 1 / 5 x Slot A
5 x Skt 370 / 8 x Skt A / 2 x Skt 478 / 2 x Skt 754 / 3 x Skt 939 / 7 x LGA775 / 1 x LGA1155
Current PC: Ryzen 7 5800X3D
Backup PC: Core i7 7700k

Reply 263 of 354, by NostalgicAslinger

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Rank Member
bloodem wrote on 2021-09-29, 17:21:
NostalgicAslinger wrote on 2021-09-29, 15:46:

672Mhz is impressive for a Katmai CPU. Which VCore for this frequency? 2,2V? Needs a very, very good cooling.

I actually have a 600 MHz Katmai that is 100% stable at 702 MHz (FSB117), at default voltage (2.05V).

Creme de la creme Katmai core from the golden middle of a wafer. Do you have some pictures of the cooling and the stepping, date code?

Reply 264 of 354, by Aebtdom

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Rank Member

Pentium 233MMX win98 with 128MB mem pc66
1x voodoo 2 12MB with default latest official voodoo drivers.


Xp3000+ gf3 ti200 + vd2 SLI 12MB + 768MB + SB live @ WinXP & 98 Dualboot.

P2 350mhz + Diamond Viper V550 + 3Dfx Voodoo 2 12MB + AWE64 + 128MB SDR @ msdos / win98.

Reply 265 of 354, by sirotkaslo

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This is my P3:

Qdi Advance 10f (VIA Apollo Pro 133A; VIA VT82C694X)
P3 1000EB -133fsb
512mb sdr memory
Voodoo 3 2000
5897 3dmarks
14855 cpu 3d marks

Reply 266 of 354, by Aebtdom

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Rank Member

Switched the 128MB PC100 @ 66mhz CL3 memory module with a 64MB PC66 CL2 module.
Scored a bit higher with the Voodoo 2 12MB SLI, 6% performance increase I recon.


Xp3000+ gf3 ti200 + vd2 SLI 12MB + 768MB + SB live @ WinXP & 98 Dualboot.

P2 350mhz + Diamond Viper V550 + 3Dfx Voodoo 2 12MB + AWE64 + 128MB SDR @ msdos / win98.

Reply 267 of 354, by ptr1ck

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I got a great result with my Voodoo 2 SLI rig!

I was having crappy results from the FastVoodoo 4.6 driver. SLI worked because I could use 1024x768, but the performance was that of a single card even though SLI was detected. The reference driver 3.02.02 didn't want to install properly after the FastVoodoo, so I frankensteined a driver together and SLI is working now for sure!

I tweaked the reference 3.02.02 driver by updating it with some of the files from the FastVoodoo 4.6 driver along with the glide DLLs from koolsmoky's V2 (and Obsidian2) Glide driver kit 21/02/2010. I included the INI tweaks from the FastVoodoo driver also.

For what it's worth, the system is a 2.0ghz Barton with 2gb RAM. It's set to a straight 200mhz FSB with RAM in sync with "aggressive" timings per BIOS. Might be something to 1:1 ratio. PCI Latency is also at 0.

3DMark Project: 3DMark Build Version: 200 Date: 3/26/22 Time: 1:07:30 AM Project Name:My Project Comments: […]
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3DMark Project:
3DMark Build Version: 200
Date: 3/26/22
Time: 1:07:30 AM
Project Name:My Project

Project Settings (Template):
Rendering Platform: External (Voodoo2 3D Accelerator)
Resolution: 800*600
Color Depth: 16-bit Color
CPU Optimization: AMD 3DNow!(tm)
Z-Buffer: 16-bit
Frame Buffer: Triple buffering
Refresh Rate: VSync Off
Looping: Disabled
Texture Format: 16-bit, 4444 RGBA
Run Tests: Once
Title Screen: Shown

Test Results:
3DMark Result : 6,926 3DMarks
Synthetic CPU 3D Speed : 41,618 CPU 3DMarks
Rasterizer Score : 2,187 3DRasterMarks
Game 1 - Race: 69.9 FPS
Game 2 - First Person: 68.6 FPS
Fill Rate : 176.2 MTexels/s
Fill Rate With Multi-Texturing : 317.9 MTexels/s
2MB Texture Rendering Speed: 466.7 FPS
4MB Texture Rendering Speed: 21.6 FPS
8MB Texture Rendering Speed: 10.8 FPS
16MB Texture Rendering Speed: 5.4 FPS
32MB Texture Rendering Speed: 2.7 FPS
Bump Mapping Emboss, 3-pass: 152.7 FPS
Bump Mapping Emboss, 2-pass: 192.8 FPS
Bump Mapping Emboss, 1-pass: Not Supported
Point Sample Texture Filtering Speed: 102.1 %
Bilinear Texture Filtering Speed: 100.0 %
Trilinear Texture Filtering Speed: 72.5 %
Anisotropic Texture Filtering Speed: Not Supported
6 Pixel/individual: 1,062.3 KPolygons/s
6 Pixel/strips: 1,066.2 KPolygons/s
25 Pixel/individual: 1,064.1 KPolygons/s
25 Pixel/strips: 1,064.5 KPolygons/s
50 Pixel/individual: 1,056.8 KPolygons/s
50 Pixel/strips: 1,059.2 KPolygons/s
250 Pixel/individual: 502.8 KPolygons/s
250 Pixel/strips: 503.9 KPolygons/s
1000 Pixel/individual: 156.1 KPolygons/s
1000 Pixel/strips: 156.1 KPolygons/s

Windows Version: Windows 4 A , Build 2222
DirectX Version:
Bios Version: Phoenix - AwardBIOS v6.00PG
Bios Date: 08/04/04
Total Physical Memory: 2,048 MB
Free Physical Memory: 1,680 MB

Processor Type: AMD Athlon(tm) XP 2900+
Processor Speed: 2002 MHz
Processor Caps: MMX 3DNOW
L1 Cache Size: 128 KB
L2 Cache Size: 512 KB

2D Display Adapter Name: NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4200 with AGP8X
2D Display Adapter Driver Date: 12-10-2005
Monitor Name: Plug and Play Monitor
Monitor Driver Date: 4-23-1999
Desktop Resolution: 1024*768
Desktop Color Depth: 32-Bit Color

3D Accelerator:
Name: Voodoo2 3D Accelerator
Driver Name: 3dfx32v2.dll
Driver Version:
Total Video Memory On Card: 8,192 KB
Total Texture Memory: 8,192 KB
Bus: PCI

Supported Features:
16-bit Rendering
Point Sampling
Point Sampling With Mip-Mapping
Bilinear Filtering
Bilinear Filtering With Mip-Mapping
Trilinear Filtering
Specular Gouraud Shading
Vertex Fox
Table Fog
Sub-Pixel Accuracy
Alpha Blending
Addivitive Alpha Blending
Multiplicative Alpha Blending
Vertex Alpha Blending
Vertex And Texture Alpha Blending

Supported 3D Display Modes:
512*384, 16bit color
640*400, 16bit color
640*480, 16bit color
800*600, 16bit color
1024*768, 16bit color

Supported Texture Formats:
16-bit, 565 RGB
16-bit, 5551 RGBA
16-bit, 4444 RGBA
8-bit, 332 RGB


Reply 268 of 354, by RETROKOMODO

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Hello all,

Good conversation thread! I have built (and am now benchmarking) what I hope to be one of the most over the top XP machines around, and this Megathread helped me to finally get 3DMark 99 Max up and running. So behold my default settings score of 83843, with 154154 CPU 3DMarks! With what few settings there are set to maximum at 1080 I got 82714, with 155147 CPU 3DMarks. No overclocking as i'm not sure there is much point!

For the record I think i'm cheating a bit. Haswell i7-4790k with a GTX 980 😀

I'm going through all the 3DMark benchies up to 06 with an ATI 7970, and then a GTX 960 as well, and then will be putting it all into a video to upload to my YouTube channel. Having just done the DMark 99 Max bench, I can tell you it gets a default settings score of 69869, with 163141 CPU 3DMarks which is bizarrely higher than with the 980 - no idea why. At 1080 I got 64946, with 163667 CPU 3DMarks.

Anyway, just created a login to say thanks for helping me get it working and to post my insane results.



Reply 269 of 354, by RETROKOMODO

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I just tested the 890 again having thought the scores were a little low - the 960 scored higher somehow? I know.. comparatively.

Now I have default settings score of 85148 with 162144 CPU 3DMarks & at 1080 I get 84843 with 162394 CPU 3DMarks.


Reply 270 of 354, by Yoghoo

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HP ThinClient T5710

  • Transmeta Crusoe (800Mhz)
  • ATI Radeon 7000M (16Mb)
  • Windows 98 SE
  • 512Mb memory

Not bad for an old thin client.

Reply 271 of 354, by Aebtdom

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Voodoo2 12MB SLI 90Mhz rerun.
512MB DDR 333


Xp3000+ gf3 ti200 + vd2 SLI 12MB + 768MB + SB live @ WinXP & 98 Dualboot.

P2 350mhz + Diamond Viper V550 + 3Dfx Voodoo 2 12MB + AWE64 + 128MB SDR @ msdos / win98.

Reply 272 of 354, by ptr1ck

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Aebtdom, that's intersting to see your result in comparison to mine (few posts up) with similar systems and clock speeds. I guess the 400mhz bus may be the advantage for my machine. I don't think the L2 or RAM would make as much of a difference.


Reply 273 of 354, by RETROKOMODO

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I'll be building a more normal XP machine in the next few days hopefully, and the scores won't be nearly as outrageous 😉 By the way, if anyone would like to see the ridiculous testing I did, about 5:45 into my YouTube mega-benchmark video https://youtu.be/AvA6_Ni_MRM?t=345 is where 3DMark99 comes in 😀

Reply 274 of 354, by Aebtdom

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ptr1ck wrote on 2022-08-11, 16:19:

Aebtdom, that's intersting to see your result in comparison to mine (few posts up) with similar systems and clock speeds. I guess the 400mhz bus may be the advantage for my machine. I don't think the L2 or RAM would make as much of a difference.

I think you might be right.
Are you using the nforce2 or the kt400 chipset?
My reason for using the kt333 is for the agp4x support which allows me to use a voodoo 5 5500 on it. AGP 8x won't allow it to work which is a thing with the nforce2 and kt400 chipset.


Xp3000+ gf3 ti200 + vd2 SLI 12MB + 768MB + SB live @ WinXP & 98 Dualboot.

P2 350mhz + Diamond Viper V550 + 3Dfx Voodoo 2 12MB + AWE64 + 128MB SDR @ msdos / win98.

Reply 275 of 354, by kolderman

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Rank l33t
Aebtdom wrote on 2022-08-18, 22:05:
I think you might be right. Are you using the nforce2 or the kt400 chipset? My reason for using the kt333 is for the agp4x suppo […]
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ptr1ck wrote on 2022-08-11, 16:19:

Aebtdom, that's intersting to see your result in comparison to mine (few posts up) with similar systems and clock speeds. I guess the 400mhz bus may be the advantage for my machine. I don't think the L2 or RAM would make as much of a difference.

I think you might be right.
Are you using the nforce2 or the kt400 chipset?
My reason for using the kt333 is for the agp4x support which allows me to use a voodoo 5 5500 on it. AGP 8x won't allow it to work which is a thing with the nforce2 and kt400 chipset.

Its nothing to do with AGP8X. It's the lack of 3.3v AGP on certain boards. There are AGP4X boards that lack 3.3v, in fact most of them probably do.

Generally smart people use KT333 for SocketA systems to allow a Voodoo 3/5 to be used, and a P4 Northwood with a FX5900 for higher performance in the same era.

Reply 276 of 354, by ptr1ck

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Aebtdom wrote on 2022-08-18, 22:05:
I think you might be right. Are you using the nforce2 or the kt400 chipset? My reason for using the kt333 is for the agp4x suppo […]
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ptr1ck wrote on 2022-08-11, 16:19:

Aebtdom, that's intersting to see your result in comparison to mine (few posts up) with similar systems and clock speeds. I guess the 400mhz bus may be the advantage for my machine. I don't think the L2 or RAM would make as much of a difference.

I think you might be right.
Are you using the nforce2 or the kt400 chipset?
My reason for using the kt333 is for the agp4x support which allows me to use a voodoo 5 5500 on it. AGP 8x won't allow it to work which is a thing with the nforce2 and kt400 chipset.

It's an nforce2 board. I have a kt133 system if I want to run my Voodoo 3 but recently switched it to a Geforce4 with single V2. I couldn't justify using the Voodoo 3 when I had the other sitting there.


Reply 277 of 354, by ptr1ck

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To add to the discussion... previously mentioned KT133 with a Mobile Athlon 4, Asus v9280 GeForce4 4200ti and 512mb RAM. CPU at either 3x133 (400) or 10.5x133 (1400).

400mhz - Stock Clocked 4200ti:
4333 3D Marks
8942 CPU Marks
52.0 FPS average test 1
37.1 FPS average test 2

1400mhz - Stock Clocked 4200ti:
11002 3D Marks
24704 CPU Marks
136.2 FPS average test 1
92.0 FPS average test 2


Reply 278 of 354, by Aebtdom

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I also did a rerun of my Voodoo 5 5500 AGP.
Since I now use a ECS KT333 mainboard that actually supports 333FSB CPU's. So I've put a AMD Athlon XP2800+ on the socket with 2x 512MB DDR400 at 333 with CL2 and to agressive settings.
Since KT400 or Nforce 2 is mostly AGP8X/4X only thats as far as I can go AMD wise.

I have been using the Amigamerlin 2.9 under windows98SE with DX9.0C installed.


Xp3000+ gf3 ti200 + vd2 SLI 12MB + 768MB + SB live @ WinXP & 98 Dualboot.

P2 350mhz + Diamond Viper V550 + 3Dfx Voodoo 2 12MB + AWE64 + 128MB SDR @ msdos / win98.

Reply 279 of 354, by Smucek

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Rank Newbie

Voodoo 2 12 MB SLI on Pentium III 933 MHz with 512 MB 133 MHz SD RAM.