redneck rampage with winxp..NOT with a dual boot

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Reply 20 of 87, by DosFreak

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The reason for this is because each NTVDM session is seperate. So a TSR loaded in one NTVDM does not carry over into the next. This is why you must run them within the same session.

The simplest way to test your games before you start messing around with batch files for simplicity is to surf to the game directory manually through CMD.EXE. Then change to full screen. Then mess around with DOSDRV (VDMSound sound driver) and NOLFB. Once you get that sorted out and working properly THEN you will know what you need to do to make a proper batch file and understand the reasons for doing so.

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Reply 21 of 87, by Snover

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DosFreak wrote:

The reason for this is because each NTVDM session is seperate. So a TSR loaded in one NTVDM does not carry over into the next.

Let me make an analogy.
Think of NTVDM as a "virtual" computer. When you restart your computer, does any of your data that was loaded when you restarted still there? No, I didn't think so. So every time NTVDM closes, it's like turning off your computer.

Yes, it’s my fault.

Reply 22 of 87, by Stiletto

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Snover wrote:

When you restart your computer, is any of your data that was loaded in memory when you restarted still there? No, I didn't think so.

Edited your analogy a bit. And in answer, semiconductor and memory manufacturers are working on that. Some sort of static RAM (SRAM). So when you turn your computer back on, everything's still loaded. There was a news article about it recently, I'm wracking my brain to remember where I saw it. But all that is off-topic anyhow.

"I see a little silhouette-o of a man, Scaramouche, Scaramouche, will you
do the Fandango!" - Queen


Reply 23 of 87, by vladr

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Ah, static RAM is bulky and slow. Doubt it will replace dynamic RAM anytime soon... or ever for that matter (though "never say never").


Reply 24 of 87, by ericjmz

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Nicht & dos freak,
once you taught me to use nolfb (corrrectly) things brigtened up.

I pretty much am playing blood now..have a question or 2..
I will try the same technique on redneck rampage tomorow,by the way..

here goes:
1.no problem with nolf window open...& all steps PRIOR to nicht 's original instructions ( & dosfreaks abbreviated summary) as to playing with soundblaster sound(irq 5 ) midi music,& 640 x 480 rez ( screen goes purple-black on 800x 600 )

2.with vdmsound,& the launcher,EVEN with the nolfb window remaining open,it just goes to a black-dos-like inactive window...this is WITH irq REset to 7 as instructed...or if I put it back again to 5...
not a crucial point...but without vdms sound,many intermittent slowdowns

also a non-crucial question:

if a game needs a slowdown to prevent a runtime error,(such as the blood addon Cryptic Passage),& the setting of cap timer frequency in the vdms launcher does not prevent the runtime error,or if I never get the launcher or vdms sound to work,& thus am playing with the vesa fix & the earlier instructions,what program can I "integrate" with the cryptic.exe & the vesa fix ,on winxp to make it all work...?
eric margolis

I'd rather have a free bottle in front of me than a pre-frontal lobotomy !

Reply 25 of 87, by Nicht Sehr Gut

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ericjmz wrote:

...if a game needs a slowdown to prevent a runtime error,(such as the blood addon Cryptic Passage),...

Patch with the tppatch in the game directory like this:


If it comes back with:

Überprüfe die Datei ...Datei ist ok.
Die Datei wird jetzt gepatcht... fertig.

...then you are good to go.

Reply 26 of 87, by DosFreak

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Originally posted by ericjmz
1.no problem with nolf window open...& all steps PRIOR to nicht 's original instructions ( & dosfreaks abbreviated summary) as to playing with soundblaster sound(irq 5 ) midi music,& 640 x 480 rez ( screen goes purple-black on 800x 600 )

What vid card are you using? I'm trying to compose a list of NOLFB/Build Engine resolutions (not really NOLFB more like VESA 1.2 fallback)

So far:

GF3 =All Resolutions up to 1600X1200
GF4 =None
9700=All Resolutions up to 1280X1024

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Reply 27 of 87, by ericjmz

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I use a geforce 4 4600 ti...the top of the line geforce...so I was surprised by my inability to go above 640 x 480 with the vesa patch...this is prior to any vdmsound alterations,as my last posting show I hadn't cured that step...still ,Blood is PLAYABle 😉)
bY THE WAY,IF i GET EITHER cRYPTIC OR rEDNECK TO WORK (haven't gotten to Nichts tppatch yet,but will) I'm sending a donation...check goes to who..?..where..?
eric margolis

I'd rather have a free bottle in front of me than a pre-frontal lobotomy !

Reply 28 of 87, by Stiletto

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Nicht Sehr Gut wrote:
Patch with the tppatch in the game directory like this: […]
Show full quote

Patch with the tppatch in the game directory like this:


If it comes back with:

Überprüfe die Datei ...Datei ist ok.
Die Datei wird jetzt gepatcht... fertig.

...then you are good to go.

Nicht, Nicht, remember: we here prefer ctbppat to tppatch. 😀

"I see a little silhouette-o of a man, Scaramouche, Scaramouche, will you
do the Fandango!" - Queen


Reply 29 of 87, by Stiletto

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ericjmz wrote:

bY THE WAY,IF i GET EITHER cRYPTIC OR rEDNECK TO WORK (haven't gotten to Nichts tppatch yet,but will) I'm sending a donation...check goes to who..?..where..?

Uh, check goes to us for providing support and having patience?

Donate to VOGONS!

Hey Eric, you're only about 2 hours drive from me. 😉

"I see a little silhouette-o of a man, Scaramouche, Scaramouche, will you
do the Fandango!" - Queen


Reply 30 of 87, by Nicht Sehr Gut

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Stiletto wrote:

Nicht, Nicht, remember: we here prefer ctbppat to tppatch. 😀

Downloaded both, then used the wrong one. Gotta stop trying to troubleshoot at midnight. *shrug*

Reply 31 of 87, by Nicht Sehr Gut

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ericjmz wrote:

I use a geforce 4 4600 ti...the top of the line geforce...so I was surprised by my inability to go above 640 x 480 with the vesa patch...

It appears that this may be a glitch. Are the new cards even tested for VESA DOS-modes anymore?

It appears, that as time goes by, more and more manufacturers no longer consider support for DOS. Even in the simplest of forms.

Has anyone with a GF4 tested for these modes in DOS/Win9x?

Reply 32 of 87, by Snover

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Donations all go to me, and then I wire them to all the moderators. I've actually received some money, but am planning on waiting until the account has bit more before sending anything out so that the surcharge isn't so extreme. (PayPal was not meant to distribute money to numerous people, heh)

Yes, it’s my fault.

Reply 33 of 87, by vladr

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ericjmz wrote:

2.with vdmsound,& the launcher,EVEN with the nolfb window remaining open,it just goes to a black-dos-like inactive window...this is WITH irq REset to 7 as instructed...or if I put it back again to 5...
not a crucial point...but without vdms sound,many intermittent slowdowns

Make sure VDMSound's "Update 1" is installed. Go to "Advanced" properties/settings for VDMSound, and under teh DOS configuration tab, in the AUTOEXEC box, type:


...or whatever path NOLFB.COM is located in.

Also, you may want to disable EMS. Set up IRQ7, etc. -- does the game still freeze (with EMS disabled and "Update 1" installed)?


Reply 34 of 87, by Nicht Sehr Gut

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Snover wrote:

...waiting until the account has bit more before sending anything out so that the surcharge isn't so extreme.

Here's your $2, now if you'll just pay this $12 processing fee... Heh.

Reply 35 of 87, by ericjmz

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Rank Newbie

Well Nicht,Stiletto,& Dos freak...looks like you got me thru it-at least as far as I can make it,which while not perfect,is good enough..I DID donate...for which I think you'll quickly see that Donald Trump is NOT my real long lost dad (that would be Hugh Hefner !)
final success level,& even a little unrequested advice:

1.Blood works great,thru vesa patch...have not done the final test with the path to Nolf.com in the dos environment section of the VDMSound launcher properties;i'm guessing it will work.

2.ditto to Cryptic Passage...via the WONDERFUL ctbppat

3.Neither go above 640x 480..which unless further commented on or resolved,I'll attribute to the lack of VEsa-dos support for my GeForce4 TI 4600 card,with the latest beta drivers ( anyone on any driver with this card gets better than 640 x 480 please let me/us know.
4.as to redneck rampage original & Route 66 addon (of which the desire to replay was the genesis of all this stuff,& for which I last nite,FINALLY played the first level...better than the first level of the original also)-same as all the above WITHOUT VDMSound...I ran into the exact same,won't allow to play locked starting animation that NICHT mentioned...(>"Tried with VDMSound. Stunned to find that it's consistently locks up on the introductory animation. Tried tinkering with the settings.
This may only be an movie-animation problem. Need to tinker further when I get a chance...
The thing I find bizarre is how it locks up on the intro with VDMSound. I can't figure how to stop the animation from being played. "...<

so unless this is resolved,these 2 games can ONLY be played with WinXP soundblaster emulation...sucky but acceptable;so solved of sorts...though a cure to the latter would be nice.

5.In closing,was this all worth it..? ( I still can't believe the amount of posts generated by this)...You bet it was!!!! thus my donation & thanks again.

Too bad there isn't the interest in the great Build engine games there is the the ID hacks...imagine a world with JShadow Warrior,JDuke,JBlood,Jredneck etc...wouldn't THAT be nice...?:)

Oh one more thing...I think I'm no more ignorant than the lumpen proletariat as to all this Dos-hacking..maybe less so even..
I think another summary of the steps woyuld be nice,but THIS time,with the details of how to actually command prompt VESA(could it BE LESS intuitive?),where to put in the Dos-environment section as to the nolfb.com path in vdmsound launcher properties,etc...
This info is neither intuitive or "out there"...e.g.,one of the only redneck pages left,the great Betram's Lair.on their bullentin board,has no idea how to play the rednecks thru WinXP...with your permission,as i've sturggled thu it,I'l like to tell them,
take care,folks

eric margolis

I'd rather have a free bottle in front of me than a pre-frontal lobotomy !

Reply 36 of 87, by DosFreak

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Hmmm, Don't have the game but you may be able to disable the movies through the .CFG file or delete the movie file...That might work.

As for the amounts of posts this is what the board is for! I love threads with lots o' posts! Post 'em!

As for a Guide...that is also what this board is for. To discover issues discovered by the "common" gamer. 😉 and implement everything into an appropriate guide. Noone can be expected to remember everything, indeed as I get older I remember less and less. 🙁

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Reply 37 of 87, by Stiletto

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DosFreak wrote:

As for a Guide...that is also what this board is for. To discover issues discovered by the "common" gamer. 😉 and implement everything into an appropriate guide. Noone can be expected to remember everything, indeed as I get older I remember less and less. 🙁

The Hitchhiker's Guide to Classic Gaming? 😀

"I see a little silhouette-o of a man, Scaramouche, Scaramouche, will you
do the Fandango!" - Queen


Reply 38 of 87, by vladr

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DosFreak wrote:

Hmmm, Don't have the game but you may be able to disable the movies through the .CFG file or delete the movie file...That might work.

Try to disable EMS in VDMSound/LaunchPad instead, see if the stuff still locks up. The scenario I suggest to see if it's a VDMSOund or environment is as follows (apply it to all games that work with WinXP's emulation but don't work with VDMSound even after "Update 1" was installed):

1) Open a DOS box
2) Change to game's directory
3) Run install/setup and set IRQ 5 (to use XP's emulation)
4) Run game and make sure that it works.


5) Open a DOS box
6) Change to game's directory
7) Run DOSDRV.EXE (loads up VDMSound)
😎 Run install/setup and set IRQ 7 (to use VDMSound's emulation)
9) Run game and see if it works.

If step 4 succeeds but 9 fails then use LaunchPad to generate a VDMS.LOG file, zip it up and attach it to the Vogons thread about the game, and I'll take a look.


Reply 39 of 87, by Nicht Sehr Gut

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ericjmz wrote:

3.Neither go above 640x 480..which unless further commented on or resolved,I'll attribute to the lack of VEsa-dos support for my GeForce4 TI 4600 card,...

We need somebody with a GF4 to test it under DOS and/or Win9x for VESA support. Any takers?

..so unless this is resolved,these 2 games can ONLY be played with WinXP soundblaster emulation...

I'll check this again when I get the chance.

Too bad there isn't the interest in the great Build engine games there is the the ID hacks...imagine a world with JShadow Warrior,JDuke,JBlood,Jredneck etc...

Already covered that little daydream:
Looks like the best hope right now is GLBuild
Although right now all it does is allow you to "fly" through rendered levels...

...I think I'm no more ignorant than the lumpen proletariat as to all this Dos-hacking..maybe less so even..

I'm not sure I even want to know what this means...

I think another summary of the steps would be nice,but THIS time,with the details of how to actually command prompt VESA(could it BE LESS intuitive?),...

That's more of issue involving learning how to use the command line to control an OS. You might want to check up on a DOS tutorial. That's where much of this came from... (commands will differ under NT OS's, but the logic stays the same).

This info is neither intuitive or "out there"...e.g.,one of the only redneck pages left,the great Betram's Lair.on their bullentin board,has no idea how to play the rednecks thru WinXP...

You can expect that to continue for a while. NT-Based OS's are still in the minority as far as the "general public" is concerned. This site and NT Compatible seem to be the only sites putting any effort into getting old stuff to run on new systems.

...with your permission,as i've sturggled thu it,I'l like to tell them,...

Sure, after you've paid our copyright fee. Heh-heh. Kidding. (Gotta stop that.)