First post, by Dinnin Darkblade

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Okay you can all laugh if you like, but why bother with emulators when I have an old eMachine with WinME sitting around. So I hooked it up and started to install some games. Thus far the Crystal SoundFusion(TM) chip on the board seems compatible with the old Roland series of sound cards. However, despite having a Sound Blaster Pro 2 being detected by a few games, including EoB3, I cannot seem to get these games to use the sound chip as a sound blaster card. Is there some work around to get the digital sounds and speech effects that the Roland series seems to not support?

Reply 1 of 8, by eL_PuSHeR

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Welcome to the forum, Dinnin Darkblade

WinME? Bleh, worst O.S. ever made. Install W98SE + updates instead.

Back on topic. I don't know that sound chipset. But maybe you need to load some TSR to get SoundBlaster emulation. Have you check the manufacturer's website?

Intel i7 5960X
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Reply 2 of 8, by DosFreak

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I always find it funny that people refuse to use DosBox yet they spend hours configuring an old machine they either haven't used in years or have no experience using. (I'm not saying that DosBox is perfect yet of course).

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Reply 3 of 8, by Dinnin Darkblade

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Okay, then any idea were to download SE? Last I knew any of the Windows OS's were 90+ bucks, wich I cannot shell out to play some ancient games I like. Also, if I do get a hold of SE how messy is it to install and manage to keep certin files that I need. Also is SE compatible with Ethernet Internet Connections? Never messed with SE. While I can work within XP very easily I've never had to actually install an OS since... Umm... Win 3.X. Yea, it's been a long time.

Also, as for digging up some old system I know nothing about and the bit about refusing to use Dos Box. Trust me, if the one XP Enabled computer in the house was mine to do what ever I frelling felt like, I'd use it. But alas the one XP enabled computer is my roommates lap top that she uses for school. While she does not mind me using it so her son and I can play various internet games together (D2 and Runescape mainly) I can assure you that she neither needs nor wants me to be downloading various programs onto her computer when they are single player games that for the most part run on my own WinME OS. Yes, I had an XP computer, but have you ever had one of those vengful ex's? If you have then I think you can fill in the rest of why I no longer have the XP system with your own imagination.

Oh, and for the manufacturer's website. I have had little luck with Google in regards to searching both for the eMachine website (the towers merchant) and with regards to the Crystal/Cirrus website. It mostly had a bunch of technical mumbo jumbo that was beyond me. Things like what materials the chip is made of, how many circuts and what not, but nothing useful like how to make the darn thing do what you want it to do. So if anyone has a link to any webpages that might have that sort of info send them my way. I am very good at Step 1: Do XXXX 😁

Reply 4 of 8, by eL_PuSHeR

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Forget about getting illegal software here. It's not allowed.

On the other hand, DOSBox is FREE. You should give it a whirl.

Intel i7 5960X
Gigabye GA-X99-Gaming 5
8 GB DDR4 (2100)
8 GB GeForce GTX 1070 G1 Gaming (Gigabyte)

Reply 5 of 8, by Dinnin Darkblade

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Was not meaning to ask for it illegally. I just simply did not know if it was available for public download or not. Thats all.

As for Dos Box, from what I understand it, like that one sound emu I found, VMD I think it is, is reliant on having Windows XP. As stated previously the only WinXP Computer is my roommates laptop.

Reply 7 of 8, by swaaye

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You may want to try to switch to V X D drivers if you're using WDM-based drivers. Windows 98 drivers are usually V X D. 9x didn't support WDM until 98SE, and WDM is usually trouble with that OS line. (Sorry about the weird letter spacing, but V X D turns into a smiley otherwise).

V X D drivers are almost always the way to go for 9x. They get you lower CPU utilization usually.

http://members.driverguide.com/driver/detail. … driverid=581492

Reply 8 of 8, by eL_PuSHeR

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swaaye. You have got an option to disable smilies while posting. 😁

Intel i7 5960X
Gigabye GA-X99-Gaming 5
8 GB DDR4 (2100)
8 GB GeForce GTX 1070 G1 Gaming (Gigabyte)