First post, by Zen

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Rank Newbie

I want try installing DOXBOX on my Fedra core Linux machine but before doing that I need to know (1) if the font for non-single byte character codes are displayed 😕 😕 😕 😎 , (2) Keyboard will accommodate the Kana-Kanji conversion routine. If not supported as-is (i.e., DOSBOX 0.7 or 0.63), will you be kind to provice any hints and kinds to make Japanese WordPerfect running in DOSBOX?

de JN1HRG Zen

Reply 1 of 3, by Zen

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Rank Newbie

I expanded catchment areas for Japanese language support of DOXBOX, but none avail. Any hints and kinks appreciated.

de JN1HRG Zen

Reply 2 of 3, by dh4rm4

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Rank Oldbie

Uhm DOS in Japanese is DOS-V as far as I know and it's not as simple as just DOS with a Japanese font. Kanji, Katakana and Hirogana require more characters than the standard english/romance language codepage will allow. Maybe you can install DOS-V in DOSBox?

Reply 3 of 3, by Jorpho

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Rank l33t++

The thing about WordPerfect is that even the English versions use an extended character set that includes Japanese characters. I doubt it contains much kanji, though, and I really doubt you'll have much luck trying to directly import a "modern" Unicode or Shift-JIS document.

Long, long ago, I had a video driver for WordPerfect 5.1 that would even display most of these characters onscreen in a special text mode. It wasn't particularly readable, though, and it was also relatively slow. I have no idea where you might find it, unless it's on http://www.wpdos.org somewhere.

At any rate, if you want to use Japanese in WordPerfect, you should probably just get the Japanese version of WordPerfect.