DosBox - port to PalmOS?

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First post, by coltrane

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Is there any chances of someone of the DosBox team to port this brilliant emulator to PDA devices, such as PalmOS?

Another small question... How can I mount a path and execute a .exe file that is in that path, directly from the [autoexec] section in dosbox.conf ?

Thanks for reading.

Reply 1 of 6, by MiniMax

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People port software to the devices they have an interest in and (in most cases) have in their hands , that they have developer tools for, and (for some people) devices that they legally can install the ports on.

In addtion to that, the problem with porting DOSBox to PDA's are (I think): Availability of a decent port of SDL, lack of CPU power on the PDA.

You should be able to execute your .exe with just 2 lines in the autoexec section:

mount X "Y:\path\to\some\where"

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Reply 2 of 6, by ADDiCT

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That would be very nice... But AFAIK, there's no XScale compatibility in DOSBox now, and SDL hasn't been ported to PalmOS yet, too. And the next question would be, which OS to support. I think i read somewhere that the next generation of Palm devices will be Linux based. If i understood that right, PalmOS is pretty much dead.

There might even be a person that could help with the port, if he's interested. CodeJedi has already ported a lot of emulators to PalmOS.

Reminds me, i have to get my old T3 out again... Haven't used it in a while.

Reply 3 of 6, by mirekluza

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Dosbox on PDA
- only real possibility at the moment is Windows Mobile (with touchscreen). n0p's port is a bit older but good. Though even so forget very demanding games (processors in PDA's are weak and as far as I know there is no dynamic core for ARM processors yet)

But back to Palm:
On a sourceforge there is a project for porting to Palm, I think there was even a test version (buggy) released last year. Otherwise IMHO Palm has no future.
Palm itself moves to Linux and Windows Mobile.

Just for the sake of completness - as far as I know there is no Dosbox port for Symbian (so forget Nokia's etc.).

Get a Windows Mobile device and you will be able to both use Dosbox and Palm applications (there is a very good though commerciall Palm emulator for Windows Mobile).


Reply 4 of 6, by coltrane

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Rank Newbie

Yes, I got it. It's called PalmDosBox and it's based on DosBox 0.65.
I've installed it and It's running just fine with my T3; now, the only thing I need to figure out is how to set the SD card paths correctly to execute a game direct from the [autoexec] section of the dosbox.conf. That's because the T3 grafitti keyboard is not supported by this version.

If I get this port to run a simple game (like brucelee for example) we'll be able to see how well Dosbox can operate with a 400mhz ARM processors.

Reply 5 of 6, by MiniMax

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Lenovo M58p | Core 2 Quad Q8400 @ 2.66 GHz | Radeon R7 240 | LG HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH40N | Fedora 32