First post, by V4lou

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Rank Newbie

Hello everyone.

I am creating a portable version of TES:Daggerfall with Dosbox under Linux Mint and other Ubuntu-like distributions.

I've use the old Dosbox version in the software manager and a portable version of the last release of Dosbox-Staging and I have the same problem:

I am forced to use Timidity to have MIDI musics.

This is the first time I have encountered this problem with a DOS game and MIDI. With other games like Cannon Fodder or SimCity 2000 or even The Adventures of Valdo & Marie with Dosbox and Windows 3.11 i have not a issue with MIDI musics and i don't have to use Timidity in addition.

Have you encountered a similar problem?

Have you a tips to launch Daggerfall with Dosbox without Timidity and have the music ?

I would really like make a portable version of Daggerfall under Linux without any software installation.

Thanks a lot for your responses.



P.S: Sorry for my bad English.

Reply 1 of 5, by wierd_w

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Rank Member

that's because the game is using the MPU401 interface, which is an external midi UART on the back of either a Roland MPU401 card, or is "sortof" integrated into the joystick port on a SoundBlaster (or compatible) card.

DosBox passes midi messages meant for an MPU401 compatible device to a midi device in the system, defined by where you point it in the dosbox.conf file. This could be at a software midi device, or at an FM synth device (if you are running linux on a system which actually still has an OPL type FM synth) or it can be an actual hardware midi device sitting on USB, or any other MIDI capable device.

MUNT is another great companion to dosbox on linux, as it offers an ALSA midi device backend similar to Fluidsynth or Timidity.

If the game can be configured to not use the MPU401 interface, and instead get directed to DosBox's virtual OPL3 (or, if you have the goodies to make it work, turn on DosBox's GUS emulation, which can intercept MPU401, I believe, using the software tools that come with a GUS) you might be able to get away without installing anything extra.

I BELIEVE you can use the loose timidity patch-set files with dosbox's GUS emulation, for an unencumbered instrument set. That's what the .conf file says anyway.
Verify that binary distribution of the patch-set files is permissible with your package. (It might not be, without at least a pointer on where to get them in the package repository-- verify the license) If you can use it that way, just put it in a patches folder along with your game, and have the GUS software load those patches.

Reply 2 of 5, by V4lou

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Rank Newbie


Thanks a lot for your responses.

Unfortunately, I did not succeed to configure GUS with Dosbox Linux (and Dosbox-Staging) with the game Daggerfall.

Have you a example of configuration of dosbox.conf ?

Thanks a lot again.


EDIT: GUS with Daggerfall don't seem to go together : DaggerFall with Gus enabled in DOSBox for Music.

Reply 3 of 5, by V4lou

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Rank Newbie

Hello everyone.

New approach. I use fluidsynth integrated into Dosbox-Staging with a soundfont MT-32.

But, with my new Dosbox-Staging configuration file, Dosbox-Staging exit with the error "atexit" as soon as the game starts.

I have check on Internet and I did not find an explanation.

I'im under Linux Mint 21.1 Cinnamon

My config File:

# Ceci est le fichier de configuration pour DOSBox-Staging (0.79.1).
# Les lignes commen‡ant avec un '#' sont des commentaires.

# fullscreen: D‚marrer DOSBox directement en mode plein ‚cran.
# display: Nombre d'‚crans … utiliser ; les valeurs d‚pendent de l'OS et des paramŠtres utilisateur.
# fullresolution: R‚solution utiliser pour le mode plein ‚cran : 'original', 'desktop' (bureau)
# ou une taille fixe (ex. : 1024x768).
# windowresolution: D‚fini la taille de la fenˆtre pendant l'utilisation en mode fenˆtr‚ :
# default: S‚lectionne la meilleure option bas‚e sur
# votre environnement et d'autres paramŠtres.
# original: Redimensionne la fenˆtre suivant la r‚solution
# choisie par le programme ‚mul‚.
# resizable: Permet le redimensionnement de la fenˆtre de l'‚mulateur.
# Ceci est une option exp‚rimentale, marche seulement avec
# output=opengl et glshader=sharp (ou none)
# <custom>: Redimensionne le contenu de la fenˆtre
# aux dimensions indiqu‚es, au format lxh (largeur x hauteur). Par ex. : 1024x768.
# Le redimensionnement n'est pas disponible pour output=surface.
# viewport_resolution: Set the viewport size (drawable area) within the window/screen:
# fit: Fit the viewport to the available window/screen (default).
# <custom>: Limit the viewport within to a custom resolution or percentage of
# the desktop. Specified in WxH, N%, N.M%. Examples: 960x720 or 50%
# window_position: Set initial window position when running in windowed mode:
# auto: Let the window manager decide the position.
# <custom>: Set window position in X,Y format. For example: 250,100
# 0,0 is the top-left corner of the screen.
# window_decorations: Controls whether to display window decorations in windowed mode.
# transparency: Set the transparency of the DOSBox Staging screen.
# From 0 (no transparency) to 90 (high transparency).
# host_rate: Set the host's refresh rate:
# auto: Use SDI rates, or VRR rates when fullscreen on a high-refresh display.
# sdi: Use serial device interface (SDI) rates, without further adjustment.
# vrr: Deduct 3 Hz from the reported rate (best-practice for VRR displays).
# <custom>: Specify a custom rate as a whole or decimal value greater than 23.000.
# vsync: ParamŠtre de synchro verticale non impl‚ment‚ (paramŠtre ignor‚)
# vsync_skip: Number of microseconds to allow rendering to block before skipping the next frame. 0 disables this and will always render.
# presentation_mode: Optionally select the frame presentation mode:
# auto: Intelligently time and drop frames to prevent
# emulation stalls, based on host and DOS frame rates.
# cfr: Always present DOS frames at a constant frame rate.
# vfr: Always present changed DOS frames at a variable frame rate.
# Valeurs possibles: auto, cfr, vfr.
# output: SystŠme vid‚o … utiliser pour la sortie.
# Valeurs possibles: surface, texture, texturenb, texturepp, opengl, openglnb, openglpp.
# texture_renderer: Choisissez un pilote de rendu … utiliser en mode de rendu textur‚.
# Utilisez texture_renderer=auto pour un choix automatique.
# Valeurs possibles: auto, opengl, opengles2, software.
# capture_mouse: M‚thode de contr“le de la souris :
# onclick : La souris sera captur‚e aprŠs
# le premier clic dans la fenˆtre
# onstart : La souris est captur‚e imm‚diatement au d‚marrage
# (similaire au vrai DOS).
# seamless : La souris peut bouger sans contrainte dans et en-dehors
# de la fenˆtre DOSBox et ne peut pas ˆtre captur‚e.
# nomouse : La souris est d‚sactiv‚e et cach‚e sans aucun
# signal envoy‚ au jeu.
# Gestion du clic-milieu (second paramŠtre) :
# middlegame : Les clics-milieu sont envoy‚s au jeu
# middlerelease : Les clics-milieu libŠrent la souris
Show last 710 lines
#                                         (non envoy‚s au jeu). De plus, les clics-milieu
# seront envoy‚s au jeu en mode plein ‚cran ou en mode
# seamless.
# Defaults (si non pr‚sent ou incorrect) : seamless middlerelease
# Valeurs possibles: seamless, onclick, onstart, nomouse.
# sensitivity: Sensibilit‚ de la souris. Le second paramŠtre optionnel sp‚cifie la sensibilit‚ verticale (ex. 100,-50).
# raw_mouse_input: Outrepasse les paramŠtres de votre systŠme pour l'acc‚l‚ration et la sensibilit‚
# de la souris. CelA marche en mode plein ‚cran
# ou quand la souris est captur‚ en mode fenˆtr‚.
# waitonerror: Attend avant de fermer la console si DOSBox a une erreur.
# priority: Niveaux de priorit‚ pour DOSBox. La deuxiŠme valeur aprŠs la virgule est lorsque DOSBox n'est pas actif/r‚duit.
# pause n'est valable que pour la seconde entr‚e.
# Valeurs possibles: auto, lowest, lower, normal, higher, highest.
# mute_when_inactive: Mute the sound when the window is inactive.
# pause_when_inactive: Pause emulation when the window is inactive.
# mapperfile: Fichier utilis‚ pour charger/sauver les correspondances touche/‚v‚nement.
# Resetmapper ne fonctionne qu'avec la valeur par d‚faut.
# screensaver: Utilisez 'allow' (autorise) ou 'block' (bloque) pour outrepasser la variable d'environnement
# SDL_VIDEO_ALLOW_SCREENSAVER (qui bloque g‚n‚ralement la capture d'‚cran de l'OS
# pendant que l'‚mulateur est lanc‚).
# Valeurs possibles: auto, allow, block.

fullscreen = false
display = 0
fullresolution = desktop
windowresolution = default
viewport_resolution = fit
window_position = auto
window_decorations = true
transparency = 0
host_rate = auto
vsync = false
vsync_skip = 7000
presentation_mode = auto
output = opengl
texture_renderer = auto
capture_mouse = seamless middlerelease
sensitivity = 100
raw_mouse_input = false
waitonerror = true
priority = auto auto
mute_when_inactive = false
pause_when_inactive = false
mapperfile = mapper-v2.map
screensaver = auto

# language: S‚lectionner un autre fichier de langue.
# machine: Type de machine que DOSBox essaye d'‚muler.
# Valeurs possibles: hercules, cga, cga_mono, tandy, pcjr, ega, vgaonly, svga_s3, svga_et3000, svga_et4000, svga_paradise, vesa_nolfb, vesa_oldvbe.
# captures: R‚pertoire o— les objets comme les sons WAVE, musiques MIDI, et captures d'‚cran sont enregistr‚s.
# memsize: Quantit‚ de m‚moire dont DOSBox dispose en m‚gaoctets.
# Il est mieux de laisser cette valeur d'origine pour ‚viter les problŠmes avec certains jeux,
# bien que quelques jeux puissent n‚cessiter une valeur plus ‚lev‚e.
# Il n'y a g‚n‚ralement pas de gain de vitesse en augmentant cette valeur.
# mcb_fault_strategy: How software-corrupted memory chain blocks should be handled:
# deny: Quit (and report) when faults are detected (default).
# repair: Repair (and report) faults using adjacent chain blocks.
# report: Report faults but otherwise proceed as-is.
# allow: Allow faults to go unreported (hardware behavior).
# The default (deny) is recommended unless a game is failing with MCB corruption errors.
# Valeurs possibles: deny, repair, report, allow.
# vmemsize: Video memory in MiB (1-8) or KiB (256 to 8192). 'auto' uses the default per video adapter.
# Valeurs possibles: auto, 1, 2, 4, 8, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192.
# dos_rate: Customize the emulated video mode's frame rate, in Hz:
# default: The DOS video mode determines the rate (recommended).
# host: Match the DOS rate to the host rate (see 'host_rate' setting).
# <value>: Sets the rate to an exact value, between 24.000 and 1000.000 (Hz).
# We recommend the 'default' rate; otherwise test and set on a per-game basis.
# vesa_modes: Controls the selection of VESA 1.2 and 2.0 modes offered:
# compatible A tailored selection that maximizes game compatibility.
# This is recommended along with 4 or 8 MB of video memory.
# halfline Supports the low-resolution halfline VESA 2.0 mode used by
# Extreme Assault. Use only if needed, as it's not S3 compatible.
# all Offers all modes for a given video memory size, however
# some games may not use them properly (flickering) or may need
# more system memory (mem = ) to use them.
# Valeurs possibles: compatible, all, halfline.
# speed_mods: Permit changes known to improve performance. Currently no games are known
# to be affected by this. Please file a bug with the project if you find a
# game that fails when this is set to true so we will list them here.
# autoexec_section: How autoexec sections are handled from multiple config files.
# join : combines them into one big section (legacy behavior).
# overwrite : use the last one encountered, like other conf settings.
# Valeurs possibles: join, overwrite.
# automount: Mounts 'drives/[c]' directories as drives on startup, where [c] is
# a lower-case drive letter from a to y. The 'drives' folder can be
# provided relative to the current directory or via built-in resources.
# Mount settings can be optionally provided using a [c].conf file along-
# -side the drive's directory, with content as follows:
# [drive]
# type = dir, overlay, floppy, or cdrom
# label = custom_label
# path = path-specification, ie: path = %%path%%;c:\tools
# override_drive = mount the directory to this drive instead (default empty)
# verbose = true or false
# startup_verbosity: Contr“le la verbosit‚ avant l'affichage du programme :
# | cran de bienvenue | Sorties ‚cran de d‚marrage
# high | oui | oui
# low | non | oui
# quiet | non | non
# auto | 'low' si exec ou dir sont utilis‚s, sinon 'high'
# Valeurs possibles: auto, high, low, quiet.

language =
machine = svga_s3
captures = capture
memsize = 16
mcb_fault_strategy = allow
vmemsize = auto
dos_rate = default
vesa_modes = compatible
speed_mods = true
autoexec_section = join
automount = true
startup_verbosity = high

# frameskip: Nombre d'images que DOSBox saute avant d'en afficher une autre.
# aspect: Met … l'‚chelle la r‚solution verticale pour produire un aspect d'affichage 4:3,
# correspondant … celui des moniteurs … d‚finition standard d'origine
# pour lequel la majorit‚ des jeux DOS ont ‚t‚ con‡us. Ce paramŠtre
# n'affecte que les modes vid‚o qui utilisent des pixels non carr‚s, tels que
# 320x200 ou 640x400 ; alors que les modes de pixels carr‚s, tels que 640x480
# et 800x600, seront affich‚s tel quel.
# monochrome_palette: S‚lectionne la palette par d‚faut pour l'affichage monochrome.
# Fonctionne seulement lors de l'‚mulation hercules ou cga_mono.
# Vous pouvez aussi faire d‚filer les couleurs disponibles avec F11.
# Valeurs possibles: white, paperwhite, green, amber.
# cga_colors: Sets the interpretation of CGA RGBI colors. Affects all machine types capable of
# displaying CGA or better graphics. Built-in presets:
# default: The canonical CGA palette, as emulated by VGA adapters (default).
# tandy [BL]: Emulation of an idealised Tandy monitor with adjustable Brown Level
# (0 - red, 50 - brown, 100 - dark yellow; defaults to 50).
# tandy-warm: Emulation of the actual color output of an unknown Tandy monitor.
# ibm5153 [C]: Emulation of the actual color output of an IBM 5153 monitor with
# a unique Contrast control that dims non-bright colors only
# (0 to 100; defaults to 100).
# agi-amiga-v1, agi-amiga-v2, agi-amiga-v3:
# Palettes used by the Amiga ports of Sierra AGI games
# (see the manual for further details).
# agi-amigaish: A mix of EGA and Amiga colors used by the Sarien AGI-interpreter.
# scumm-amiga: Palette used by the Amiga ports of LucasArts EGA games.
# colodore: Commodore 64 inspired colors based on the Colodore palette.
# colodore-sat: Colodore palette with 20% more saturation.
# dga16: A modern take on the canonical CGA palette with dialed back contrast.
# You can also set custom colors by specifying 16 space or comma separated color values,
# either as 3 or 6-digit hex codes (e.g. #f00 or #ff0000 for full red), or decimal
# RGB triplets (e.g. (255, 0, 255) for magenta).
# scaler: Scaler utilis‚ pour agrandir/am‚liorer les modes basse r‚solution.
# Si l'option "forced" est ajout‚e, alors le scaler sera utilis‚ mˆme si
# le r‚sultat ne semble pas celui escompt‚.
# Notez que certains scalers peuvent utiliser des bords noirs pour remplir l'image
# dans la r‚solution configur‚. Si ce n'est pas l'effet voulu,
# essayez un scaler diff‚rent ou activez le mode plein ‚cran.
# Valeurs possibles: none, normal2x, normal3x, advmame2x, advmame3x, advinterp2x, advinterp3x, hq2x, hq3x, 2xsai, super2xsai, supereagle, tv2x, tv3x, rgb2x, rgb3x, scan2x, scan3x.
# glshader: Aussi bien 'none' (aucun) ou le nom d'un shader GLSL. Marche seulement avec
# la sortie OpenGL. Peut-ˆtre un chemin absolu, un fichier
# dans le sous-r‚pertoire 'glshaders' du r‚pertoire de configuration
# de DOSBox, ou l'un des shaders int‚gr‚s :
# advinterp2x, advinterp3x, advmame2x, advmame3x,
# crt-easymode-flat, crt-fakelottes-flat, rgb2x, rgb3x,
# scan2x, scan3x, tv2x, tv3x, sharp (d‚faut).

frameskip = 0
aspect = true
monochrome_palette = white
cga_colors = default
scaler = none
glshader = default

# composite: Enable composite mode on start. 'auto' lets the program decide.
# Note: Fine-tune the settings below (ie: hue) using the composite hotkeys.
# Then read the new settings from your console and enter them here.
# Valeurs possibles: auto, on, off.
# era: Era of composite technology. When 'auto', PCjr uses new and CGA/Tandy use old.
# Valeurs possibles: auto, old, new.
# hue: Appearance of RGB palette. For example, adjust until sky is blue.
# saturation: Intensity of colors, from washed out to vivid.
# contrast: Ratio between the dark and light area.
# brightness: Luminosity of the image, from dark to light.
# convergence: Convergence of subpixel elements, from blurry to sharp (CGA and Tandy-only).

composite = auto
era = auto
hue = 0
saturation = 100
contrast = 100
brightness = 0
convergence = 0

# core: Core CPU utilis‚ dans l'‚mulation. 'auto' bascule de 'normal' … 'dynamic' si c'est disponible et
# appropri‚.
# Valeurs possibles: auto, dynamic, normal, simple.
# cputype: Coeur de CPU utilis‚ dans l'‚mulation. 'auto' est le choix le plus rapide.
# Valeurs possibles: auto, 386, 386_slow, 486_slow, pentium_slow, 386_prefetch.
# cycles: Nombre d'instructions que DOSBox essaye d'‚muler … chaque milliseconde.
# Param‚trer une trop grande valeur donne des coupures de son et des saccades.
# Les cycles peuvent ˆtre d‚finis de 3 fa‡ons :
# 'auto' essaye de deviner ce dont un jeu a besoin.
# Cela fonctionne g‚n‚ralement, mais peut ‚chouer avec certains jeux.
# '#nombre' d‚finira une quantit‚ fixe de cycles. C'est g‚n‚ralement ce qu'il faut
# si 'auto' ‚choue. (Exemple : '4000')
# 'max' allouera autant de cycles que votre ordinateur est capable
# de g‚rer.
# Valeurs possibles: auto, fixed, max.
# cycleup: Nombre de cycles … ajouter/soustraire avec la combinaison de touches.
# cycledown: Le param‚trer … moins de 100 donnera un pourcentage.

core = auto
cputype = auto
cycles = auto
cycleup = 10
cycledown = 20

# nosound: Activer le mode silencieux, le son ‚tant cependant toujours ‚mul‚.
# rate: Taux d'‚chantillonnage du mixer, param‚trer tout taux d'un p‚riph‚rique plus haut que cela va probablement d‚t‚riorer sa qualit‚ sonore.
# Valeurs possibles: 8000, 11025, 16000, 22050, 32000, 44100, 48000.
# blocksize: Taille de bloc du mixer, des blocs plus grands peuvent aider pour les saccades de son mais il sera aussi moins en phase.
# Valeurs possibles: 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192.
# prebuffer: Nombre de millisecondes de donn‚es … garder en amont du paramŠtre blocksize.
# negotiate: Let the system audio driver negotiate (possibly) better rate and blocksize settings.
# compressor: Enable the auto-leveling compressor on the master channel to prevent clipping
# of the audio output:
# off: Disable compressor.
# on: Enable compressor (default).
# crossfeed: Set crossfeed globally on all stereo channels for headphone listening:
# off: No crossfeed (default).
# on: Enable crossfeed (at strength 40).
# <strength>: Set crossfeed strength from 0 to 100, where 0 means no crossfeed (off)
# and 100 full crossfeed (effectively turning stereo content into mono).
# Note: You can set per-channel crossfeed via mixer commands.
# reverb: Enable reverb globally to add a sense of space to the sound:
# off: No reverb (default).
# on: Enable reverb (medium preset).
# tiny: Simulates the sound of a small integrated speaker in a room;
# specifically designed for small-speaker audio systems
# (PC Speaker, Tandy, PS/1 Audio, and LPT DAC devices).
# small: Adds a subtle sense of space; good for games that use a single
# synth channel (typically OPL) for both music and sound effects.
# medium: Medium room preset that works well with a wide variety of games.
# large: Large hall preset recommended for games that use separate
# channels for music and digital audio.
# huge: A stronger variant of the large hall preset; works really well
# in some games with more atmospheric soundtracks.
# Note: You can fine-tune per-channel reverb levels via mixer commands.
# Valeurs possibles: off, on, tiny, small, medium, large, huge.
# chorus: Enable chorus globally to add a sense of stereo movement to the sound:
# off: No chorus (default).
# on: Enable chorus (normal preset).
# light: A light chorus effect (especially suited for
# synth music that features lots of white noise.)
# normal: Normal chorus that works well with a wide variety of games.
# strong: An obvious and upfront chorus effect.
# Note: You can fine-tune per-channel chorus levels via mixer commands.
# Valeurs possibles: off, on, light, normal, strong.

nosound = false
rate = 44100
blocksize = 1024
prebuffer = 25
negotiate = true
compressor = true
crossfeed = off
reverb = off
chorus = off

# mididevice: Pr‚iph‚rique qui recevra les donn‚es MIDI (depuis l'interface
# ‚mul‚e - MPU-401). Choisissez l'un des suivants :
# 'fluidsynth', pour utiliser le synth‚tiseur MIDI int‚gr‚. Reportez-vous
# … la section [fluidsynth] pour la configuration d‚taill‚e.
# 'mt32', pour utiliser le synth‚tiseur Roland MT-32 int‚gr‚. Reportez-vous
# … la section [mt32] pour la configuration d‚taill‚e.
# 'auto', pour utiliser le premier lecteur MIDI externe disponible. Cela
# peut ˆtre un synth‚tiseur logiciel ou un p‚riph‚rique mat‚riel.
# Valeurs possibles: auto, oss, alsa, fluidsynth, mt32, none.
# midiconfig: Options de configuration pour l'interface MIDI s‚lectionn‚e.
# Il s'agit g‚n‚ralement de l'ID ou du nom du synth‚tiseur MIDI que vous voulez
# utiliser (trouver son ID/nom avec la commande DOS 'mixer /listmidi').
# - Cette option n'a aucun effet lors de l'utilisation d'un synth‚tiseur int‚gr‚
# (mididevice = 'fluidsynth' ou 'mt32').
# - Lors de l'utilisation d'ALSA, utiliser la commande Linux 'aconnect -l' pour lister
# les ports MIDI et en s‚lectionner un (par exemple 'midiconfig=14:0'
# pour le s‚quenceur client 14, port 0).
# - Si vous utiliser un Roland MT-32 avec un PCB en r‚vision 0,
# le mat‚riel peut demander un d‚lai afin d'‚viter que son
# tampon ne d‚borde. Dans ce cas, ajoutez 'delaysysex',
# par exemple: 'midiconfig=2 delaysysex'.
# Reportez vous au README/Manuel pour plus d'informations.
# mpu401: Type de MPU-401 … ‚muler.
# Valeurs possibles: intelligent, uart, none.

mididevice = fluidsynth
midiconfig =
mpu401 = intelligent

# soundfont: Path to a SoundFont file in .sf2 format. You can use an
# absolute or relative path, or the name of an .sf2 inside
# the 'soundfonts' directory within your DOSBox configuration
# directory.
# Note: The optional volume scaling percentage after the filename
# has been deprecated. Please use a mixer command instead to
# change the FluidSynth audio channel's volume, e.g.:
# fsynth_chorus: Chorus effect: 'auto', 'on', 'off', or custom values.
# When using custom values:
# All five must be provided in-order and space-separated.
# They are: voice-count level speed depth modulation-wave, where:
# - voice-count is an integer from 0 to 99.
# - level is a decimal from 0.0 to 10.0
# - speed is a decimal, measured in Hz, from 0.1 to 5.0
# - depth is a decimal from 0.0 to 21.0
# - modulation-wave is either 'sine' or 'triangle'
# For example: chorus = 3 1.2 0.3 8.0 sine
# Note: You can disable the FluidSynth chorus and enable the
# mixer-level chorus on the FluidSynth channel instead, or
# enable both chorus effects at the same time. Whether this
# sounds good depends on the SoundFont and the chorus settings
# being used.
# fsynth_reverb: Reverb effect: 'auto', 'on', 'off', or custom values.
# When using custom values:
# All four must be provided in-order and space-separated.
# They are: room-size damping width level, where:
# - room-size is a decimal from 0.0 to 1.0
# - damping is a decimal from 0.0 to 1.0
# - width is a decimal from 0.0 to 100.0
# - level is a decimal from 0.0 to 1.0
# For example: reverb = 0.61 0.23 0.76 0.56
# Note: You can disable the FluidSynth reverb and enable the
# mixer-level reverb on the FluidSynth channel instead, or
# enable both reverb effects at the same time. Whether this
# sounds good depends on the SoundFont and the reverb settings
# being used.
# fsynth_filter: Filter for the FluidSynth audio output:
# off: Don't filter the output (default).
# <custom>: Custom filter definition; see 'sb_filter' for details.

soundfont = ~/Abandonware-France/The-Elders-Scrolls-Daggerfall/The-Elders-Scrolls-Daggerfall_Dosbox-Staging81/soundfonts/Phoenix_MT-32.sf2
fsynth_chorus = auto
fsynth_reverb = auto
fsynth_filter = off

# model: ModŠle de synth‚tiseur … utiliser. Par d‚faut, pr‚fŠre CM-32L
# si les deux sets de ROMs sont fournis. Pour les premiers jeux Sierra et Dune 2,
# il est recommand‚ d'utiliser 'mt32', alors qu les jeux r‚cents utilisent
# plut“t les effets sonores suppl‚mentaires CM-32L (utilisez 'auto' ou 'cm32l')
# Valeurs possibles: auto, cm32l, cm32l_102, cm32l_100, mt32, mt32_old, mt32_107, mt32_106, mt32_105, mt32_104, mt32_bluer, mt32_new, mt32_204.
# romdir: R‚pertoire contenant les ROMs n‚cessaires MT-32 et/ou CM-32L
# nomm‚s comme ceci :
# MT32_CONTROL.ROM ou CM32L_CONTROL.ROM - fichier(s) de contr“le ROM.
# MT32_PCM.ROM ou CM32L_PCM.ROM - fichier(s) PCM ROM.
# Le r‚pertoire peut ˆtre absolu ou relatif, ou laisser vide pour
# utiliser le r‚pertoire 'mt32-roms' dans le r‚pertoire de configuration
# de DOSBox, ou un autre r‚pertoire habituel du systŠme.
# mt32_filter: Filter for the Roland MT-32/CM-32L audio output:
# off: Don't filter the output (default).
# <custom>: Custom filter definition; see 'sb_filter' for details.

model = auto
romdir =
mt32_filter = off

# sbtype: Type de Sound Blaster … ‚muler. 'gb' pour Game Blaster.
# Valeurs possibles: sb1, sb2, sbpro1, sbpro2, sb16, gb, none.
# sbbase: Adresse IO de la Sound Blaster.
# Valeurs possibles: 220, 240, 260, 280, 2a0, 2c0, 2e0, 300.
# irq: Num‚ro d'IRQ de la Sound Blaster.
# Valeurs possibles: 7, 5, 3, 9, 10, 11, 12.
# dma: Num‚ro DMA de la Sound Blaster.
# Valeurs possibles: 1, 5, 0, 3, 6, 7.
# hdma: Num‚ro High DMA de la Sound Blaster.
# Valeurs possibles: 1, 5, 0, 3, 6, 7.
# sbmixer: Permet au mixer Sound Blaster de modifier le mixer de DOSBox.
# sbwarmup: Silence initial DMA audio after card power-on, in milliseconds.
# This mitigates pops heard when starting many SB-based games.
# Reduce this if you notice intial playback is missing audio.
# oplmode: Type d'‚mulation OPL. Sur 'auto' le mode est d‚termin‚ par 'sbtype'.
# Tous les modes OPL sont compatibles AdLib, sauf pour 'cms'.
# Valeurs possibles: auto, cms, opl2, dualopl2, opl3, opl3gold, none.
# sb_filter: Type of filter to emulate for the Sound Blaster digital sound output:
# auto: Use the appropriate filter determined by 'sbtype'.
# sb1, sb2, sbpro1, sbpro2, sb16:
# Use the filter of this Sound Blaster model.
# modern: Use linear interpolation upsampling that acts as a low-pass filter;
# this is the legacy DOSBox behaviour (default).
# off: Don't filter the output.
# <custom>: One or two custom filters in the following format:
# Where TYPE can be 'hpf' (high-pass) or 'lpf' (low-pass),
# ORDER is the order of the filter from 1 to 16
# (1st order = 6dB/oct slope, 2nd order = 12dB/oct, etc.),
# and FREQ is the cutoff frequency in Hz. Examples:
# lpf 2 12000
# hpf 3 120 lfp 1 6500
# sb_filter_always_on: Force the Sound Blaster filter to be always on
# (disallow programs from turning the filter off).
# opl_filter: Type of filter to emulate for the Sound Blaster OPL output:
# auto: Use the appropriate filter determined by 'sbtype' (default).
# sb1, sb2, sbpro1, sbpro2, sb16:
# Use the filter of this Sound Blaster model.
# off: Don't filter the output.
# <custom>: Custom filter definition; see 'sb_filter' for details.
# cms_filter: Filter for the Sound Blaster CMS output:
# on: Filter the output (default).
# off: Don't filter the output.
# <custom>: Custom filter definition; see 'sb_filter' for details.

sbtype = sb16
sbbase = 220
irq = 7
dma = 1
hdma = 5
sbmixer = true
sbwarmup = 100
oplmode = auto
sb_filter = modern
sb_filter_always_on = false
opl_filter = auto
cms_filter = on

# gus: Activer l'‚mulation Gravis UltraSound.
# gusbase: Adresse de base IO de la Gravis UltraSound.
# Valeurs possibles: 240, 220, 260, 280, 2a0, 2c0, 2e0, 300.
# gusirq: Num‚ro d'IRQ de la Gravis UltraSound.
# Valeurs possibles: 5, 3, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12.
# gusdma: Canal DMA de la Gravis UltraSound.
# Valeurs possibles: 3, 0, 1, 5, 6, 7.
# ultradir: Chemin vers le r‚pertoire UltraSound. Dans ce r‚pertoire,
# il devrait y avoir un r‚pertoire MIDI qui contient
# les fichiers de patch pour la lecture GUS. Le jeu de patch
# utilis‚ avec Timidity devrait bien fonctionner correctement.
# gus_filter: Filter for the Gravis UltraSound audio output:
# off: Don't filter the output (default).
# <custom>: Custom filter definition; see 'sb_filter' for details.

gus = false
gusbase = 240
gusirq = 5
gusdma = 3
ultradir = C:\ULTRASND
gus_filter = off

# sidmodel: Model of chip to emulate in the Innovation SSI-2001 card:
# - auto: Selects the 6581 chip.
# - 6581: The original chip, known for its bassy and rich character.
# - 8580: A later revision that more closely matched the SID specification.
# It fixed the 6581's DC bias and is less prone to distortion.
# The 8580 is an option on reproduction cards, like the DuoSID.
# - none: Disables the card.
# Valeurs possibles: auto, 6581, 8580, none.
# sidclock: The SID chip's clock frequency, which is jumperable on reproduction cards.
# - default: uses 0.895 MHz, per the original SSI-2001 card.
# - c64ntsc: uses 1.023 MHz, per NTSC Commodore PCs and the DuoSID.
# - c64pal: uses 0.985 MHz, per PAL Commodore PCs and the DuoSID.
# - hardsid: uses 1.000 MHz, available on the DuoSID.
# Valeurs possibles: default, c64ntsc, c64pal, hardsid.
# sidport: The IO port address of the Innovation SSI-2001.
# Valeurs possibles: 240, 260, 280, 2a0, 2c0.
# 6581filter: The SID's analog filtering meant that each chip was physically unique.
# Adjusts the 6581's filtering strength as a percent from 0 to 100.
# 8580filter: Adjusts the 8580's filtering strength as a percent from 0 to 100.
# innovation_filter: Filter for the Innovation audio output:
# off: Don't filter the output (default).
# <custom>: Custom filter definition; see 'sb_filter' for details.

sidmodel = none
sidclock = default
sidport = 280
6581filter = 50
8580filter = 50
innovation_filter = off

# pcspeaker: Activer l'‚mulation du haut-parleur PC.
# Valeurs possibles: discrete, impulse, none, off.
# pcspeaker_filter: Filter for the PC Speaker output:
# on: Filter the output (default).
# off: Don't filter the output.
# <custom>: Custom filter definition; see 'sb_filter' for details.
# tandy: Activer l'‚mulation du Tandy Sound System. Pour 'auto', l'‚mulation est pr‚sente seulement si la machine est param‚tr‚e sur 'tandy'.
# Valeurs possibles: auto, on, off.
# tandy_filter: Filter for the Tandy synth output:
# on: Filter the output (default).
# off: Don't filter the output.
# <custom>: Custom filter definition; see 'sb_filter' for details.
# tandy_dac_filter: Filter for the Tandy DAC output:
# on: Filter the output (default).
# off: Don't filter the output. <custom>: Custom filter definition; see 'sb_filter' for details.
# lpt_dac: Type of DAC plugged into the parallel port:
# disney: Disney Sound Source.
# covox: Covox Speech Thing.
# ston1: Stereo-on-1 DAC, in stereo up to 30 kHz.
# none/off: Don't use a parallel port DAC (default).
# Valeurs possibles: none, disney, covox, ston1, off.
# lpt_dac_filter: Filter for the LPT DAC audio device(s):
# on: Filter the output (default).
# off: Don't filter the output.
# <custom>: Custom filter definition; see 'sb_filter' for details.
# ps1audio: Enable IBM PS/1 Audio emulation.
# ps1audio_filter: Filter for the PS/1 Audio synth output:
# on: Filter the output (default).
# off: Don't filter the output.
# <custom>: Custom filter definition; see 'sb_filter' for details.
# ps1audio_dac_filter: Filter for the PS/1 Audio DAC output:
# on: Filter the output (default).
# off: Don't filter the output.
# <custom>: Custom filter definition; see 'sb_filter' for details.

pcspeaker = discrete
pcspeaker_filter = on
tandy = auto
tandy_filter = on
tandy_dac_filter = on
lpt_dac = none
lpt_dac_filter = on
ps1audio = false
ps1audio_filter = on
ps1audio_dac_filter = on

# joysticktype: Type de manette … ‚muler : auto (d‚faut),
# aucun (d‚sactive l'‚mulation du joystick)
# 2axis (supporte deux manettes),
# 4axis (supporte une manette, premiŠre manette utilis‚e),
# 4axis_2 (supporte une manette, seconde manette utilis‚e),
# fcs (Thrustmaster), ch (CH Flightstick).
# 'none' d‚sactive l'‚mulation de la manette.
# 'auto' choisit l'‚mulation selon la(les) manette(s) r‚elle(s).
# (Rappelez-vous de r‚initialiser le fichier de correspondance des touches DOSBox si vous l'avez sauv‚ plus t“t)
# Valeurs possibles: auto, 2axis, 4axis, 4axis_2, fcs, ch, hidden, disabled.
# timed: Activer des intervalles de temps pour les axes. Tester cette option si votre manette d‚rive.
# autofire: Tirer continuellement tant que le bouton est press‚.
# swap34: changer les 3Šme et 4Šme axes. Peut ˆtre utile avec certaines manettes.
# buttonwrap: Activer l'inversion de bouton pour le nombre de boutons ‚mul‚s.
# circularinput: Activer la translation d'entr‚e circulaire vers une sortie carr‚e.
# Essayez d'activer ceci si votre stick analogique gauche peut seulement bouger dans un cercle.
# deadzone: Pourcentage de mouvement … ignorer. 100 transforme le stick en un stick digital.
# use_joy_calibration_hotkeys: Activates hotkeys to allow realtime calibration of the joystick's x and y axis.
# Only consider this if in-game calibration fails and other settings have been tried.
# - Ctrl/Cmd+Arrow-keys adjusts the axis' scalar value:
# - left and right diminish or magnify the x-axis scalar, respectively.
# - down and up diminish or magnify the y-axis scalar, respectively.
# - Alt+Arrow-keys adjusts the axis' offset position:
# - left and right shift x-axis offset in the given direction.
# - down and up shift the y-axis offset in the given direction.
# - Reset the X and Y calibration using Ctrl+Delete and Ctrl+Home, respectively.
# Each tap will report X or Y calibration values you can set below. When you find parameters that work,
# quit the game, switch this setting back to false, and populate the reported calibration parameters.
# joy_x_calibration: Apply x-axis calibration parameters from the hotkeys. Default is 'auto'.
# joy_y_calibration: Apply Y-axis calibration parameters from the hotkeys. Default is 'auto'.

joysticktype = auto
timed = true
autofire = false
swap34 = false
buttonwrap = false
circularinput = false
deadzone = 10
use_joy_calibration_hotkeys = false
joy_x_calibration = auto
joy_y_calibration = auto

# serial1: D‚finir le type de p‚riph‚rique connect‚ au port s‚rie.
# Peut ˆtre 'disabled' (d‚sactiv‚), 'dummy' (factice), 'modem', 'nullmodem', 'directserial'.
# Les paramŠtres additionnels doivent ˆtre sur la mˆme ligne sous la forme
# paramŠtre:valeur. Le paramŠtre pour tous les types est l'IRQ (optionnel).
# Pour 'directserial' : realport (port r‚el, requis), rxdelay (optionnel).
# (realport:COM1 realport:ttyS0).
# Pour 'modem' : listenport (port d'‚coute, optionnel).
# Pour 'nullmodem' : server, rxdelay, txdelay, telnet, usedtr,
# transparent, port, inhsocket (tous optionnels).
# Exemple : 'serial1=modem listenport:5000'.
# Valeurs possibles: dummy, disabled, mouse, modem, nullmodem, direct.
# serial2: Voir serial1
# Valeurs possibles: dummy, disabled, mouse, modem, nullmodem, direct.
# serial3: Voir serial1
# Valeurs possibles: dummy, disabled, mouse, modem, nullmodem, direct.
# serial4: Voir serial1
# Valeurs possibles: dummy, disabled, mouse, modem, nullmodem, direct.
# phonebookfile: Fichier utilis‚ pour relier de faux num‚ros de t‚l‚phone … des adresses.

serial1 = dummy
serial2 = dummy
serial3 = disabled
serial4 = disabled
phonebookfile = phonebook.txt

# xms: Activer la prise en charge de m‚moire XMS (ou ‚tendue).
# ems: Activer la prise en charge de m‚moire EMS (ou pagin‚e). La valeur par d‚faut (=true) fournie
# la meilleure compatibilit‚ mais certaines applications peuvent fonctionner mieux
# avec d'autres choix, ou la d‚sactivation de l'EMS (=false)
# pour fonctionner.
# Valeurs possibles: true, emsboard, emm386, false.
# umb: Activer la prise en charge des UMB (bloc m‚moire sup‚rieure).
# ver: Param‚trer la version de DOS (5.0 par d‚faut). Formater selon majeure.mineure.
# Un nombre seul est trait‚ comme une version majeure.
# Les paramŠtres communs sont 3.3, 5.0, 6.22, and 7.1.
# country: Set DOS country code which will affect country-specific
# information such as date, time, and decimal formats.
# If set to 0, the country code corresponding to the
# selected keyboard layout will be used.
# expand_shell_variable: Enable expanding environment variables such as %PATH%
# while in the DOS command shell. FreeDOS and MS-DOS 7/8
# COMMAND.COM supports this behavior.
# keyboardlayout: Code langue pour la disposition du clavier (ou aucun).

xms = true
ems = true
umb = true
ver = 5.0
country = 0
expand_shell_variable = false
keyboardlayout = auto

# ipx: Activer l'IPX par ‚mulation UDP/IP.

ipx = false

# ne2000: Enable emulation of a Novell NE2000 network card on a software-based
# network (using libslirp) with properties as follows:
# - : Subnet mask of the virtual LAN.
# - : IP of the gateway and DHCP service.
# - : IP of the virtual DNS server.
# - : First IP provided by DHCP, your IP!
# Note: Inside DOS, setting this up requires an NE2000 packet driver,
# DHCP client, and TCP/IP stack. You might need port-forwarding
# from the host into the DOS guest, and from your router to your
# host when acting as the server for multiplayer games.
# nicbase: The base address of the NE2000 card.
# Note: Addresses 220 and 240 might not be available as they're assigned
# to the Sound Blaster and Gravis UltraSound by default.
# Valeurs possibles: 200, 220, 240, 260, 280, 2c0, 300, 320, 340, 360.
# nicirq: The interrupt used by the NE2000 card.
# Note: IRQs 3 and 5 might not be available as they're assigned
# to 'serial2' and the Gravis UltraSound by default.
# Valeurs possibles: 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15.
# macaddr: The MAC address of the NE2000 card.
# tcp_port_forwards: Forwards one or more TCP ports from the host into the DOS guest.
# The format is:
# port1 port2 port3 ... (e.g., 21 80 443)
# This will forward FTP, HTTP, and HTTPS into the DOS guest.
# If the ports are privileged on the host, a mapping can be used
# host:guest ..., (e.g., 8021:21 8080:80)
# This will forward ports 8021 and 8080 to FTP and HTTP in the guest
# A range of adjacent ports can be abbreviated with a dash:
# start-end ... (e.g., 27910-27960)
# This will forward ports 27910 to 27960 into the DOS guest.
# Mappings and ranges can be combined, too:
# hstart-hend:gstart-gend ..., (e.g, 8040-8080:20-60)
# This forwards ports 8040 to 8080 into 20 to 60 in the guest
# Notes:
# - If mapped ranges differ, the shorter range is extended to fit.
# - If conflicting host ports are given, only the first one is setup.
# - If conflicting guest ports are given, the latter rule takes precedent.
# udp_port_forwards: Forwards one or more UDP ports from the host into the DOS guest.
# The format is the same as for TCP port forwards.

ne2000 = true
nicbase = 300
nicirq = 3
macaddr = AC:DE:48:88:99:AA
tcp_port_forwards =
udp_port_forwards =

# Les lignes de cette section seront lanc‚es au d‚marrage.
# Vous pouvez mettre vos commandes MOUNT ici.
keyb fr
echo The Elder Scrolls II - Daggerfall
echo. Patch French Daggerfall
echo. https://wiwiki.wiwiland.net
echo www.abandonware-france.org
echo DOSBox Staging
echo Commandes de base pour Dosbox :
mount C "C"
imgmount D ~/Abandonware-France/The-Elders-Scrolls-Daggerfall/The-Elders-Scrolls-Daggerfall_Dosbox-Staging/CD/Dagger.iso -t iso

Have you a tips to to correct this error ?

Thanks a lot for your responses.


Reply 4 of 5, by DosFreak

User metadata
Rank l33t++

You'll need ask on the staging github, not here.
Also so called "abandonware" not supported here.

Last edited by DosFreak on 2023-09-03, 13:06. Edited 1 time in total.

How To Ask Questions The Smart Way
Make your games work offline

Reply 5 of 5, by V4lou

User metadata
Rank Newbie


Thanks for your response.

Meantime, I have found the problem. This is a simple mistake with the path of the CD mount. Shame on me!