Reply 680 of 1069, by S95Sedan
Maelgrum wrote on 2023-10-05, 18:55:From 4.13 […]
S95Sedan wrote on 2023-10-05, 18:45:See attached; line 1225 (413) line 1095 (416) […]
Maelgrum wrote on 2023-10-05, 18:35:Group 4 commands ( 4X)
See attached;
line 1225 (413)
line 1095 (416)Yeah the code is the same but the routine doesnt jump to the table in 4.16. (hence the X0a60 vs X0260)
Dont know if this is intentional or another error on their part.From 4.13
mov dptr,#samplerate_table; 08b6 90 08 bb ..;
movc a,@a+dptr ; 08b9 93 .
ret ; 08ba 22 "
samplerate_table: db 15h,16h,16h,16h,16h,16h,16h,16h ; 08bb ........
db 16h,16h,16h,16h,17h,17h,17h,17h ; 08c3 ........
db 17h,17h,17h,17h,17h,17h,18h,18h ; 08cb ........
db 18h,18h,18h,18h,18h,18h,18h,18h ; 08d3 ........
db 19h,19h,19h,19h,19h,19h,19h,19h ; 08db ........
db 1ah,1ah,1ah,1ah,1ah,1ah,1ah,1ah ; 08e3 ........
db 1bh,1bh,1bh,1bh,1bh,1bh,1bh,1bh ; 08eb ........
db 1ch,1ch,1ch,1ch,1ch,1ch,1ch,1dh ; 08f3 ........
db 1dh,1dh,1dh,1dh,1dh,1eh,1eh,1eh ; 08fb ........
db 1eh,1eh,1eh,1fh,1fh,1fh,1fh,1fh ; 0903 ........
db 1fh,20h,20h,20h,20h,20h,21h,21h ; 090b . !!
db 21h,21h,21h,22h,22h,22h,22h,22h ; 0913 !!!"""""
db 23h,23h,23h,23h,24h,24h,24h,24h ; 091b ####$$$$
db 25h,25h,25h,25h,26h,26h,26h,26h ; 0923 %%%%&&&&
db 27h,27h,27h,27h,28h,28h,28h,29h ; 092b ''''((()
db 29h,29h,29h,2ah,2ah,2ah,2bh,2bh ; 0933 )))***++
db 2bh,2ch,2ch,2dh,2dh,2dh,2eh,2eh ; 093b +,,---..
db 2eh,2fh,2fh,30h,30h,30h,31h,31h ; 0943 .//00011
db 32h,32h,33h,33h,34h,34h,35h,35h ; 094b 22334455
db 36h,36h,37h,37h,38h,38h,39h,39h ; 0953 66778899
db 3ah,3bh,3bh,3ch,3dh,3dh,3eh,3fh ; 095b :;;<==>?
db 3fh,40h,41h,42h,42h,43h,44h,45h ; 0963 ?@ABBCDE
db 46h,47h,48h,49h,49h,4ah,4bh,4dh ; 096b FGHIIJKM
db 4eh,4fh,50h,51h,52h,53h,55h,56h ; 0973 NOPQRSUV
db 57h,59h,5ah,5ch,5dh,5fh,60h,62h ; 097b WYZ\]_`b
db 64h,66h,68h,6ah,6ch,6eh,70h,72h ; 0983 dfhjlnpr
db 75h,77h,7ah,7ch,7fh,82h,85h,89h ; 098b uwz|....
db 8ch,90h,93h,97h,9ch,0a0h,0a5h,0aah ; 0993 ..... %*
db 0afh,0b5h,0bbh,0c1h,0c8h,0d0h,0d8h,0e0h ; 099b /5;AHPX`
db 0eah,0f4h,0ffh,0ffh ; 09a3 jt..
Yeah that looks the same, apart from a label down the table.
But i suppose its a conversion error somewhere then.
See below.