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Reply 41 of 58, by dr_st

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thepirategamerboy12 wrote on 2024-02-14, 14:57:

I own Virtual Snooker in the big box as well, I'm surprised it got a US release tbh since Snooker is virtually unheard of here.

I think that's one of the reasons the game got slightly lower ratings than Virtual Pool, even though it's essentially exactly the same engine. More fans of 8-ball/9-ball than of snooker in the US.

BTW, Virtual Pool 2 big box releases had different designs in the US versus EU/UK. That game had no snooker option, and there was no Virtual Snooker 2. The lineups were finally united in Virtual Pool 3 which has a snooker mode alongside the more common pool games.

https://cloakedthargoid.wordpress.com/ - Random content on hardware, software, games and toys

Reply 42 of 58, by Aui

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Indiana Jones and the Emperors Tomb

The story of the decline of the big box has been told a few times


although even today, there is still some life in it. During the late 90ies Big Boxes became increasingly often replaced by – at first quite nice and elaborate smaller boxes – but later just simple DVD clamshell packings. This, however, did not happen everywhere at the same time and it is thus often not clear if a Big Box variant of a specific game exists at all and finding such an elusive title is always nice. For example, the Emperors Tomb is a Lucas Arts title form 2003. At the same year Lucas Arts also published “Knights of the Old Republic” To this day, I have never seen a Big Box variant – nor am I sure if one exists (If someone has one – “please show and tell”!). Many “late” big boxes are really done with minimum effort, but this one is an exception. We get a registration card, EA flyer and even the classic “Jones” notebook.

The game itself is a nice action adventure in which the famous archeologist attempts to raid the tomb of the first Chinese Emperor – like …Tomb raider! Just as in the previous title, The Infernal Machine, these games play very similarly to the original Tomb Raider but they are also done very nicely – so if you like the genre they are highly recommended. One of the novel things in this title was the inclusion of the environment into the brawls. Shovels, chairs fists – it feels a lot like in the movies. And if you can’t get enough there is even more coming


(Although - if I could have a say what to do with the franchise next, I would suggest lending the Thimbleweed engine to Hal Barwood and kindly ask if he could send the Archeologist out once more finding the Lost Final Indiana Jones Point and Click Adventure)


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Reply 43 of 58, by Deano

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Small box but with a special significance (to me).

Got this today in a bundle of other small box games. TBH This was the main one I waited.

Silent Hill 2 Directors Cut PC is a hard to get game in general, and generally considered the best way to play it on modern hardware (using the Enhanced Edition that some fans have made) but this wasn't the only reason.

I was Lead Programmer (and also did the production role) on this, over 20 years ago.

I have the US big box copy given to me (in storage) but I wanted a UK/EU version, so finally got one and nostalgia overload!

Just looking at the list of GPUs we supported and how hard our little team of 4 worked to get it to on a range of PCs in basically 6 months , raises a smile 😁


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Game dev since last century

Reply 44 of 58, by dr_st

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Deano wrote on 2024-03-02, 11:21:
Small box but with a special significance (to me). […]
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Small box but with a special significance (to me).

Got this today in a bundle of other small box games. TBH This was the main one I waited.

Silent Hill 2 Directors Cut PC is a hard to get game in general, and generally considered the best way to play it on modern hardware (using the Enhanced Edition that some fans have made) but this wasn't the only reason.

I was Lead Programmer (and also did the production role) on this, over 20 years ago.

I have the US big box copy given to me (in storage) but I wanted a UK/EU version, so finally got one and nostalgia overload!

Just looking at the list of GPUs we supported and how hard our little team of 4 worked to get it to on a range of PCs in basically 6 months , raises a smile 😁

Now this, is an impressive story. Thanks for sharing!

https://cloakedthargoid.wordpress.com/ - Random content on hardware, software, games and toys

Reply 45 of 58, by Garrett W

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Deano wrote on 2024-03-02, 11:21:
Small box but with a special significance (to me). […]
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Small box but with a special significance (to me).

Got this today in a bundle of other small box games. TBH This was the main one I waited.

Silent Hill 2 Directors Cut PC is a hard to get game in general, and generally considered the best way to play it on modern hardware (using the Enhanced Edition that some fans have made) but this wasn't the only reason.

I was Lead Programmer (and also did the production role) on this, over 20 years ago.

I have the US big box copy given to me (in storage) but I wanted a UK/EU version, so finally got one and nostalgia overload!

Just looking at the list of GPUs we supported and how hard our little team of 4 worked to get it to on a range of PCs in basically 6 months , raises a smile 😁

Hey, thanks for sharing! Mind sharing more from that experience? Did you essentially port the XBOX version of the game to the PC? Was the source code easily readable, were comments in English etc?
Any particular anecdotes? I imagine supporting fixed function hardware must have been a tough thing to pull off!

Reply 46 of 58, by Deano

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We had source code and art from both PS2 and XBox version. The XBox version was the main version we worked with. Rumour has it Konami has lost the original source code now, I may have it on backup in storage. I've been asked about it but the storage is in another country so not had a chance to look yet.

Source code had all comments in Japanese, we had a Japanese to English translator software that Oscar used to write a tool convert the all the comments to English in place. However this was 2000ish translation and it didn't do a great job. I knew a bit of Japenense so would sometimes manually translate parts where the auto-translate didn't help.

We ended up with 3 seperate vertex render paths, Software TnL, Fixed function TnL and Vertex shaders 1.0.
The XBox pixel shaders were bigger than PS1.1 so we had to redo them and try and get them into the PC restrictions.
The bones and morphs also didn't fit in the PC constant space. We had a reversed bone index system that was done on the CPU that removed the space limit.
Render target weren't available and/or unreliable so we couldn't blur the shadows. This has led to a myth that the PC used stencil shadow but the console didn't, the shadow algo is exactly the same we just couldn't blur it.

We had to detect forced driver AA as it broke some of the rendering.

More fun ones:
I setup a NES with Mario in our area and we would play it when compiling etc. As no saves we left it on, with a sign "Don't turn off", one night the cleaner did and we were devastated to find out 3/4 complete Mario progress was lost 😀
I also had a Playstation inflatable basket ball thing setup (base was filled with water, the rest of air) with its own inflatable ball, after a whilst we realized that clearly it wasn't meant to stay up long as the water filled base was starting to turn into a Cthulhu like creature 😀

Game dev since last century

Reply 47 of 58, by Garrett W

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That's a lot more than expected, thanks for sharing!

I've read about some other ports to PC from the late 90s/early 00s such as Final Fantasy VII and Metal Gear Solid and the devs there faced the same issue with code comments in Japanese and having to work off rough translations which is why I asked. I've only really had experience with the original PS2 version which I love dearly, but as far as I can tell you guys did a great job considering the state of PC gaming at the time and the issues arising from porting a Japanese title from cutting edge consoles!

Reply 48 of 58, by Aui

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LGR just uploaded the quintessential DUNE I Boxart and Game review (and no, I dont think the age of retro gaming channels has reached its end yet) I like this game a lot especially because it very nicely blends adventure elements with strategy gameplay which is rare. In addition, just like the old movies, the game also maintains the scifi-baroque mix.
What I also like (separate hobby) are paper mechanic books. So I consider that Sandworm Box one of the most awesome releases ever. As I dont have it, from now on I can at least admire it every now and then...


Reply 49 of 58, by Aui

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Return to Monkey Island
I have been a long time reader of the grumpy gamers block ( https://grumpygamer.com ) and consequently also followed all the buildup and drama before the announcement of this game including the Aprils fools joke. When the game was released, it was of course severely lacking a big box so I took things in my own hands:

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Let’s just say that I overestimated my crafting skills and found the final result extremely lacking. However, along the way I discovered this forum
( https://forums.mixnmojo.com/topic/200537-proj … nual-and-wheel/ )
and I have to say I am really impressed by what some people achieve with paper and scissors. Not only the replica but also the newly designed boxes are really nice (e.g. that Grimrock II Box !). So after a year of waiting I am now happy to have finally got the Limited run Box (I will keep my own work as a humbling reminder that a lot of things are more difficult than they appear, or need more care and dedication).

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The game itself is a classic point and click adventure although I have to admit that I have only played the easy version so far. I will definitively come back and play the puzzle way as well as soon as I have the time such an adventure needs. So is Return to monkey Island a great game? I think definitively Yes. It is of course not a direct continuation of the originals and it’s not a magic device to send you back in time, but a lot have been said and written about that already. I definitively had fun playing it and as usual there were some really good laughs…

Reply 51 of 58, by Aui

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Ultima Underworld
This is a well-known game in a slightly unusual box. I never played the PC-98 version, but I liked this box even better than the “original” PC version (which is also great). The only difference is the slightly different frame of the cover picture, but to me this looks much more sinister. In fact, here you can literally see how the protagonist is indeed climbing down into an abyss. Beside a map (only paper) you get manuals and instructions and a small metal dagger with a hilt like an ankh (instead of a bag of runes as for the PC version).

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The game is remarkable for it marks the moment where grid based CRPG’s finally changed to a full 3D engine with continuous movement (2 months before Wolf 3D!). In fact, the engine could do much more – as you could look up and down, move up and down stairs and inclined ramps and interact with the environment in a lot of ways. This came at the price of a smaller field of view and a much slower gameplay. In fact, the game never feels like an FPS game (nor like an Ultima game). There is a nice blog post from the Digital Antiquarian here:
https://www.filfre.net/2019/01/life-off-the-g … ima-underworld/
Besides being an awesome dungeon crawler, I found the game quite difficult and though I played it a lot, I never finished it. I will definitively need to revisit it at some stage.

Reply 52 of 58, by dr_st

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Do "The White Label" re-releases count as Big Box? At 23.5×18.5 cm, they are somewhat between a big and a medium box. For a budget brand they certainly kept a good portion of the original goodies (mostly manuals) in the box. I obtained a couple of their "Doubles" series (two games in one box).

Monkey Island 1 & 2
I haven't played this game when it was a hit, but having heard so much about it, eventually played through the remastered Special Editions. Got this for completion. It includes the CD versions of both games on one disc. MI1 uses CD audio, so the tracks are also present. MI2 uses the interactive iMUSE system, so all music is integrated in the game files. The bundle comes with a combined (probably shortened) manual for the two games + reference card. No copy protection is present, and the games run directly from the CD (or CD image), keeping just a small configuration file on the hard drive.

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade / Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
Once again - classic adventure games I never really played as a kid. Tried to get into it while the DOS Game Club was playing it earlier this year, but ultimately did not have time. Oh, well, maybe one day. This one has a pretty rich bundle - original CDs, original manuals and The Grail Diary of Henry Jones (providing some back story) are all there . The copy I got seems complete - even the promotional flyer for more "White Label" games is intact. The one disappointing thing is that for "The Last Crusade" only the EGA version is included. There is plenty of space on the disc to include the VGA version too.

The 7th Guest + The 11th Hour
Two discs for the first game, four discs for the sequel - a lot for a mid-nineties games, but this is what you get when including pre-rendered video and live audio. The content appears identical to the original releases of the games, and although the manuals have been reduced to CD booklet size, they look complete. The installer for each game only copies the main program files and audio drivers to the drive, and most of the content is loaded directly from the discs, so one should expect to swap CDs as they go through the adventure. Years ago I had played through the 7th Guest, and it was enjoyable. It is more of a puzzle and not an adventure game really. If the 11th Hour is similar, I shall probably enjoy it too.

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Reply 53 of 58, by Aui

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Do "The White Label" re-releases count as Big Box? 

Yes, definitvely, and like the Kixx versions and the big Lucas Arts Adventure Boxes they are also more rare these days.

The one disappointing thing is that for "The Last Crusade" only the EGA version is included. There is plenty of space on the disc to include the VGA version too.

Strange enough, until very recently I had not even noticed that there is a VGA version. I played the EGA version back in the day and thought thats all there is.
Generally speaking Fate of Atlantis is by far the better game. Last Crusade sticks very closely to the movie which leads to actual spoilers if you know the plot. Atlantis on the other hand ...perhaps even better than the movies. Great story, music and the puzzles are challanging but fair. Highly recomended. I am currently pondering the question if I should give the new "Great Circle" game a try...

Reply 54 of 58, by Aui

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While somewhat similar to Ultima Underworld “on paper” (i.e. fantasy setting in a full 3D engine) Heretic is not an RPG but instead the first medieval FPS. It uses the DOOM engine, and the gameplay is very similar. While the level design is sometimes slightly repetitive, Boss Battles are awesome and great fun (that Iron Lich that keeps smiling...). The game was released as Shareware and features one of the greatest box arts of all time.

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If I had one point of objection with the cover then it would be the abundance of labels which are a serious distraction. The (extremely elusive) mail-order version would at least get rid of the “Shareware” and Doom reference printing, but it is expectedly extremely rare. There is a further release “Shadow of the Serpent Riders” with additional episodes which also features an awesome box.


Reply 55 of 58, by dr_st

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Aui wrote on 2025-01-02, 04:13:

While somewhat similar to Ultima Underworld “on paper” (i.e. fantasy setting in a full 3D engine) Heretic is not an RPG but instead the first medieval FPS. It uses the DOOM engine, and the gameplay is very similar. While the level design is sometimes slightly repetitive, Boss Battles are awesome and great fun (that Iron Lich that keeps smiling...). The game was released as Shareware and features one of the greatest box arts of all time.

I love Iron Liches. A simple EXE patch can make them fly, which can make the boss battle at the end of E1M8 play out very differently.

Aui wrote on 2025-01-02, 04:13:

There is a further release “Shadow of the Serpent Riders” with additional episodes which also features an awesome box.

Yes, quite hard to come by these days, although loose CD digipaks from this release are abundant on eBay.

https://cloakedthargoid.wordpress.com/ - Random content on hardware, software, games and toys

Reply 57 of 58, by dr_st

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I guess it's time to bring up another one of my original big box purchases, before I started collecting them for the sake of research and collection.

Warcraft Battle Chest

Why is it special to me?
I've played both Warcraft games as a kid, and a couple of years later was very happy to find this collection in a store, heavily discounted.
I believe this was the first time I saw the videos of both games and heard the narration of Warcraft 1 (floppy version didn't have it).

What's included?

  • Warcraft: Orcs and Humans, Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness, Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal expansion. Each game on its own CD, with DOS and Mac versions.
  • The original manuals from the big boxes of Warcraft and Warcraft II.
  • The jewel-case manual booklet for the Warcraft II expansion. I believe the English release of the expansion never had a full-size manual.

Blog entry for more reading and pictures.

This release really was a perfect Warcraft collection at its time. It was the first of Blizzard's famous battle chests, and set the trend for quality. Somewhat later, the Windows version of Warcraft II (Battle.net Edition) was released, and triggered another battle chest, which, unfortunately, dropped the original Warcraft and the DOS version of WC2.

Following this, years later, when I was in "full collector" mode, I've acquired the small-box battle chests for StarCraft, Warcraft III and Diablo, but that's a different story.

https://cloakedthargoid.wordpress.com/ - Random content on hardware, software, games and toys

Reply 58 of 58, by gerry

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dr_st wrote on 2025-01-28, 08:01:
I guess it's time to bring up another one of my original big box purchases, before I started collecting them for the sake of res […]
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I guess it's time to bring up another one of my original big box purchases, before I started collecting them for the sake of research and collection.

Warcraft Battle Chest

Why is it special to me?
I've played both Warcraft games as a kid, and a couple of years later was very happy to find this collection in a store, heavily discounted.
I believe this was the first time I saw the videos of both games and heard the narration of Warcraft 1 (floppy version didn't have it).

What's included?

  • Warcraft: Orcs and Humans, Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness, Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal expansion. Each game on its own CD, with DOS and Mac versions.
  • The original manuals from the big boxes of Warcraft and Warcraft II.
  • The jewel-case manual booklet for the Warcraft II expansion. I believe the English release of the expansion never had a full-size manual.

Blog entry for more reading and pictures.

This release really was a perfect Warcraft collection at its time. It was the first of Blizzard's famous battle chests, and set the trend for quality. Somewhat later, the Windows version of Warcraft II (Battle.net Edition) was released, and triggered another battle chest, which, unfortunately, dropped the original Warcraft and the DOS version of WC2.

Following this, years later, when I was in "full collector" mode, I've acquired the small-box battle chests for StarCraft, Warcraft III and Diablo, but that's a different story.

that's great! i haven't seen one of those before, getting everything on its own CD and manuals too.