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Reply 40 of 54, by kevin223

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spiroyster wrote on 2024-07-23, 13:25:


A good technical explanation about what happened and who may be to blame...

Sounds like a good intelligent guy, It gives me 2/10 conspirationist Vibe

Reply 41 of 54, by RandomStranger

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ncmark wrote on 2024-07-20, 13:51:

I'd like to think that this will show cramming updates down everyone's throat is a bad idea, but probably won't happen

I think the bigger problem is over-reliance on centralized proprietary systems. It works until it doesn't and when it doesn't the problem will be huge. History has already proven this several times.

sreq.png retrogamer-s.png

Reply 42 of 54, by Intel486dx33

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Since this keeps happening many times before since 1990’s. These Antivirus security companies should not have such control over your computer servers.
The way this antivirus security software is implemented and administered can cause the servers to crash.
This does not sound like a good solution.

Last edited by Intel486dx33 on 2024-07-24, 15:14. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 43 of 54, by sydres

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Do your diligence folks! If your a corporation with resources don't allow anyone to apply updates till you've tested it, if your not a big corporation but rely on your IT infrastructure then maybe delay your updates for a few days. If providers don't allow you to delay or test an update prior to updating a critical system then it's time to move on or hold them to the fire!

Reply 44 of 54, by Shagittarius

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sydres wrote on 2024-07-23, 17:01:

Do your diligence folks! If your a corporation with resources don't allow anyone to apply updates till you've tested it, if your not a big corporation but rely on your IT infrastructure then maybe delay your updates for a few days. If providers don't allow you to delay or test an update prior to updating a critical system then it's time to move on or hold them to the fire!

Welcome to DevOps

Reply 45 of 54, by sydres

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I get it, money, time and all that. But I was an IT major back in the 2000s focused on network and security. I've been away for almost 20 years and I still think there are situations that merit the old ways of doing things.

Reply 48 of 54, by chinny22

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kevin223 wrote on 2024-07-23, 14:50:
spiroyster wrote on 2024-07-23, 13:25:


A good technical explanation about what happened and who may be to blame...

Sounds like a good intelligent guy, It gives me 2/10 conspirationist Vibe

Did wonder if the link was to Dave.
His channel is worth a look most of it is a bit too programming for my taste but the stories are interesting of how he created things like the task manger and one of my favourite's Windows format utilities where he even admits it was never designed to look pretty, just quick little GUI that someone can pretty up later but no one ever did.

I miss the days function was more important then design.

Reply 49 of 54, by Big Pink

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It's generally held that the original PC's two great failings were lack of sound and lack of networking. I've certainly come round to the belief that the latter wasn't so bad in retrospect.

Anyone who avoided this deserves an Adama Award.

I thought IBM was born with the world

Reply 50 of 54, by ncmark

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Rank Oldbie

I once told an IT person - who was setting up a new computer in my office - that I thought this whole idea of updates on the fly is a really bad idea because it creates a back-door into the system
What happened to doing it right the first time

Reply 51 of 54, by Norton Commander

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Ahhhh... another Friday afternoon where I'm enjoying some ice cold beers instead of spending a long weekend at work.

https://www.theregister.com/2024/11/06/window … _2025_surprise/

https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/microso … install-issues/

https://www.tomshardware.com/software/windows … ows-server-2025

https://windowsforum.com/threads/unexpected-w … ghtmare.344862/

https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/sys … ror/ar-AA1tCeqd

Reply 52 of 54, by liqmat

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Rank l33t
Norton Commander wrote on 2024-11-08, 20:59:
Ahhhh... another Friday afternoon where I'm enjoying some ice cold beers instead of spending a long weekend at work. […]
Show full quote

Ahhhh... another Friday afternoon where I'm enjoying some ice cold beers instead of spending a long weekend at work.

https://www.theregister.com/2024/11/06/window … _2025_surprise/

https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/microso … install-issues/

https://www.tomshardware.com/software/windows … ows-server-2025

https://windowsforum.com/threads/unexpected-w … ghtmare.344862/

https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/sys … ror/ar-AA1tCeqd

You know that dramatic spinning camera shot you see in various movies around the main character when something big is happening or about to happen?

That was me way back at the Microsoft TechEd 2007 event within the walls of the massive Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, FL. After years in the IT industry I was finally at full burnout and just walked out and never looked back. I wont get into details about my personal experiences, but it is easily one of the worst industries for an individuals mental health imo. It almost ruined the hobby side of it for me as well. Never again.

Reply 53 of 54, by PD2JK

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Nowadays you can blame it on the cloud. 😉
In twenty years, we don't have servers running in the basement anymore. I tend to create a little museum then. Fire up a DL380 with P3's or DL385 with Opterons from time to time. Then I figure a colleague comes downstairs to see whats all the racket about.

i386 16 ⇒ i486 DX4 100 ⇒ Pentium MMX 200 ⇒ Athlon Orion 700 | TB 1000 ⇒ AthlonXP 1700+ ⇒ Opteron 165 ⇒ Dual Opteron 856

Reply 54 of 54, by Norton Commander

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liqmat wrote on 2024-11-08, 21:34:

You know that dramatic spinning camera shot you see in various movies around the main character when something big is happening or about to happen?

That was me way back at the Microsoft TechEd 2007 event within the walls of the massive Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, FL. After years in the IT industry I was finally at full burnout and just walked out and never looked back. I wont get into details about my personal experiences, but it is easily one of the worst industries for an individuals mental health imo. It almost ruined the hobby side of it for me as well. Never again.

I completely empathize. I too burned out/walked out, never looked back. I wouldn't recommend IT as a career to anyone. It's torture, plain and simple.