First post, by Trojax2010

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I have been playing Anachronox on windows XP Sp3 and with all the patches installed (up to build 46) fine. However after returning from Limbus and heading to anachronox for the final part of the game, I run into problems. I get to Onegate fine, but I cannot save reliably once I get to the part with the cutscene and boots splitting the party right before entering Detta's grounds. I am stumped as to why this happens now all of sudden, but maybe its just a bug in the game. I could almost attempt to complete the rest of the game without saving, but the game creates automatic saves at certain points, and the game would then crash. Any ideas? I tried to search around but no one has had problems like this I guess.

Reply 1 of 14, by CrisGer

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That is a buggy area, there are some posts about that that i vaguely recall on the archived Planet Anachornox posts...but i dont remember the details. I am curious as to how you got it to run on SP3....what video card and driver are you using? i was using Nhancer for my 8600GT card but it stopped working a while ago..i can still run it on an older machine with a 5500 FX card just fine, but i was curious if you had found a way to get a more modern card to work

A is such a great game.

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Reply 2 of 14, by Trojax2010

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Rank Newbie

This is an old machine I am running it on with a nvidia 6800. I am using some older drivers on it (163.75). I had problems with some of the newer drivers around 181 or so. Old games need these old drivers though sometimes. Oh well it seems a shame not to beat it after coming so far, but I guess its a let down cliffhanger ending , or so I heard anyways.

Reply 3 of 14, by Littlejenny

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I had to copy my savegame to an older computer and play through the Coldwolf minigame on it, then I copied it back and it seems to be working OK. If that's not an option to you, I'll send you my savegame (not sure how at the moment, wasn't able to email it to you).

Reply 4 of 14, by CrisGer

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That is a great idea, a savegame is a work around that should work.

And i will see if i can chat with Chinaman about this as it may be a bug to try to get a patch fix for.

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Reply 5 of 14, by Jorpho

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Rank l33t++

Goodness, Chinaman is a fine fellow indeed if he's still listening when people want to talk about this game.

I think this point in the game is right around where I stopped playing. I hadn't heard of this problem before.

Reply 6 of 14, by Trojax2010

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Rank Newbie

It might sort of work, but as I said anytime there is an autosave it crashes. I am guessing there is one before the last fight(s). I could just cheat to get the same effect, unfortunately all these last levels have a split party. When you load in the console with say "map fortress", it puts only your one party in there. Ill try and mess around with cheating some more though.

I also found out the savegames it crashes while making are around 16kb in size instead of the usual 50-60 or so. I got one of them to load and it had the right location, but appeared all the party info was lost including inventory. Boots was at level 1 without a gun! Its cool how the enemies scale down to Boots' level and hit me for 10 damage off my 100 max HP. Anyways it makes me think something in my inventory or something is messing up the save process. Oh well thanks for the replies.

Reply 7 of 14, by Trojax2010

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Rank Newbie

Ha! I think I fixed it, I was messing with the cheat menu removing useless items (TACO's, other stuff) and now it saves ok. Maybe its the fact I had too many items in my inventory something... (I didn't need 400 glodents, 225 batts, 1000 heal greases anyways) Oh well at least I can save now. Hope I can finish now. Thanks for all the ideas guys. Guess this is one RPG it doesn't pay to be a packrat in.

Reply 8 of 14, by CrisGer

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ah ha, ys the inventory has a limit before the overrun intefers with the code. I did not think to ask about that. Glad you fixed it up. How have you done on the Red Biperil hunt? i love looking for those little critters...... they are such fun to seek out. Some have taken me days to find even when i hear them singing.

and i never did find that lost flying spaceship toy that is up in the tree that gives you some games to play on Boots game player in his office closet... did you ever find that?

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Reply 9 of 14, by Gamecollector

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Rank Oldbie

Tnx, this msvcrt.dll error bugged me a lot. Now I at last finish this game (maybe?)
Maybe you also know how to find the "tooth" in Votowne?

Reply 10 of 14, by Trojax2010

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Rank Newbie

CrisGer: I remember you could tractor the toy on sender station using Democratus, but I think there is a bug in 1.02 build 46 that doesn't add the toy to the tree.

Gamecollector: Yeah it was a pesky error.. after going over my inventory in the sell screen at the onegate store it seems a lot of similar items are separated. I had like 20 Firespire mystechs which each took one space. Normally they would take 1 space with a quantity of 20. Also all the various shield cells were spread out...should have sold as I upgraded I guess. Now I have went down to Mystech tunnels and saved at the bottom and then I took out the Doorlord. The recycler shieldcell is very overpowered 😀

As for the tooth? Is that in that Lost and Found game? Guess it can be a pain...

Reply 11 of 14, by CrisGer

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i finally got Anachronox to run for my FX 8600 GT on a modern AMD dual core XP SP3 Pro!!! it took turning on the extension limit in the Nvida control panel for that game....it was a suggestion from Davros for which i will be eternally grateful..now i dont have to jump between machines....

it is great to see people playing and enjoying this fantastic game, surely one of the best ever made..... and we have the sequel to dream about...as the story and script are already completed for it 😀

3D Worlds and Game Developers Group Linkedin

Reply 12 of 14, by Gamecollector

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Rank Oldbie

By the way, DO NOT install 1.02 patches. Two new bugs - in-game timer resetting (your savegames is with 0:00 timestamps, very annoying) and all level items reappearing bug. The last bug prevent you from second Moonburger for PAL-18, so - no Shadow Bracers and last weapon for PAL.
I finish the game with 1.01. Noticeable bugs - crush in map changes (first half of game), Tower of 9th Enigmas (noclip 1 was used), Doorlord battle (can be fixed separately) and Traderbots (can be fixed separately).
Now I play from my savegames to find several answers - first is all 5 prizes for "Hive mini-game" (5th prize is Instabouge Icon?!! Need to confirm...). The Second is - Lost and Found prizes (where, oh where this god-damned tooth?). Oh, almost forgot - 3rd is Tensil and Ballotine (I was with Stiletto in the first playthrough).

CrisGer - look at this. Red thing in the screenshot's centre.

Last edited by Gamecollector on 2010-10-07, 15:02. Edited 2 times in total.

Reply 13 of 14, by Trojax2010

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Rank Newbie

The items reappearing I think is covered in the notes for the 1.02 patch. I think it only happens if you use one of the automatic saves. In 1.02 those are one not marked with an Asterisk in the load game menu. The automatic saves are just an emergency backup and you would lose your photos too. However maybe this can happen some other way? I had no problems with this from start to finish though.

I vaguely recall getting the timer bug, I think it happens if you load a game while your on the same map as the save is. It didnt bother me that much and if this is what messes up Moon Burger you can just cheat and add the Saneslayer. I would have cheated there anyway with that variable command cheat. And the Shadow bracers? Who would use those... no fun 😀

Reply 14 of 14, by CrisGer

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The Tower bug that prevents you from entering the tower is a known bug that the noclip allows you to get around fine. It is one of the most spectacular and beautiful locations in the game and I highly advise taking the time to explore that area....when other work is done....


The others are fixable or taken care of ..there is check box for the tradebot problem in the 46 patch, and as Trojax says the other issues are fixable. I reccomend highly using all the patches, 44, 45 and 46. 1.02 is actually the set of development tools that they gave us to make mods btw, and it is as such invaulable and the key to future development which i promise there will be... 😀

Yes that looks like the missing spaceship up in the tree which you CAN get if you dont put in the patches but they fix so much else that i really dont mind missing out on that for the main game play thru tho i will go back to get it with Democratus to see the games at work in the gameplayer in the closet 😀

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