First post, by Jeff

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Rank Newbie

Well seems my thread was deleted. And you know I may not have all the items it says for me to have in the guidlines. I think this is enough information. Besides I don't know where to get all of the information you are asking for in your guidlines thread. And I won't be ignored like that again and then be deleted. I waited for a response for days before someone deleted it. Not a good way to start things off with someone new to your forum. 😀 Now please help me.

I recently bought this game called Star Wars: X Wing Collector's CD. You see a while back I did have it, but the computer that I had it on was old and died. So I never got to finish the game. Now that I have it I am having trouble installing it. Here's what it says...Oh before I tell the below you might want to know that my computer is a Pentium 4 with over 50 GB and is a Windows XP Professional. I don't know if this will help.

The game is old. I was made in 94. But it works on my other computer the 98. I would like it to work on this new one with the better screen. The flat screen. Anyway when I started to install this is what it said:

Install has detected that you have Extended Memory available that could be configured as EMS Memory. Since X Wing CD can only use EMS, we recommend that you configure your system to use EMS. Please read the Read. Me for more information.

Press any key to continue

Install has detected that you do not have enough EMS Memory available to run X-Wing CD. Please read the file READ.ME on how to make more EMS Memory available. One option is to select "MAKE A BOOT DISK" from the main menu of this program. X-WING WILL NOT RUN WITHOUT MORE MEMORY AVAILABLE.

Do you want to continue with the installation anyway?

So anyway I read the read me and it said:

VIII) Not Enough EMS Memory Problems.

X-Wing CD requires at least 900K of available EMS memory to run, and
2000K of available EMS memory is recommended. The install program lists
how much EMS memory is currently available in your system. The largest
amount of EMS memory required is 2500K.

If the install program detects that you have no EMS memory at all then
you must install a memory manager to provide EMS memory. You can either
use the memory manager provided with DOS (called EMM386) or you can buy
a memory manager utility from a third-party. To use the memory manager
provided with DOS, do the following:

At the beginning of your CONFIG.SYS, add the following lines:


and reboot your computer by holding down the CTRL and ALT keys and
pressing the DELete key (CTRL-ALT-DEL).
Run the install program to check if you have made enough memory available.

If you are already using a memory manager, but the install program says
that you do not have enough EMS memory available, consult the manual that
came with your memory manager. Make sure you have specified the necessary
options to provide EMS services and that you have specified 2048 as the
amount of EMS to be provided.

DOS=HIGH into my config.sys and it still didn't help. I don't know if this means anything, but my AUTOEXEC.BAT has nothing in it. Before this neither did config.sys.

Somewhere I also read that DOS has a built in Memory Manager called EMM386.exe that you can use to change Extended Memory into EMS Memory, how do I get to it?

Now with the other option that said I could make a Boot Disk for the game so that it could configure my computer for the game. I tried it. It said:

Could not locate path.

Also during the Install it does not detect my sound. I know I have sound. I mean I hear it in game called Starsiege, all the time. What should I do?

Also if this DOSBox can help me please dumb it down for me because it's all greek to me. Also is this DOSBox like other memory managers that partition your drive to do it's work?

Please don't ignore my thread and delete it again. Don't delete my thread again please or I may go elsewhere. I'm sorry if I am coming off angry, but I hate being ignored then deleted like this.

Oh and the game I am wanting to play comes from a CD. The game even when installed on C: can only work with the CD in. The directory for the game is: C:\XWINGCD. The execute icon for the game is XWINGCD. It's a MS DOS Batch File (.bat). The CD is in CD Drive E. My Zip Drive is on D and my CD RW drive is F. And if I have to do something each time to get the game to work please tell me what to do please.

Reply 1 of 6, by mirekluza

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Rank DOSBox Moderator
DOSBox Moderator

I have no idea what became with your thread. I did not make anything with it. Did you check it was not moved elsewhere? Perhaps to DOS?

It would be good if your message concerned *only* running the game withDOSBOX! Other inquires should go elsewhere!
For using of DOSBOX read README and DOSBOX Guides. DOSBOX has memory manager (see the options XMS and EMS in DOSBOX.CONF)

Come here only with some specific problem (I did this and that in DOSBOX and there was error xxxx etc.) . Just coming here, not bothering to read documentation (README and forum DOSBOX Guides) and asking for step by step instructions probably will not get you much help.

People here are heping each other because of their good will. We are not payed for that. Remember that - try to ask short clear question and DO read documentation and search forum before.


Reply 2 of 6, by Jeff

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Rank Newbie

Well I don't know where to put this then. This is about a specific game, it's having to do with DOS, and if it is possible to get DOSBox to fix it that's why I included that in my post. I checked the other parts of the forum. Even did a search. I could not find my topic. And I did read the readme, but it isn't helpful sorry. It's too complex. I don't understand the language. Maybe it's just me, but I'm not as advanced as you guys. What I mainly want is more EMS memory for this game to work. And so that's why I am unsure if there is a way in DOS to do it, DOSBox, or some other way. That's why I gave so much information. Not only would there be less confusion, but also by that amount of info someone could tell me what's the best solution.

Reply 3 of 6, by Jeff

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Rank Newbie

Ah don't worry about it now. My friends over at: http://www.mechnex.net/ (some are the makers of a soon to be out game) helped out. Thanks anyway. 😀

Reply 4 of 6, by Predator

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Rank Member

how do you solved it ? tell us!

Don't be so hard

Reply 6 of 6, by Jeff

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Rank Newbie

They are even making a game for free that is supposed to modify Sierra's Tribes Vengence game (4th quarter 2004). It's a total conversion mod. They have almost no time for themselves while making it and yet they can help out with things like this even if the topic is in the wrong part of the forum. And no my topic didn't go in the wrong place, just hintig at something that keeps happening here. 😀 No biggie. They can redirect the person and gladly help. They are dedicated alot and help. Ya they are cool. Even though they help I still come here because you guys specialize in these type of old game Dosbox/pc problem things.