First post, by nemail
I've got this weird 5x86 system. It is based on some Opti-chipset motherboard which seems to support 386 and 486 and has VLB slots too as well as 256k cache. It has been upgraded to an Am5x86-P75 with a voltage regulator upgrade socket and has 20MB of 30 pin SIMM memory.
Besides that, it has a MiroCrystal 8S card (1MB, upgradeable to 2MB, S3 805 chip) and one 200MB as well as one 1GB hard drive, a cd drive and some old Sound Blaster card (CT2230) with Creative OPL installed.
I can really make no use of it because I have another Am5x86 system based on a PCI board with SCSI in place so I'm wondering what to do with that piece of history.
It is very nicely installed by the pre-owner, btw. When you start it up, tons of drivers load and a McAffee virus scan starts and Windows 3.1 is full of program groups so that is a "real life" machine which appareantly has been heavily used back in the days.
(The case is a very nice big tower too, btw)...
should I take it apart, should I keep it as it is, until I need one of the installed parts? should I sell it?
I honestly don't know... 🙁
edit: it is actually that system:
Again new 486 build (Am5x86)