Reply 40 of 57, by NViousGK

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Rank Newbie

All of this sounds great. I have an old game that noone's ever, ever heard of and was wondering if anytone has gotten it to work with anything higher than Windows 98 using the standard VGA driver? The game is "Ripper" I know, great game. But I haven't been able to play it for years until I was given an old Windows 98 computer with only VGA graphics onboard. I would love to pay this on my Win 7 machine.

Nudists have nothing to hide!

Reply 41 of 57, by aqrit

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Ripper is a DOS game and as such is probably not using DirectDraw

try dosbox being sure to mount your cd-rom as D:
If you need help start a new thread elsewhere on this forum

Reply 42 of 57, by eL_PuSHeR

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Rank l33t++

I have been able to run Fallout 2 with Aqrit's patch using ddraw on Win7. Now speed is back to normal, woot..

Thank you very much Aqrit.

Reply 43 of 57, by teleguy

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Rank Member

Attachement removed by Qbix. Google didn't like it.

Here is a working link I found, in case anyone else needs this tool.

Edit by Qbix: Lets not take risks at this point in time.

Reply 45 of 57, by teleguy

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collector wrote:

I am perfectly willing to assume that this is a false positive, but Google will not.

Is that a problem if it's only a download link and not hosted directly by vogons.org?

Reply 47 of 57, by lightmaster

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Rank Oldbie

"Love" 'em and their law...
Thanks teleguy!!


Reply 49 of 57, by RoyBatty

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Rank Oldbie

Circumvents safedisc, so... yeah

Reply 52 of 57, by mudlord

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Rank Newbie

The reason I removed the patch from my website is because Google flags the executable. The reason it did this is super stupid: because I used Pelles C at the time to compile the patch, Google didn't like it and blacklisted my entire site. Recompiling with MSVC might fix it but since aqrit's patch is better, not worth the effort. Plus there is Dege's emulators to look forward to, so there's little point maintaining it.

Reply 53 of 57, by mudlord

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Rank Newbie
RoyBatty wrote:

Circumvents safedisc, so... yeah

How can this circumvent SD/SR/SF?

Reply 54 of 57, by Stiletto

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Rank l33t++
mudlord wrote:

The reason I removed the patch from my website is because Google flags the executable. The reason it did this is super stupid: because I used Pelles C at the time to compile the patch, Google didn't like it and blacklisted my entire site. Recompiling with MSVC might fix it but since aqrit's patch is better, not worth the effort. Plus there is Dege's emulators to look forward to, so there's little point maintaining it.

I may still see what I can do regarding this false positive and Google's Safe Browsing, false positives annoy me.

"I see a little silhouette-o of a man, Scaramouche, Scaramouche, will you
do the Fandango!" - Queen


Reply 55 of 57, by collector

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Rank l33t
Stiletto wrote:

I may still see what I can do regarding this false positive and Google's Safe Browsing, false positives annoy me.

Me too. I have had to deal with this given the large number of executables that I host on SHP. Some, like Norton will tag anything compiled with NSIS if the installers are not signed. They just ID the stub files that are in all NSIS installers because some malware writers have used NSIS to package their crap.

It is silly given that you can do nearly as much damage with Inno Setup as NSIS, but those installers do not get as many false positives.

The Sierra Help Pages -- New Sierra Game Installers -- Sierra Game Patches -- New Non-Sierra Game Installers

Reply 56 of 57, by mudlord

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Rank Newbie

I fixed the false positive.
I also drastically reduced the file size without doing any executable compression.

Reply 57 of 57, by huckleberrypie

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Rank Newbie
RoyBatty wrote:

Circumvents safedisc, so... yeah

By SafeDisc you mean the later versions, or just the earlier ones?