@Jepael I agree with you. An artist usually doesn't write the copyright symbol in huge golden letters on his/her work. though.
A simple "drawn by Andy Pencil 01/01/81" often suffices (fictitious name here, btw.).
In some countries he/she can't even dismiss the own copyright, even if he/she wants to get rid of it.
That was kind of an issue for the PD software scene back then, I heard.
And I don't know for sure, but in some countries you are even allowed to sell replicas of paintings
if you're honest and mark them as such (as replicas). It's part of that artistic freedom thing, I guess.
However, things are a bit shady here and may not apply for actual products (they're not considered art).
In case of that PCB thing, the situation is a bit more complicated I guess, because it is somehow in between.
The schematic and the drawing of the layout could be protected for sure (if it isn't a basic design), but what about the physical thing (the product) ?
Or let's think of houses: the blueprints of your own house may be copyrighted, but can you also forbid your neigbour
to build a similar looking house (he didn't use your blueprints) ? I've no idea. Even the GPL has issues to handle such stuff right now (link).
Anyway, I'm just a complete layman here and perhaps the original artist can forbidd the creation of replicas.
So please don't take my words for granted. They're just my thoughts, after all. 😀
"Time, it seems, doesn't flow. For some it's fast, for some it's slow.
In what to one race is no time at all, another race can rise and fall..." - The Minstrel
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