dgVoodoo Splinter Cell Games

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Reply 40 of 237, by daniel_u

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TomArrow wrote:


I noticed something strange in Pandora Tomorrow. It is a small white cross flashing in the dead middle of the screen. I am not sure, but I think it happens more often when I use the mouse. Something Unreal-Engine related, perhaps. I can't show it to you, because it doesn't appear on my ShadowPlay recordings. It also doesn't appear when I use a different d3d8.dll from the Widescreen Patches pack. As for the looks ... it's just two perfect white lines crossed, static, not changing with motion or anything. If you need proof, I'll try and record it with my digital camera.

Try to check App controled fullscreen(DX tab). The other option Disable Alt enter unchecked.

While running the game:
Alt +enter, after fullscreen-window mode madness,if you loose focus

Also uncheck capture mouse in the General tab.

See if this helps.

Reply 41 of 237, by Dege

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Yes, bold crosshair cursor usually appears (for Unreal engine games) when the game window doesn't have the focus.

Should try to patch SC1 to avoid that windowed mode annoyance.

Reply 42 of 237, by Dege

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CoolGamer wrote:
Dege wrote:
This made me ponder. […]
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This made me ponder.

Such additional rendering passes could only be done "inside dgVoodoo" (if we stick to D3D11 rendering techniques).
External post processors can only see the final frame image, including 2D HUD.

While I don't want to include any game-specific thing into core dgVoodoo, for some time I'm thinking about an internal hooking layer,
through which additional logic could be organized into separate modules (dlls).
The rendering part to be hooked could be identified by some uniqe renderstates and some extra rendering could be added in those case.

UCyborg mentioned Mafia Water Shader Mod, that one does the same (with a custom D3D8.dll for API hooking).

I should whip up a proof-of-concept.


Did you have the chance to look into Nvidia Gameworks source code/examples? Can Gameworks effects (HBAO, DOF, etc.) be used in dgVoodoo's upcoming internal hooking layer through separate modules (dlls)?

Yes, I'll have a look into it.
The problem is, there are so many things to fix, that I cannot give it high priority. 🙁
But, the first step, quickly whipping up an external "add-on" for dgVoodoo might not be a heavy time-consuming task.

Reply 43 of 237, by TomArrow

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Heya .. not sure this has anything to do with dgVoodoo, probably hasn't, but does anyone here know a solution to the 30fps cap in Chaos Theory's Versus mode?

Update: Solved. There's a tool called "Framer" which does it.

Reply 44 of 237, by daniel_u

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@Dege i've added some pictures for SC1, in the main post, with the current issues.(tested also with WIP 30).
I know that WIP 30 doesnt address the issues there but i used WP30 for comparison.

Reply 45 of 237, by daniel_u

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With latest WIP i'm seeing a issue with the sky, never seen it before:
(somehow is related to the mouse move, on original hardware this is not happening. I checked.)


As you can see smoke and clouds disappear. Strange.

If will look into this issue, are you willing to check why some lights/corona effect around light and shadows flicker/disappear/appear with mouse movement(these are happening with original hardware)? I'll post some save games if you 're willing. I would love to know whats happening ! Please !!!

Also , as others reported, there is a big plus sign/cross in the middle of the screen , flickering.


Reply 46 of 237, by daniel_u

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@Dege WIP 31/32 fixed the focus lost alt-tab issues.

Reply 47 of 237, by daniel_u

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Rain issue WIP34

Reply 48 of 237, by daniel_u

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WIP 34_1 fixed the mouse issues introduced in previous wips

Reply 49 of 237, by daniel_u

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Hi Dege,
I've tried SC1 in 4k, resolution forced in DgVoodoo and i got some issues:

Previuosly, there were 1-2 places in SC1 with certain issues when forcing resolution or MSAA applied. I know the feature can create problems but If you can keep the issues at minimum it would be awesome if not, well, it happens 😀.

Thanks !

Reply 50 of 237, by daniel_u

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So i've tested this issue more. It seems it appears in 2.53 also and i went with testing as low as WIP 28. The 4k issue is still present. And also the rain issue that has been fixed already.

So for now there are 3 occurences with resolution and MSAA forced. Best option is to force res with the ini file or some other wrapper like the widescreen one.

Reply 51 of 237, by lowenz

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Daniel, is this the correct behaviour on old platforms?


Reply 52 of 237, by daniel_u

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lowenz wrote:
Daniel, is this the correct behaviour on old platforms? […]
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Daniel, is this the correct behaviour on old platforms?


Yes, seems to be the same.

Reply 53 of 237, by lowenz

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Daniel, how can I open/bring down the console in SC2 ?
Or it is locked?

Reply 54 of 237, by daniel_u

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lowenz wrote:

Daniel, how can I open/bring down the console in SC2 ?
Or it is locked?

Imho there is no console available. If there is one i dont know about it.
If you want to enable cheats the look it up on google. If you want to record some gameplay and replay it later(feature used alot in SC1 for benckmarking back in the day) you cant. There is no such feature.

That's what you get when Ubisoft Shanghai does games,

SC1, SCCT, SCDA(xbox original) UbiSoft Montreal.
SC2,SCDA(PC, Xbox 360) Ubisoft Shanghai

It really shows.

Reply 55 of 237, by lowenz

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With the console I can load up on-fly the OpenAL subsystem instead of the default DareAudio subsystem. I'm using the OpenAL Soft implementation (CPU only) and in SC1 it seems working well :p Need more testing.

Reply 56 of 237, by lowenz

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The beauty of SC 2002 lighting engine (Sam's shadow over the moving flag):


Reply 57 of 237, by daniel_u

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lowenz wrote:
The beauty of SC 2002 lighting engine (Sam's shadow over the moving flag): […]
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The beauty of SC 2002 lighting engine (Sam's shadow over the moving flag):


Yup. The artwork and effects are really nice . You should give SCDA for xbox OG a try. I think it's the best of the series. Ok maybe SCCT it's the first. 😀

Too bad there are no modders and devs interested in fixing the games,fully. For example SCPT has that nasty bug related to the color of the light. It really breaks the immersion.
Dege could but he has other priorities. I dont blame the man,i really admire his dedication to his project. +1

Reply 58 of 237, by mannyca05

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Hello, can someone help me with the shadows in SC1? Looks really bad in comparison with https://pcgamingwiki.com/images/thumb/3/3a/Sp … _comparison.png

Splinter Cell (Steam version) I did everything by PCGamingWiki FAQ - https://pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Tom_Clancy%27s_ … _buffer_shadows

I'm not using PS3 HD Textures and Widescreen Fix


Reply 59 of 237, by lowenz

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