ldare1000 wrote on 2023-08-27, 20:29:
Are all 256mb CF Cards the same CHS settings or can they vary?
“Geometries” will vary depending on the controller inside the cf, the flash memory used, and the internal firmware. Solid state devices don’t even have a real geometry because there are no spinning disks, so yeah, it’s all make believe and different vendors pretend different things.
To go a step further, since the introduction of IDE storage, the storage devices have been able to translate external CHS values into something they can use, whether flash or spinning disk. Most IDE devices will adjust to whatever geometry you enter as long as you don’t make the size larger than the device can handle. But if youwant to use it on a PC, your bios might have issues.
1) dont do more than 63 sectors per track
2) dont do more than 1024 cylinders for bios older than june 1994 (512mb limit)
3) don’t do more than 16 heads for bioses older than 1997 (8gb limit)
The drive table might let you enter larger values, but the chances of them working reliably are slim.
IDE devices made after 1992 generally support an ATA info command that reports an optimal geometry. The tool shared in this thread accesses those values. You dont have to use the optimal geometry but the downside with randomly selecting approximate geometries is that:
1) you might not be using the full capacity of your device
2) if you lose the random settings you entered, it gets hard to access your data again
3) your device won’t work as expected if you use it on a computer that only works with auto detected geometry
So it is usually best to use the autodetect geometry.
LBA is a thing that helps you avoid the CHS complexity, but you rarely see that functionality on bios older than 1997 or storage devices older than 1995.