First post, by Adrian_
Hello guys (and girls if if's the case, of course 🤣 ),
I just started the project of building a computer for old games, which is intended to be a dual boot Win 98SE/ Win7 machine. My goal is to use a modded 1.4Ghz Tualatin on a Bx board and after much fiddling with pliers, ridiculously thin wire, soldering iron and so on I came up with mr Frankenstein's creature that can be seen here
Did the voltage bridge on the back of the mobo
then loaded the modded Tualatin bios still available on the internet, put 4x256 sticks of PC133 RAM and fired it up. It booted up first at the safe values of the Cubx but with all the 1024mb RAM detected. However, when I went in the Bios and set up the correct values for the CPU, it booted seeing the processor as a 1.4Ghz Celeron and with only 768Mb RAM detected.
The whole thing appears to be stable (I booted into Win 7 mini from the Hiren CD without issue), with the CPU being correctly detected in CPU-Z
BUT it will only detect the whole 1Gb RAM if I set FSB to 100Mhz in Bios.
I tried all kind of BIOS settings and all boot-up tricks I could come up with (cold boot then set FSB to 100 then reboot and set FSB 133 and so on) but as soon as I set FSB 133 the board only detects 768MB RAM.
Since I actually have 5 of these sticks I tried to see maybe one is defective but it's not the case and all are the same model, rated 133 anyway. So the question is: did anyone managed to get a BX board run 1Gb RAM at FSB 133 and if yes what were the settings/tricks?
I don't see in the bios any setting for bumping up the NB voltage so I'm kinda out of ideas here. Any suggestions are welcomed 😀