Driver (PC game)

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First post, by TumeK5

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Rank Newbie

Hey guys,

So I found a copy of Driver for the PC from a flea market. However, running it on Windows 7 is a pain. First I had to patch the game in order to launch it in the first place. Then, I needed to fix the music by following the steps here. I managed to fix the music, however, the 3D acceleration problem still hasn't been solved. I followed all the steps but now the game won't launch. What's the problem?

Also, why I need the fix is because tires, solid objects and buildings and some water are invisible (as well as the task list from the training mission). Otherwise the game is fine now.

Reply 1 of 9, by Osprey

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Have you tried copying D3D8.dll from the dgVoodoo 2 distribution's MS folder? That game might've used DirectX 8 and I've found that it fixes texture issues in such games.

Reply 2 of 9, by TumeK5

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Rank Newbie
Osprey wrote:

Have you tried copying D3D8.dll from the dgVoodoo 2 distribution's MS folder? That game might've used DirectX 8 and I've found that it fixes texture issues in such games.

Tried, but same result. I actually left it intentionally out last time, but tried now, still won't launch.

EDIT: The game does launch when not using Dxwnd, but the game still has the graphical issues I'm trying to fix with dgVoodoo 2.

Reply 3 of 9, by Osprey

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FYI, I had a different game working perfectly with dgVoodoo 2 until I tried to help a person do something that required DxWnd. Even after removing DxWnd and making sure that dgVoodoo 2 was back to how it was with the game, the game had graphical problems. I had to reboot the computer to fix it. I guess that DxWnd added some driver hook that couldn't be unloaded until I rebooted. If you haven't rebooted since you last ran DxWnd or removed it, try that.

Reply 4 of 9, by TumeK5

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Rank Newbie

Still need help

Also, I would REALLY like to play using DxWnd...so I got rid of the .dll files as they fixed nothing anyway.

Reply 5 of 9, by Dege

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Rank l33t

The best would be to launch the game with dgVoodoo WIP38 spec-release version and have a look at the debug output.
1.Download http://dege.fw.hu/temp/dgVoodooWIP38_dbg.zip
2. Copy all the files from the MS folder to your game folder
3. Launch config.exe and configure the game to D3D
4. Download and run DebugView from here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals … loads/debugview
5. Launch game.exe, and copy the log from DebugView and attach here

This game works for me on win10 even via its Glide support. Apart from a report about some graphical glitches somewhere that I remember.

Reply 6 of 9, by TumeK5

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Rank Newbie
Dege wrote:

3. Launch config.exe and configure the game to D3D

How do you mean?

Reply 7 of 9, by TumeK5

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Rank Newbie

@Dege Still waiting for that answer, I hope we could fix the game as an Xmas present 😁

Reply 8 of 9, by ZellSF

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Rank l33t
TumeK5 wrote:
Dege wrote:

3. Launch config.exe and configure the game to D3D

How do you mean?

You need to be more specfic about what your problem is. Are you having problems finding config.exe or having problems understand what configuring the game to use D3D means?

Because there should be a file literally named Config.exe in your game directory, and you just need to select any device that has "Direct3D" in the name.

TumeK5 wrote:

Also, I would REALLY like to play using DxWnd...so I got rid of the .dll files as they fixed nothing anyway.

If you got rid of the dgVoodoo2 DLL files and want to use DxWnd you shouldn't be asking here. DxWnd has its own discussion forum where the the developer very frequently answers user issues.

Dege: If you're wondering, the game works fine (the draw distance being terrible isn't dgVoodoo2's fault):

The attachment Game 2017-12-25 11-16-47-92.jpg is no longer available

Reply 9 of 9, by Dege

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Rank l33t

Yeah, thanks, it works for me too.
That's why I don't understand what the problem could be for Tumek5.

Could you attach the log coming from the debug layer of dgVoodoo? (use the _dbg release of WIP41 for that)