Mac Emulation on Windows

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First post, by twiz11

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Can you emulate Mac on Windows?

Reply 1 of 19, by leileilol

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It's never been done before i don't understand why it hasn't been ever done yet ever

long live PCem

Reply 3 of 19, by olddos25

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Don't forget about Mini vMac.

Just another user that likes old OSes and videogames, nothing interesting to see here...
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Reply 4 of 19, by Stiletto

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or MAME.

twiz11 wrote:

Can you emulate Mac on Windows?

That's a terrible attempt at a troll.

"I see a little silhouette-o of a man, Scaramouche, Scaramouche, will you
do the Fandango!" - Queen


Reply 5 of 19, by gdjacobs

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Executor also does Mac m68k machine level emulation. PearPC does Mac PPC. Qemu does both. I can't comment on how they stand with respect to performance or compatibility at this point.

All hail the Great Capacitor Brand Finder

Reply 6 of 19, by ElectroMan

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Last edited by ElectroMan on 2017-12-03, 13:49. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 7 of 19, by gdjacobs

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Yeah, but that's OSX x86.

All hail the Great Capacitor Brand Finder

Reply 8 of 19, by cdoublejj

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sheepshaver doesn't have 3d either as far as i know.

Reply 9 of 19, by BeginnerGuy

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Are we talking Motorola 68k? power pc? x86 OS X?

Mac could mean anything from 1984 to the apple store right now!

I'm gathering that thread is a troll though, in that case I would say it's better to emulate windows from a mac and then run mac within the windows emulator. So buy a macbook pro --> install windows 10 in a vm --> install virtualbox in the win10 VM--> install osx. 😕 🤣

Sup. I like computers. Are you a computer?

Reply 10 of 19, by filipetolhuizen

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Or get a PC + EFI-X...

Reply 11 of 19, by ElectroMan

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Last edited by ElectroMan on 2017-12-03, 13:49. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 12 of 19, by leileilol

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The first iMacs had Rages and there are Mac versions of Voodoo3s out there. i'd think it's more likely for a Sheeps Haver to get v3 emulation than ahything else it supported

though the state of mac emulators these days seems to be generally dead-for-years + frontend maintenance on a forum so not optimistic

long live PCem

Reply 13 of 19, by Errius

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I played around with Sheep Shaver a couple of years ago and it was very unstable with constant crashes. Unusable. Was I doing something wrong or is this normal?

Is this too much voodoo?

Reply 14 of 19, by filipetolhuizen

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Sheepshaver can be very unstable with certain configurations. It will work best using Mac OS 8.5 and a newworld ROM file. Exiting and starting apps without restarting the emulator is also very buggy under Sheepshaver. If you check the emaculation forums there is another emulator which is capable of running Mac OS 9.x and seems to be more stable and is up-to-date compared to sheepshaver. I still need to set it up as my old Mac seems to be dead...

Reply 15 of 19, by leileilol

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Let me know when there's finally a mac emulator that can emulate the sound in Stuntcopter....

long live PCem

Reply 16 of 19, by filipetolhuizen

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Older 68k sound has always been absent in those emulators.

Reply 17 of 19, by olddos25

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That is why Mini vMac exists for.
PD: Hi, long time no see.

Just another user that likes old OSes and videogames, nothing interesting to see here...
Other places to find me:
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Reply 18 of 19, by ruthan

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Something is working, but dont except too much, unless something big changed in last year.

68k is probably best and there are even good emulators for Amiga, which are working in Amiga emulators.

PowerPC no sound and no 3D untill there would be some QEMU virtual devices for IT.

I bought last PowerPC iMac instead of emulation for $80, its much better, if you have a bit of space for it.. You can install Classic MacOS 8/9 beside of OS10.

Im old goal oriented goatman, i care about facts and freedom, not about egos+prejudices. Hoarding=sickness. If you want respect, gain it by your behavior. I hate stupid SW limits, SW=virtual world, everything should be possible if you have enough raw HW.

Reply 19 of 19, by pseudo3d

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It depends on what you want to emulate. Mini vMac is good if you want to emulate System 6-style games, while I've found SheepShaver to be good for everything else (just be sure to check the "68k" checkbox for SheepShaver). There are a few quirks SheepShaver has that Basilisk II (a 68k emulator) doesn't, like keycode mapping (better hope that a game doesn't require the control, command, AND option key, unless you want to get rid of the Windows key) and ADB emulation (this is almost never needed but you will need it for a few games, like Apeiron).