uzurpator wrote:That is obviously true, but bandwidth is not all. There is also a case for more power delivered through the plug.
You can deliver the same power through USB 2.0, it's just not within the official spec, but it can work, if both sides agree on it. In practice, devices will either be fine with the low-power of standard USB 2.0 or will have external power anyways.
uzurpator wrote:And even in the bandwidth case - PCI 32bit is still twice as fast as USB 2.0, so plenty of devices would benefit from it.
Theoretically; you probably would not get it in practice, because PCI bandwidth is shared between everything (including your hard drives and your NICs). However, USB 2.0 also does not reach its own theoretical maximum for sure. There would probably be an improvement, I agree with you there, but I guess it just wouldn't be big enough for people to care. - Random content on hardware, software, games and toys