First post, by RichPimp

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Has anyone had any luck getting the 3DFX patch to work with the Descent 2 DOS executable? For the life of me I cannot seem to find a proper version of the .exe, either already patched to the needed version (1.1 or 1.2), or one that will accept the v1.2 patch. Or better yet, is there anywhere I can find the 3DFX files post patch so I can just drop them into the installation folder?

Reply 1 of 11, by akula65

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Rank Oldbie

When you say 3dfx patch, which one are you referring to? There was an official Interplay/Parallax release called D2VOODOO, and there was also D2_3DFX. See this page for more info on D2_3DFX (click the FAQ link at the top of the page for additional info):
https://web.archive.org/web/20110120035330/ht … t/d2_3dfx_m.htm

The official D2 DOS patch for Version 1.0 or 1.1 to 1.2 is here (http://www.dfiles.de is a mirror of the downloads from the old PlanetDescent.com site):

The official D2 Windows Patch without DirectX 2.0:

The official D2 Windows Patch with DirectX 2.0:

This is the official Interplay/Parallax 3dfx package:

Here is the page with information on the official Interplay/Parallax 3dfx package:
https://web.archive.org/web/19980117005859/ht … t/d2voodoo.html

This is the D2_3DFX package:

Reply 2 of 11, by RichPimp

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Rank Newbie

I didn't realize there was more than one. I was referring to the D2_3DFX one. I'll check all these out. Thank you.

Reply 3 of 11, by buckeye

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Rank Oldbie
RichPimp wrote:

Has anyone had any luck getting the 3DFX patch to work with the Descent 2 DOS executable? For the life of me I cannot seem to find a proper version of the .exe, either already patched to the needed version (1.1 or 1.2), or one that will accept the v1.2 patch. Or better yet, is there anywhere I can find the 3DFX files post patch so I can just drop them into the installation folder?

Yeah I've struggled with this for hours on end last night. Figure it has to do with where the GLIDE2X.OVL file is, which in my case is under the windows directory. Like you I'm going to have to some studying up on this.

Asus P5N-E Intel Core 2 Duo 3.33ghz. 4GB DDR2 Geforce 470 1GB SB X-Fi Titanium 650W XP SP3
Intel SE440BX P3 450 256MB 80GB SSD Asus V7700 GF2 64mb SB 32pnp 350W 98SE
MSI x570 Gaming Pro Carbon Ryzen 3700x 32GB DDR4 Zotac RTX 3070 8GB WD Black 1TB 850W

Reply 4 of 11, by buckeye

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Rank Oldbie

Forgot to ask regarding this topic, does it matter which directory I have the game in relative to the 3DFX patches? The default is
C:\Games\Descent2 whereas mine is in C:\Descent2.

Asus P5N-E Intel Core 2 Duo 3.33ghz. 4GB DDR2 Geforce 470 1GB SB X-Fi Titanium 650W XP SP3
Intel SE440BX P3 450 256MB 80GB SSD Asus V7700 GF2 64mb SB 32pnp 350W 98SE
MSI x570 Gaming Pro Carbon Ryzen 3700x 32GB DDR4 Zotac RTX 3070 8GB WD Black 1TB 850W

Reply 5 of 11, by buckeye

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Rank Oldbie

Whew, this is some challenge getting this to work. Using the d2_3dfx106b patch this is the result:

DOS/4GW Protected Mode Run-time Version 1.97
Copyright (c) Rational Systems, Inc. 1990-1994

DESCENT 2 Full Version v1.2 3DFX Descent II Version v1.2 Mar 04 1998 20:15:14
Copyright (C) 1994-1996 Parallax Software Corporation
DESCENT is a trademark of Interplay Productions, Inc.

Type 'd2 -help' for a list of command-line options.

Available memory
Conventional: 478 KB
Extended: 130,532 KB
Virtual: 512,000 KB

I have to re-boot to start the game again.
Keep in mind I'm running dos in a window (win98) not booting into pure dos.
Anyone have any ideas?

Asus P5N-E Intel Core 2 Duo 3.33ghz. 4GB DDR2 Geforce 470 1GB SB X-Fi Titanium 650W XP SP3
Intel SE440BX P3 450 256MB 80GB SSD Asus V7700 GF2 64mb SB 32pnp 350W 98SE
MSI x570 Gaming Pro Carbon Ryzen 3700x 32GB DDR4 Zotac RTX 3070 8GB WD Black 1TB 850W

Reply 6 of 11, by buckeye

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Rank Oldbie

Ok, played with the memory a bit and now it gets to the screen showing a message with green text, after hitting esc I get just a black screen - nothing.

Tried changing out the GLIDE2X.OVL file for earlier versions but all that got me was a message about glide2x.dll cannot be detected. My question is I have the 3DFX drivers in a separate 3dfx directory (like Phil!) so why are there glide drivers under the WINDOWS directory? Maybe that has something to do with my problems?

Another factor could be my CPU is too strong (850mhz.) as I read somewhere about others dealing with this. Have a vanilla SE-440BX board with a 233mhz., S3 Virge perhaps stick one of my V2's in there and see what happens. Sorry for rambling but it drives me nuts when crap doesn't work!

Asus P5N-E Intel Core 2 Duo 3.33ghz. 4GB DDR2 Geforce 470 1GB SB X-Fi Titanium 650W XP SP3
Intel SE440BX P3 450 256MB 80GB SSD Asus V7700 GF2 64mb SB 32pnp 350W 98SE
MSI x570 Gaming Pro Carbon Ryzen 3700x 32GB DDR4 Zotac RTX 3070 8GB WD Black 1TB 850W

Reply 7 of 11, by buckeye

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Rank Oldbie

Just an update for any that might be interested:

Changed to a lesser CPU P3 450mhz. (instead of the P3 850) and it works, even in a dos window no less. Only caveat is if you quit the game and come back to play it you have to re-boot, otherwise it only makes it to the screen showing the memory distributions.

On a positive note I downloaded the D2x-Rebirth version 0.58.1 and installed on my XP rig and it works great.

Asus P5N-E Intel Core 2 Duo 3.33ghz. 4GB DDR2 Geforce 470 1GB SB X-Fi Titanium 650W XP SP3
Intel SE440BX P3 450 256MB 80GB SSD Asus V7700 GF2 64mb SB 32pnp 350W 98SE
MSI x570 Gaming Pro Carbon Ryzen 3700x 32GB DDR4 Zotac RTX 3070 8GB WD Black 1TB 850W

Reply 8 of 11, by Gamecollector

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Rank Oldbie

Well, for Voodoo2 Win9x drivers - only 3.03.00b and 3.02.02 versions aren't speed sensitive. I have tested GLIDE2X.OVL (from 3.02.02 drivers) with DOS 7.1 on P4 3.2E PC. Descent II (the unofficial patch version) works ok.

Asus P4P800 SE/Pentium4 3.2E/2 Gb DDR400B,
Radeon HD3850 Agp (Sapphire), Catalyst 14.4 (XpProSp3).
Voodoo2 12 MB SLI, Win2k drivers 1.02.00 (XpProSp3).

Reply 9 of 11, by valnar

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Rank Oldbie

Does anyone still have these patches? The links above do not work.

Reply 10 of 11, by AmiSapphire

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Rank Member
valnar wrote on 2022-05-13, 15:00:

Does anyone still have these patches? The links above do not work.

The links worked for me, surprisingly enough. Either way, I mirrored them to my server.

Primary: http://cwcyrix.duckdns.org/descent2/
Alternate: http://cwcyrix.nsupdate.info/descent2/

Site update: cwcyrix.duckdns.org -> cwcyrix.nsupdate.info due to the former no longer working.

Reply 11 of 11, by valnar

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Rank Oldbie
