Reply 20 of 25, by gandhig
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wrote:Nonsense, we need to continue the trend of building a global economy and homogenising our cultures so that there's more "us" than "them". This is the process responcible for what has been a very peacful period in our history (relatively speaking) and although it will falter from time-to-time, it's the logical conclusion to what humanity has been doing for thousands of years, i.e. building bridges b/w tribes via a shared economy and eventually just merging into one big tribe.
Agreeing with this line of thought. Although the current situation is mostly not conducive for the above, this must be the path everyone should try to switch move forward as a species in the next hundreds or thousands of years to come, i.e. if we don't face some extinction level event or revenge by Nature...for the history of atrocities by our species.
Earlier it was the fear of God or 'Superior' force(along with the concept of Heaven/Hell), that instilled discipline and ethics in the majority of the normal folks. Now in the 'knowledge' age...not so much. Almost everybody wants to push the other guy aside and in 'compete' mode...most of the time. With the shortage of resources, this is inevitable. As long as the imbalance is there in our society, there is no sustained way forward for our species. Somehow the basic needs of the people all around the world have to be first met without endangering the natural harmony and environment. There are long-drawn-out ways to possibly achieve that...Also less consumption of resources and stopping the wastage of such precious resources will go a long way in that direction.
Once the basic needs of these people are met, if required, they may be supported so that their knowledge/wisdom level reaches an equilibrium with reference to others. The new generations are increasingly becoming smart, so this should be definitely feasible. Then only the imbalance and the associated shortfalls will go out of the society permanently. At the same time, greed of the people who are dictating(whereas they should have been service-minded & responsible), needs to be dealt with for taking care of the unnecessary hoarding of basic resources.
Contrary to what was said in an earlier post, the change should come from within. It may take a lot of time, but that is the only sustainable way. Currently too much of negativity is pervading everywhere and these need to be overcome by spreading positivity wherever and whenever possible. Small kind deeds all around can make a lot of impact, if done on a continuous basis...even a hardened heart could melt in such a case. Let there be compassion & enlightenment among us all...