Loaded win95 on a spare 3.2GB hard drive, surprised all the drivers were installed. Tried diablo 1 and shivers 2, both run poorly with the 2x cd drive and 66mhz cpu.
The parts for the dx4-100 came in, installed them and switched jumpers, and yeah! it works! Curious if you tried diablo 1 with the cache, I'm still waiting on mine to come in, and am interested if it would make that game smoother. The dx4-100 doesn't seem to be the bottleneck and plays about the same as the dx2-66, but maybe some of the code really was optimized for pentium.
I know it's an old game, and GOG has released a win10 friendly edition, but back then, I wanted soo badly for my 1st pc to play it, and now it does...kinda.
Anywho, thanks again!