First post, by Dexter07

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Rank Newbie

I am running DOSbox 0.74.2 with the GOG edition of X-COM Apocalypse and have tried without success to add the two savegame editors Xed and Ovrkill11 to the GOG dosbox config file.

The problem I am experiencing is that the DOSBox window closes immediately after I have started the editor (happens with both editors), leaving me unable to use the editors.

I should probably mention that both editors use the DOS window as their window.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I might get the above the work correctly (ie. something like "keep dosbox window open") ?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Reply 1 of 5, by Qbix

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DOSBox Author

the GOG shortcuts usually have a -c "exit" in them, remove that.
Otherwise, please give more details on how you "added" the editors.

Water flows down the stream
How to ask questions the smart way!

Reply 2 of 5, by Dexter07

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Rank Newbie

Thank you for your reply.

I have attached the full config file from the GOG xcomapoc folder below to show how I have added the two editors:

# ipx -- Enable ipx over UDP/IP emulation.

# Lines in this section will be run at startup.
@echo off
mount C ".."
mount C "..\cloud_saves" -t overlay
imgmount D "..\CD\xcom.cue" -t iso
goto launcher

ECHO º ------------------------------------------ º
ECHO º X-COM: Apocalypse Launcher º
ECHO º ------------------------------------------ º
ECHO º 1) X-COM: Apocalypse º
ECHO º 2) Game DOS Settings º
ECHO º 3) Xed º
ECHO º 4) Ovrkill º
ECHO º ------------------------------------------ º
ECHO º 5) exit program º
ECHO º ------------------------------------------ º

choice /c1234 /s Which program do you want to run? [1-5]: /n
if errorlevel 5 goto exit
if errorlevel 4 goto ovrkill
if errorlevel 3 goto xed
if errorlevel 2 goto setup
if errorlevel 1 goto game

xcomapoc.exe SKIP
goto exit

goto launcher




Is that enough info or should I add more ?

Reply 3 of 5, by zirkoni

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Rank Member

When you press [3], the menu goes to the xed label. For some reason the xed program fails to start, then the menu execution continues to the ovrkill label. And apparantly Overkill fails to start as well. Finally the execution continues to the exit label and DOSBox quits.

You probably want to add goto launcher at the end of the xed and ovrkill labels (menu execution returns to the launcher label).

You should debug the menu yourself:
Do the editors work if you launch them directly without the menu?
Add a pause command in the script after xed.exe so you can see if the program prints some error message (and the same for overkill.exe).


Reply 4 of 5, by Dexter07

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Rank Newbie

Thank you for the very helpful reply 😀

By using the suggested pause command, i discovered that Xed fails to start because it requires the game to be installed with the full install option and the GOG version of the game only uses the minimal install option.

The overkill editor now works perfectly.

So far so good!

Reply 5 of 5, by Dexter07

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Rank Newbie

One full install of the game later and Xed now works perfectly as well.

Problem is now solved.

Thank you to both Qbix and zirkoni for your quick replies and great help.