Reply 20 of 22, by appiah4
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- l33t++
Whatever the hell happened to ARJ over the years, by the way? Why did it disappear? It was so much better than ZIP.
Whatever the hell happened to ARJ over the years, by the way? Why did it disappear? It was so much better than ZIP.
ARJ is still out there, just nobody uses it. I think it lost the battle on compression rate and features to RAR/7Z, and lost the battle on simplicity and ubiquitousness to ZIP. - Random content on hardware, software, games and toys
ARJ saw no real improvement for decades now, its creator at some point wanted to replace it with a new program - JAR (not to be confused with Java ARchiver), but it failed to get traction.
Nie tylko, jak widzicie, w tym trudność, że nie zdołacie wejść na moją górę, lecz i w tym, że ja do was cały zejść nie mogę, gdyż schodząc, gubię po drodze to, co miałem donieść.