Thanks Dege for the detailed explanations. Without the hint to locate dxcpl.exe, I would never have been able to probe further.
Here we are with the log file : it all Greek to me 😉. Maybe the error message in line 17 can shed some light on the behaviour.
As discussed before, the resolution of this issue is not vital for me : I already thank you for your advices that allow me to learn a bit more.
Cheers, Bill.
1 0.000000 5092 Pcs99.exe Started capturing output of stdout/stderr
2 0.228201 5092 Pcs99.exe [dgVoodoo] INFO: Reading config from file C:\Program Files (x86)\PC Scrabble 99\dgVoodoo.conf.
3 0.230070 5092 Pcs99.exe [dgVoodoo] INFO: INI file based version of config file is successfully read.
4 0.230239 5092 Pcs99.exe [dgVoodoo] INFO: DDraw is successfully loaded: C:\Program Files (x86)\PC Scrabble 99\DDRAW.dll
5 0.231137 5092 Pcs99.exe [dgVoodoo] INFO: Reading config from file C:\Program Files (x86)\PC Scrabble 99\dgVoodoo.conf.
6 0.232334 5092 Pcs99.exe [dgVoodoo] INFO: INI file based version of config file is successfully read.
7 0.262449 5092 Pcs99.exe D3D11 INFO: Create ID3D11Context: Name="unnamed", Addr=0x03052FC0, ExtRef=1, IntRef=0 [ STATE_CREATION INFO #2097225: CREATE_CONTEXT]
8 0.520156 5092 Pcs99.exe D3D11 INFO: Create ID3DDeviceContextState: Name="unnamed", Addr=0x0305CDF0, ExtRef=1, IntRef=0 [ STATE_CREATION INFO #3145735: CREATE_DEVICECONTEXTSTATE]
9 0.521858 5092 Pcs99.exe D3D11 INFO: Create ID3D11BlendState: Name="unnamed", Addr=0x0303EABC, ExtRef=1, IntRef=0 [ STATE_CREATION INFO #2097270: CREATE_BLENDSTATE]
10 0.522307 5092 Pcs99.exe D3D11 INFO: Create ID3D11DepthStencilState: Name="unnamed", Addr=0x0303EC14, ExtRef=1, IntRef=0 [ STATE_CREATION INFO #2097273: CREATE_DEPTHSTENCILSTATE]
11 0.522757 5092 Pcs99.exe D3D11 INFO: Create ID3D11RasterizerState: Name="unnamed", Addr=0x0303ED6C, ExtRef=1, IntRef=0 [ STATE_CREATION INFO #2097276: CREATE_RASTERIZERSTATE]
12 0.523642 5092 Pcs99.exe D3D11 INFO: Create ID3D11Sampler: Name="unnamed", Addr=0x0303EECC, ExtRef=1, IntRef=0 [ STATE_CREATION INFO #2097267: CREATE_SAMPLER]
13 0.523886 5092 Pcs99.exe D3D11 INFO: Create ID3D11Query: Name="unnamed", Addr=0x03062D1C, ExtRef=1, IntRef=0 [ STATE_CREATION INFO #2097279: CREATE_QUERY]
14 0.524421 5092 Pcs99.exe D3D11 INFO: Create ID3D11Fence: Name="unnamed", Addr=0x03062E9C, ExtRef=1, IntRef=0 [ STATE_CREATION INFO #3146249: CREATE_FENCE]
15 0.524764 5092 Pcs99.exe D3D11 INFO: Destroy ID3D11Fence: Name="unnamed", Addr=0x03062E9C [ STATE_CREATION INFO #3146251: DESTROY_FENCE]
16 0.525321 5092 Pcs99.exe D3D11 INFO: Create ID3D11Buffer: Name="unnamed", Addr=0x0305122C, ExtRef=1, IntRef=0 [ STATE_CREATION INFO #2097228: CREATE_BUFFER]
17 0.526816 5092 Pcs99.exe D3D11 ERROR: ID3D11Device::CreateComputeShader: CreateComputeShader can only be called on devices either (a) with feature level greater or equal to D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_0, or (b) with D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_10_* for hardware that reports support for the Compute Shader. The current device is not one of these. Use the CheckFeatureSupport() API with D3D11_FEATURE_D3D10_X_HARDWARE_OPTIONS to discover support for Compute Shaders on D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_10_*. [ STATE_CREATION ERROR #68: CREATEBUFFER_INVALIDMISCFLAGS]
18 0.526936 5092 Pcs99.exe D3D11 INFO: Destroy ID3D11Buffer: Name="unnamed", Addr=0x0305122C [ STATE_CREATION INFO #2097230: DESTROY_BUFFER]
19 0.527361 5092 Pcs99.exe D3D11 INFO: Destroy ID3D11Query: Name="unnamed", Addr=0x03062D1C [ STATE_CREATION INFO #2097281: DESTROY_QUERY]
20 0.527747 5092 Pcs99.exe D3D11 INFO: Destroy ID3D11RasterizerState: Name="unnamed", Addr=0x0303ED6C [ STATE_CREATION INFO #2097278: DESTROY_RASTERIZERSTATE]
21 0.528083 5092 Pcs99.exe D3D11 INFO: Destroy ID3D11DepthStencilState: Name="unnamed", Addr=0x0303EC14 [ STATE_CREATION INFO #2097275: DESTROY_DEPTHSTENCILSTATE]
22 0.528417 5092 Pcs99.exe D3D11 INFO: Destroy ID3D11BlendState: Name="unnamed", Addr=0x0303EABC [ STATE_CREATION INFO #2097272: DESTROY_BLENDSTATE]
23 0.528754 5092 Pcs99.exe D3D11 INFO: Destroy ID3D11Sampler: Name="unnamed", Addr=0x0303EECC [ STATE_CREATION INFO #2097269: DESTROY_SAMPLER]
24 0.531658 5092 Pcs99.exe D3D11 INFO: Destroy ID3D11Context: Name="unnamed", Addr=0x03052FC0 [ STATE_CREATION INFO #2097227: DESTROY_CONTEXT]
25 0.532139 5092 Pcs99.exe D3D11 INFO: Destroy ID3DDeviceContextState: Name="unnamed", Addr=0x0305CDF0 [ STATE_CREATION INFO #3145749: DESTROY_DEVICECONTEXTSTATE]
26 0.533054 5092 Pcs99.exe [dgVoodoo] ERROR: DDBase (0012B610): Cannot initialize the DDI object.
27 0.533128 5092 Pcs99.exe [dgVoodoo] ERROR: DirectDraw (001386C8) Initialization failed: Cannot init device DDI.
28 0.548561 5092 Pcs99.exe [dgVoodoo] ERROR: DirectDrawCreate/DirectDrawCreateEx: creating DirectDraw object has failed.
29 3.881747 5092 Pcs99.exe <process started at 21:57:31.582 has terminated with exit code 0>