Slot 1 CPU fitting..

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Reply 20 of 29, by RacoonRider

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We are rushing ahead of ourselves. These brackets are brittle. There's a good chance they are broken or missing even before shipping. I have had a lot of Slot 1 boards over time and only a handful of brackets.

And just to be clear, they are not essential, the CPU won't fall off on it's own.

Reply 22 of 29, by PC Hoarder Patrol

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evasive wrote on 2020-05-18, 14:05:

Manual here:
https://www.elhvb.com/mobokive/Archive/Chaint … 6btm/index.html

Note on that: has anyone something that can convert Pagemaker 5 files to something more useful such as pdf?

You have it as pdf already (6btm0.exe / 6btm1.exe from here http://www.elhvb.com/mobokive/Archive/Chainte … /manuals/6xxxx/

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Reply 23 of 29, by Xs1nX

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I have put in an offer on this https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/324006550148

This looks far more like I expect a Slot 1 CPU to look, no weird big heatsink. and also these CPU's were introduced at the same time as the 440BX chipset in the motherboard I have on the way so are guaranteed to work from that point of view I guess ?

Reply 26 of 29, by PARKE

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Rank Oldbie

Not meaning to start a debate, just for general info.
The standard Intel SECC (PII and PIII) cassettes measure 14 millimetres width at the sides.
The Foxconn measures 16 millimetres.
I do not rule out that there may be common retention clips out there that can accomodate the Foxconn sink without modification but I certainly had to revamp a couple of them because they did not fit.

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Reply 27 of 29, by Xs1nX

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imi wrote on 2020-05-19, 12:02:


in any case, would you mind taking more detailed pictures of the retention mechanism when you have the board?

if this set up works well ill be taking lots of pics and stuff to celebrate 😀

Reply 28 of 29, by imi

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PARKE wrote on 2020-05-19, 13:17:
Not meaning to start a debate, just for general info. The standard Intel SECC (PII and PIII) cassettes measure 14 millimetres w […]
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Not meaning to start a debate, just for general info.
The standard Intel SECC (PII and PIII) cassettes measure 14 millimetres width at the sides.
The Foxconn measures 16 millimetres.
I do not rule out that there may be common retention clips out there that can accomodate the Foxconn sink without modification but I certainly had to revamp a couple of them because they did not fit.high011a.jpg

ah! that shows it a lot better, thank you for the measurement, I will check on some of mine.

it's not so much a debate, as just a very interesting discussion to me, this is not about who is being "right" but just as to what fits where 😉