First post, by XJDHDR
I am trying to play Lords of Magic through dgVoodoo. My ultimate goal is to have dgVoodoo force the game to run in windowed mode as well as scale the video output. I've opened this thread to report any problems I encounter doing so.
At the moment though, I am trying to just get the game to run with dgVoodoo installed. I copied the D3D8.dll, D3DImm.dll, DDraw.dll and dgVoodoo.conf files from the zip archive into LOM's root directory. I then tried to run the game without making any changes to the config file I copied just to see if the default settings work. However, it doesn't work. The game plays through the intro videos without issue but milliseconds after the loading screen that appears between those videos and the main menu, the game closes itself.
This problem is not present if I run the game without dgVoodoo installed. The game reaches the main menu without issue. Same thing if I change the DisableAndPassThru setting to true.
I tried using dgVoodoo versions 2.55.4, 2.62.1, 2.64 and the WIP76 build but all of them had the same problem. I have attached a log that was created when I ran the game with the debug version of 2.64
These are my system's specs:
- OS: Windows 10 Pro x64 v1910
- GPU: GeForce 1080 Ti
- Nvidia driver version: 446.14
All of my testing was done using both the GOG version of the game as well as the demo that can be downloaded here: … ition&fld=demos
Edit: Changed title from "Crash on start" to "Very low FPS".
Edit 2: Changed title from "Very low FPS" to "Various issues".
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