First post, by yanni

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Rank Newbie

ok , so i downloaded world championship boxing manager and the game runs in win xp ,though much too quickly .

When i go to run it in dos box , it asks to insert another disk then press button to continue . Then after clicking, the game comes back to the same screen .

i have no idea why the game would even ask for a disk because there is only one disk file !? and it does not come up with this screen when running in xp

Reply 1 of 12, by ChaosFish

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Rank Member

Press Ctrl+F4 in DOSBox to rescan mounted directories, maybe then it will recognize your disc.

Reply 2 of 12, by yanni

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Rank Newbie

does not seem to work 😖

Reply 3 of 12, by yanni

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Rank Newbie

what would cause this game to ask for a disk in dosbox but not in xp?

Reply 4 of 12, by ChaosFish

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Rank Member

Maybe the second disc has a different label, or something. I'm not sure what to do in that case.

If you own the game I guess you could use a "no-cd" crack without breaking the law.

Reply 5 of 12, by yanni

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Rank Newbie

the thing is , there is no second disk? the game is 780kb , made in 91 ...

Reply 6 of 12, by ChaosFish

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Rank Member

I guess I was confused by this: "it asks to insert another disk"
Misread you...
What exactly does it say in the message?

How does it run in Windows XP without DOSBox? Using VDMSound? There are utilities out there to slow down old games.

Reply 7 of 12, by yanni

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Rank Newbie

the exact message reads "insert other disk and press button" . Then after pressing whichever button , it reads "loading" then goes back to the "insert disk" screen.

no idea wtf it would come up with this for in dosbox , the game does not even come up with the screen in xp.

Reply 8 of 12, by ChaosFish

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Rank Member

Here's an idea: make an empty directory somewhere and use:
mount a [some empty directory] -t floppy

That way the game won't think you don't have a floppy drive.

Reply 9 of 12, by yanni

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Rank Newbie

thanks , but still does not work ... this is bullshit

Reply 10 of 12, by MiniMax

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Rank Moderator

I see 4 piles of bullshit here:

  1. Using a downloaded, probably illegal, copy of the game.
  2. Creating a mixed thread with vague question about how to run it directly from Windows XP, and how to make it run in the DOSBox emulator.
  3. Providing absolutely no information on how you have mounted your local folders as drives in DOSBox.
  4. Providing absolutely no information on how you installed the games.

Now, if you could please decide which pile of bullshit we should try to get levelled first, maybe we can make some progress.

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Reply 11 of 12, by yanni

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Rank Newbie

1. sorry mate but this game is in PUBLIC DOMAIN.

there is no "illegal downloading" here whatever that is supposed to mean.

2/3. the directory is mounted in c:\ , every other game has always worked by mounting "mount c c:\dos\*game*"

4. the game is installed by unzipping the compressed file contents into a labeled folder.

this is the only time i have encountered a problem like this , running a game in dosbox ..

Reply 12 of 12, by wd

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Rank DOSBox Author
DOSBox Author

Might work with a slowdown utility under XP. It does NOT run under
dosbox at the moment, have to see what they want. Maybe mount some
disk image so they get int13 access.