canthearu wrote on 2021-09-10, 12:07:Kinda. […]
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drosse1meyer wrote on 2021-09-10, 11:12:
Victims of the capacitor scourge of the 2000s I suppose?
The original capacitor plague was due to clones of the Ultra Low ESR motherboard capacitors using a particularly bad copy of the electrolyte formula. This really only directly affected capacitors that sat on the CPU VRMs of motherboards at that time. Capacitors in PSUs of that time (and up until really recently) never used those series of capacitors, and should never have had bulging problems.
But I figure the combination of computers that started to actually significantly more power (as CPUs and 3d Video cards started actually using a lot of power), along with poor PSU cooling design, along with just going full out bottom of the barrel capacitor choice, just doomed a lot of PSUs before we learned to design them better and to use better quality capacitors.
* If CPUs and video cards had stayed at the Pentium 200 MMX and s3 Trio levels of power usage, Antec would never have been designing 500W power supplies on a tight budget, nor would they be trying to dump all the waste heat from supplying that much power, we might never have had a PSU capacitor plauge.
* If Antec really properly understood how much heat these PSUs were going to be dealing with, they probably would have designed their PSUs to allow better cooling of critical components, like secondary side capacitors. Fixing this poor design might have allowed even the crap, bottom of the barrel capacitors they used, live quite a bit longer.
* If Antec just used better capacitors, they would be able to resist the heat from computers at the time and their poor thermal design to not really have too many capacitor problems.
So while I do love the Antec PSUs, and they certainly work well after a recap, I can't just blame capacitor choice ONLY for why these PSUs were so brittle.
In fact, they were used in PSU, I've already caught several PSU's with capacitors that leaked, and even exploded, but all were of dubious quality.
I believe that for those of you who live in the US, it must be less likely, as Chinese manufacturers may not be successful in offering their shit to a public that can pay for quality, but here in Brazil, they unload their shit, and Brazilians buys them with a smile on his face.
In the early 2000s, a revolution happened when a brand called PC Chips emerged, I believe it sold little in the US and in developed countries, but it was a success in third world countries like Brazil. Result: Motherboards that made an Athlon have the same performance as a Duron, boards that were defective under warranty, and sometimes came with factory defect, instabilities and frequent BSODs (until then users thought it was just operating system problems or virus). The quality was so low, that a motherboard with a 100mhz fsb couldn't reach 100mhz, and used to operate at 80mhz.
Nowadays it's hard to find old hardware around here, because due to the excess of hardware with bad capacitors, and low quality products, few have survived to this day. And even today, there is still a flood of Chinese bootlegs that sell well around here, with false specifications.